Spartan 058 incoming! -or- A dude making Linda Armor (Extremely Pic-Heavy)

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Thats a good start to the build. Gotta love the name too.
Thank you mate! :)

Well I definitely know what I'm using my 3d printer for now. Lol. That is looking superb! Not only does it have lots of detail, but since the circle parts are printed they are true circles!
Always glad to inspire others with my crazyness :D And yes you're totally right, circle parts were always a pain in the butt if one hasnt proper tools at hand. Another reason, why I decided to give it a shot. I dont know yout experience with 3D-modelling software, but modelling all those details is not to be underastimated. Its well worth the time though imo. :)

A work of art my friend :)
Thank you very much, sir! Im doing my best to make this suit look awesome! :)
Wowza. That looks superb.
Thank you very much, Sir! :)

Awrighty guys, its update-time. I had a rough week so theres not too much. However I managed to fill all the gaps in my thigh armor pieces.Also printed som details fpr them. RN they look pretty messy I know, but once theyre sealed, everything is nice and smooth :)

I also finshed my boots today. Theyre being sanded, after I finish this update post and maybe get some acrylic caulking too :)
Thats how they looks rn:

Pretty cool "feature" btw: the shoes are still detachable and hold by them selves while walking. I guess I cant run in them though. I might figure out something to attach them more securely :3
If your suit is foam you may not want to run anyway. Fear of snagging I would imagine is an issue. Not to mention stress on the seams.
If your suit is foam you may not want to run anyway. Fear of snagging I would imagine is an issue. Not to mention stress on the seams.
Yeah I know what you mean :) Now in my current suit however it is possible to run short distances without any damage. I would not recommend frequently though.

Oh my, its actually been a week since I posted any updates O____O' Well at least theres been alot of progress and therefore pictures :D Enjoy everybody! :3

I started painting and weathering on my chestarmor this week :3 It turned out pretty good imo meaning im pleased with the results :)
I used a combination of oil- and acrylic-paints for the weathering-progress. The oil-paints were smeared into the creases do darken them up and give an idea of dust and mud setteling into the recessed areas over time. I also drybrushed some edges with dark-silver(ish) acrylic paint to simulate some worn down edges. Mostly on the outside parts that stick out the most. Its all pretty random and intentionally since I wanted it to look naturally :3


Did the same thing to my boots :3

Also tried on my leg assembly to see if everything fits :3
Your build looks fricken AMAZING dude! Keep it up!

Thank you very much! I will for sure! :)

The chestpiece, the boots, everything...
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I am not worthy! :D Thanks alot mate! I will party on ! :)

I know I know, I said Im gonna do more frequent updates. Well, real life said "no" again!
Unfortunately I didnt accomplish too much this week. However, I scratchbuilt the forearms at least. :3 Rn Im doing some modeling for the rather complex details on those. Heres the raw foam build so far.

Also my undersuit from Heroestime arrived. I took the oppurtunity to slap on all the armorparts to see how it looks so far. They need proper attachment and padding of course. Also they mostly do not sit in the right spots for now. I will recreate some of the printed details on the undersuit too, since they do not starisfy my needs and Iwant the details to look more 3D-ish.

Wow just wow
Thanks alot! :D Just like you all, I cant wait to finish this badbaoy up. Still some work to do! :p

There needs to be a 'wow' button alongside the 'like'. Amazing progress, Spartan! (y)
Thatd be a nice idea! xD Though I am pretty pleased with the "Like-Feature" by itself :) Progress however has gotten slow, since I also got problems with my 3D-printer.
Thank you very much! Im glad y'all like what I did so far! :)

Awright everybody! Its been a while- Last week was yeah not too good but not too bad either. I managed to get most of all the small pieces done. Such as ( from upper lfet to lower right) the buttplate, the absplate, the shoulders, the knees, the triceps and the biceps. Here shown in "caulking-stage".

I straightly went ahead and plastidipped them today.

As most of you will assume these are all freehanded since these parts arent available as Pep.
However, incase you are wondering how I do my scrachtbuilt pieces, heres some mini-tutorial on the tricep-pieces! :D

Independently from the piece itself: Im starting of with making a paper template using reference-photos and images on google. You can pretty much think of this as an "analogue" version of Pep lol. So when I drew my template on some standart printer-paper I cut the pieces out and stick them temporarily together using some masking-tape(Every other tape will do, as long as you dont damage your template) This is also useful to check how long and how angled your bent pieces need to be.

When everything fits nice and accurately, I transfer them onto my foam floor mats.

For now everthing look pretty rough, but we will take care of that later on. Now to make the edges nice and crisp you need to angle all your edges.
I mostly use an Exactoknife for this bis since the blades dull down rather quickly my angles often look something like this.

However this is now as bad as you think, since you can always sand it down with a dremel. I tend to do this alot. Also to correkt angles on clean cut pieces, just to make sure everything fits nice and thightly.

After that I usally heat up all my curved pieces with a heatgun to bend them in the shape theyll need to have for assembly. For assembly I use contact-glue which has proven to be the best and cleanest method for me.
When the glue has set, I get back and heatseal the entire piece to close the pores even further and make it easier for the plastidip(or whatever sealant youre using) to seal the foam.

For carved in details I usally use a heatknife. Mine has different tips so I can burn different shapes into the foam. Note, all the fine gaps will be filled using acrylic caulking before sealing :)
Hope that helps you guys out. If there are any questions, feel free to ask! :3







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It looks cool, but I recommend just using the feature on the 405th "upload a file" next to the "post reply" because it seems you've been using Photobucket and half of the remaining photos aren't available. :(
It looks cool, but I recommend just using the feature on the 405th "upload a file" next to the "post reply" because it seems you've been using Photobucket and half of the remaining photos aren't available. :(
Thank you!
Well I uploaded the images form another hosters page, since photobucket sucks a** recently. However the Edit-Option wont let me delete the photobucket-links for some strange reason.
Hey there Guys!
Its been a while. I had a few weeks off and that doesnt only mean that I totally forgot to post any progress BUT it also means that I DID a lot of progress as well!
Unfortunately I didnt take too much pictures in the process, but I will explain as good as I can!
Awright, now I went ahead and did all the "smaller" armor parts which will attach with velcro to the undersuit later on and measured where exactly to attach them. The biggest problem here were the arms, since I couldnt reach the inside with my sewing machine, which means I had to sew the velco strips by hand X_X It was pretty annoying but worth it in the end.
I also freehanded some soft armor parts such as die Abdomenplate and those small hip-plates(I have no effin' clue how these are called obviously).
The fore-arms are done as well btw. They just need some padding to sit properly but other than that I just need to finish gloves, helmet and of course the rifle :3

Looking great!
Just could suggest to lower that COD piece and abdomen armor plate down because they are sitting way too high up.
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