spartan armor WIP

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405th Regiment Officer
Stream Team
well tecnically , it's not my first armor , actually it's my second , properly made , armor , the first one was a halo 3 marine , and i did take pictures but 3 days later my phone was stolen :(
but that's not the point , now i'm mkaing a spartan armor , but it'll be a combination of ... many armors of different halo games , i'll make most of the armor out of halo reach and halo 3 , i'll upload pictures as soon as i can
cardboard supressed magnum (m6s)

so , i've been working last weekend on a supressed magnum (odst) and i took some pictures ... it's not 100% finished



i don't have the blueprints , perhaps i'll make some , but after i'm done with the armor
nearly finished , just some letters and/or stickers
You did a great job on making you're helm. I love the stenciling. I noticed a few pits in you're bondo work, no big deal. But when you run into that, you could use a spot putty to fill them in. and/or primer filler. Primer filler is a heavy, thick paint that fills in all the pitting by just spraying it on and doing a lite easy sanding(sanding sponge works great here.), repeat if necessary. I hope this tip helps get you to were you want to be and I'm looking forward to see more from you.:)
thanks man ! and thank you for the tips , loved your noble 6 build btw !
ps. does anyone know what to use to make the resin's smell go away , it's kinda making me dizzy lol
DMR looks great.:D

As for the fumes/smell.... Time. Yes, I know you wanted to hear something better, but even tho the resin is hard it will put off fumes for a little while yet. I personally wash mine a few times in hot soapy water to mellow them out as much as possible.:)
I'm off to work on my chestpiece and my M6S, maybe the shoulders , i'll update my progress tomorrow night
Ok , so this is the last day of school , then 2 beautyfull weeks of armor making , since my teachers don't want me to not go to school even if we're not doing pretty much anything , i'll be working on the mark V shoulder and the forearms .
I'll finally be able to update stuff with no worries ! I'd update today earlyer but apparently photobucket is a restricted site for sharing stuff so ...
ok now , i finished pepping the mark 5 shoulder

and the FJPARA shoulder
this one i resinde the outside and added a bit of fiberglass , i had a little extra and i didn't want to do something with it

i'm currently building this things

shoulder baseç

tell me what you think !
Danielix I like your helmet, I'm currently making one just like yours :) - Same method and everthing, I posted this picture to show you what happens if you add to much bondo to the outside of your helmet and you rush yourself.... The nicer helmet is from lots of helpful hints from 405th members.

Anyways, my helpful hint is make sure you have a GREAT dremel tool- if you need help deciding on one go to this forum I made ->

Another is GET A FLEX SHAFT with the dremel... its extremly handy for getting the tough hard to reach places like near the nose of the helmet.
SANDING IS A HUGE PROCESS--- SAND SAND SAND ( the better you do on the pepakura and fiberglassing less you have to sand )
Try to avoid putting bondo on the outside unless its a total must.

Your suit is coming along nicely and your weapons are looking pretty awesome as well!! (haven't got into weapons yet myself) So keep up the work and maybe you can give me a few helpful pointers when I start on my weapon =P
thanks , and yeah i noticed my mistake of the bondo lol , i think i'll be making other helmet , maybe noble 6's mark 5 and an odst one
and i do have a dremel but my work area doesn't have any electric connection and i really don't want to sand inside my house (i tried and there was dust everywhere )... and i prefer sanding with my bare hands , makes mee feel better since i can't mess up as bad as i would with a dremel lol
and of course , i'd be glad to help you with your guns ! =D
I really like your weapons :) , your very creative, and your helmet looks great =P , some people add tons of bondo to the outside.. ( they like to sand it down to the way they want it ) ... i just hate sanding :) , and your right about the dremel- it can mess up worse then using hand sand paper. Outside work places are also very nice when sanding =P , your super smart about the whole process, and hope to see the armour complete someday in the near future =P KEEP IT UP MAN!!
a little update

first of all i wanna thank thorn 696 and nogood for their tips and support , thanks guys !

i'll be changing my way of posting things , instead of editing old posts and adding new pics to them i'll just put my new updates in a new post so it will be easy to find them ...

i'm almost done with my torso piece and my new sliced DMR (totally sliced with a new scope and a removable clip , and better detail) and i got some tips for sliced files

i'll upload the pics as soon as possible

can anyone post me a link for easy reach pepakura files ... mostly the forearms , or some templates of some sort
sliced DMR

some of my tips to do a sliced file
use a sharp knife , then put 2 or as many layers of cardboard you wish to use and tape them together , then trace the shape you want to do and cut them all together
if you've done it right you'll have almost identic pieces



do the same with the rest of the pieces

then paste them together

do the same on both sides , if it's possible use a pvc pipe to do the barrel piece

also if you cand , you may also use a removable clip

if you wish you can use bodyfiller to do some more detail , like the sides where it shows the cardboard corrugation

then paint it


after painting do a layer of white glue to the whole thing
you're finished !

i used the pepakura file , then traced it on cardboard and then hotglue everything together


i scratchbuilded the back , and i'm still working on the sides , and i'm out of resin , in 2-3 days it might be finished ... who knows
and i'm about to start on the painting , any cool armor color ?
Looking great. As for Color just go with it and come up with something different from everyone else. :D
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