Spartan Numbers

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The call tag I always use is KA-55 (It was a random choice on my part, and it's grown on me).

So if we need to keep to the format of one letter followed by the numbers, I'll take K-055. ^_^
well i just took a long tome to read through the tread i'm up for keeping offial spartin tags and for indexing them i think it should be the first letter then the numbers following it for exanple A-227, B-558, and C-001 (all thoughs are not taken) and for my tag it's S-056
You may have seen my earlier post...
Spartan Joshua-029, reporting. Yes, I have a canon Spartan named after me :cool
To go with the new info from Apothcary;
I also would like some input on if we should keep to a specific method of numbering. As in 1 letter, followed by a dash, then the three numbers of choice.(S-117, B-453) Also, the letter could be optional, or defaulted to an "S" for those who don't want it. This way we can keep it a little bit organised.
My Service Tag is SPARTAN Joshua, S-029. Class I, SPARTAN II Program.
Guys, I can start connecting pictures of your armor with your tags to take a more art-sy approach to this.

I have a uniform organizing system in mind, kind of like my profile picture you see above.

It's pretty much exactly like a Service Record in Halo 4 and what the 501st have done at their site.

Here is an example I put together, I started off with a picture of me waiting in a lobby, but re-colored it to look more like my actual in-game colors. I guess my camera likes the color blue.


Then comes the debate on how we should actually put this together. Personally, I don't feel as if a thread is good enough. It puts emphasis on the people who first posted, and those at the end. I want a grid format with squares next to squares of everybody's profile (kind of like the xbox dashboard, or any windows phone homescreens, or tiles on a street).

I would incorporate stance since it's in Halo 4, but we could make everybody stand uniformly.

(NOTE: Game levels might not be accounted since this forum isn't directly tied into real game-tracking and kill death ratios for example. Maybe a forum ranking system might work if we wanted ranks. By the way, PON3 is my Halo 4 tag. I happened to be fooling around in my game community with that tag. We wanted to intimidate the opposite team with matching... tags...)

Also, We can divide up people by Halo games and/or game time-lines, since we all seem to know the story a bit more than what the screen shows. My Spartan is literally in Halo 4, on the Infinity... participating in some War Games simulations. I'm also an Engineer.

Before I start confusing everyone with further organization suggestions, I want to leave it there. I just need to find a way to implement this however, because I don't want to start a whole 'nother forum just for this, but at the same time I don't like how it would fit into threads....

I'm f______ serious about doing this. How about you?


Edit: In response to Apothacary's wander about this thing's popularity... It must be taking off so quick because it's interactive. Everybody has a story and a character, and this is a good way to show it off without sifting through thousands of pages of posts.


Edit 2: If anybody hasn't seen it yet: Biography of your Spartan

In that thread are stories of Spartans which have been here for a while now.


  • DSC06178_zps7ad350fe.jpg
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Did you mean Victor as an in game character or 405th member?

He appeared in "Blunt Instruments" in the "Halo: Evolutions - The Essential tales of the Halo Universe" and in Halo: Bloodline. So, not so much an "in-game" character as much as an "in-book" character. Either way, he's canon, not fanfic.

I also agree to keep out fan fiction but use the "official" spartan tags. There's simply too much fan fiction out there to keep track of. Zaff posted a link to the main wiki of spartans II's. The list is kind of long but a quick search can clarify what numbers are already taken by "canonized" spartans.

The main article and the several others that I linked and referenced to (such as Victor 101 above) were found with a quick Bing search, and they're all on the Halo Nation wiki as being in-canon characters, not fan-created ones. I haven't gone through and double-checked all the others since my last post because, well, that was two pages ago. Man this caught on quick. lol.

BHS, I like the artistic approach. Might just whip up an service badge or two of my own if I get the ambition to (and decide on a configuration to use for it).
I also would like some input on if we should keep to a specific method of numbering. As in 1 letter, followed by a dash, then the three numbers of choice.(S-117, B-453) Also, the letter could be optional, or defaulted to an "S" for those who don't want it. This way we can keep it a little bit organised haha. Again, if you don't want to follow this, but still want your "own" number, I'll wright it up there. Let me know what you guys and gals think of this idea.
*Stereotypical Old Man Voice* Back in my day you could only have one letter and two numbers!
I'm referring to Halo 3; which was the time period where I first developed my persona as Ryan M-82, Spartan-III, Third member of Martyr Team.
I like your list, by the way. Only other thing I'd add is maybe names so it looks more official.

One of these days I'm going to have to actually piece together the little snippets and concepts floating around in my mind and jot down a real history/bio for my Spartan. Already going with him being one of the prototype testers for the Rogue to go along with my planned "Reach Rogue" helmet build (still need to get on that, too).
Ive stuck to and always have and will S-153 Dragunity :) being my first name is Steve, making for the S- and the 153 just worked. 13 has always been my jersey number for sports. and the five, well i like the number five haha so i just dabbed it into the middle and blamo Spartan III S-153 of valour team, Russell Owens. Reporting for Duty! Hoorah!
He appeared in "Blunt Instruments" in the "Halo: Evolutions - The Essential tales of the Halo Universe" and in Halo: Bloodline. So, not so much an "in-game" character as much as an "in-book" character. Either way, he's canon, not a fanfic.

O ok I need to get back to reading
This seems like a really cool idea. If S-323 isn't taken, that's my serial and Halo 4 tag. Pretty self explanatory :D
Calling in S-446.
I used to use S-404, but not anymore. (As in web error 404, page not found / s-404, spartan not found - ie. missingspartan)

Sort've related - has anybody identified the font used for armor ID numbers?
Do you have a reference img of the font you're trying to ID? I've used some of UI fonts before, and might be able to tell you.
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