Spartan Numbers

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GEEZ! I don't think I've EVER seen an idea take off this fast! Especially not one that I had!

Anyway, I think the pics are too big to put as signatures, because then it takes longer to get from post to post. I've been on other sites that have pictures for sigs, and it's crazy. I think maybe we could implement this on the profile page?
here's mine


  • mattitude64_blue_1.png
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I want to post mine, but waypoint refuses to show the armor I'm in. It keeps showing my old suit. The avatar generator is pulling up the correct armor, just not the gamer card.
I've noticed talk about setting area leaders and such, my self and 5 friends are part of a fire team that is functioning in and around Adelaide, south Australia, Australia, we have a set armour colour and back story and such.
Considering MissingSpartan7's suggestion I am:

German Battalion > North West Company > Wolfsburg Squad > Fireteam Wolfpack > Sven C-013, Nicknamed "Charlie 13" || Teamleader/ Sgt First Class ||Reconnaissance/Assasination
I generally have S-306 as my tag, because I shoot a .30-06 rifle competitively, and because I was born the 30th of June. I plan on putting that tag on my armor when I get that far, as well.
Wow, thanks for using my website guys :D

Here's mine:

Anyways, I usually use S-185, simply because I was born on [Redacted at user request] (first of august for those Americans who can't read dates properly).
I use the service number in-game as a sort of callsign so people know what to shout to get my attention.


  • AssaultCommand_blue_1.png
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Wow, thanks for using my website guys :D

Here's mine:

Anyways, I usually use S-185, simply because I was born on 1-8-1995 (first of august for those Americans who can't read dates properly).
I use the service number in-game as a sort of callsign so people know what to shout to get my attention.

The way you typed it, it looks like you were born on January 8th, 1995. Might wanna fix that before you say other people can't read dates properly.

-Ryan M-82


  • AssaultCommand_blue_1.png
    270.6 KB · Views: 234
That's how it works in Australia as well day/month/year two countries vs 0ne =p

Well actually Patrik said Europe, which isn't a country.

I do feel the need to note that when I initially read AssualtCommand's post I thought he was an American criticizing the rest of America's ability to read dates. So, my bad.
But thank you, Pat, I learned something today. Lol.

Wow! Never saw this tread until now.
Mine is an unknown #, that's why I use an X in its place.

Spartan LongShot-X



Awesome thread idea!



  • IMG_4707.jpg
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Well actually Patrik said Europe, which isn't a country.

I do feel the need to note that when I initially read AssualtCommand's post I thought he was an American criticizing the rest of America's ability to read dates. So, my bad.
But thank you, Pat, I learned something today. Lol.

That's true my bad when ever some one says Europe I instinctively think England for some reason.
That's how it works in Australia as well day/month/year two countries vs 0ne =p

Yea, but we're also the only country that doesn't drive on the left side of the road, so we're use to thumbing our noses at the odds. lol.
Yea, but we're also the only country that doesn't drive on the left side of the road, so we're use to thumbing our noses at the odds. lol.

The only country that doesn't drive on the left side of the road? What?
Only England, Hong Kong and a few other countries drive on the left...

Anyways, I've always loved this community and I've lurked around this place quite a number of times but this thread finally made me sign up (I used to have account way back but something happened to the site, I don't remember what).
Sadly I lack the funds or the time to make some props myself though :(

Christmas is now!:)

Gamertag: RYNOx666


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I-2382 maybe? haha never thought of actually labeling my armor with a number, I might have to start!
Been trying to think of one that is walrus themed (I just love walruses, don't judge me :p ) and can't decide. Maybe W1R5 or some variant? This sounds like it would be a fun idea but where would be the standard place for the lable? Left of right side of the chest? Or maybe the arm?
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