Spartan Service Number Forum Member List

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S-606: Amir (ArmoredAmir) | Spartan-II Class-II | | 405th Colonial Regiment | Sergeant | | Millersville, MD

Name: Amir
Spartan Tag:
October 21, 2511
Spartan II
286 lbs.
Hair Color:
Dark Brown
Eye Color:
Dark Brown, almost Black
Blood Type:

Brief Bio:
Amir was a respectable man, he always was prepared and helped out and whenever he could. He wasn't the toughest or the smartest at battle strategies but when it came to technology Amir studied everything he could about the covenant weaponry and armor and learned how to speak Sangheili in his free time.
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Re: Spartan-II, Class-I and Class-II List

S-060: Jordan (Waterishpayload) | Spartan-II Class-I || Squad: CLASSIFIED | Lieutenant | Sydney, Australia
Name: Michael/Fllschrimjager
Spartan service tag: S-257
Birthplace: Earth IL USA
DOB: //Classified//
Program: Spartan-II class-II
Rank: Lieutenant
Armor: Recon Black/Blue
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Brown
Roll: 501st attached sniper/ weapon tec.
Company/Squad: 501st mechanized infantry division
Eye Color: Blue

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Re: Spartan I & Experimental Projects List

28914-12454-MK: Michael E. Kotea (MyrHerder) | ODST || 105th Shock Trooper Division: 7th ST-Battalion | Staff Sergeant || Tucson, AZ
Since applying for this character name and registry number, I decided to go with my real name instead. Also, I have developed what happened to my character after Halo 3 going into the Halo 4-6 era.
39155-15051-BA: Brian J. Alden | Pilot/ODST || UNSC Air Force Materiel Command: AMRDEC | Master Sergeant || Tucson, AZ
After spending the post Covenant War era working for ONI recovering abandoned separatist and Covenant tech from the battlefield, Sgt. Alden has been reassigned to the UNSC Infinity battlegroup to partake in the recovery of Forerunner tech. (This takes place during Escalation/Spartan Ops.)

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S-421: Name:Sam/Dirtdives | Spartan-II Class-II || Unit: Colonial Regiment - Tough Mudder Legion | Rank:Lieutenant || Brooklyn NY

Sam/Dirtdives can trace his linage back to one of the original 300 Ancient Spartans killed at Thermopylae which is probably why he was chosen for the Spartan Program.
Excels in high risk missions. Has completed 89 sky-dive jump missions. Is rated at 5.10 in rock climbing and free climbed most of NY upstate's Adirondacks Gunks. Has completed 2 Tough Mudder training programs and has achieved the rank of TM Legionnaire.
Choice of weapon: His brain, but is proficient in most small arms weapons, edged weapons, Assault weapons. Rated 9/10 for long ranged weapons. *Note*: Would have scored higher but lacked patience while sighting targets.
Armor: Currently under construction
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My Halo identity:

RogMogBog (RMB for short, full name classified) | Callsign: Rogue | SPARTAN-II Class II | Rank: Recruit | Birthplace: MI, USA

Name: RogMogBog (Again, RMB)
DOB: Classified
Birthplace: Unknown location, Michigan, USA
Squad affiliation: Currently unaffiliated
Age: Classified
Weight: (Pre-augmentation) Classified, (Post-augmentation) 245 lbs.
Height: (Pre-augmentation) 5' 9.5", (Post-augmentation) 6' 2"

Helmet: Green/silver Mark V with yellow accents
Chest: Yellow standard Mark V plate
Shoulder/arm: Green standard plates
Leg: Green/black plates

Spartan-224 was recruited at the age of 6 for the second phase of the Spartan-II program. He displayed excellent intelligence in general, but prefers to prioritize strategy as a battle goes along, or "winging-it." His weapons of choice are a sniper rifle and whatever else is capable to defeat the enemy. He was lucky enough to survive the fall of Reach, only second in luck to Spartan-117. He feels he needs to set a good example to other units to be a great leader.
*UPDATE: Currently planning to build Mark V Security armor*
Hello everyone! I'm reading this forum since several months - and I'm just blown away by all this impressive armor creating, that's going on here - but this is my very first post, so I'm hoping the following lines will be fine... :rolleyes

This is my chosen Halo identity:

01797-06027-MK: Markus Kane (wolverine) | MK027 | Spartan-IV || Air Assault: Recon-Team SIERRA_27 | Chief Master Sergeant (UNSCAF) || Germany

And here is the long version... :$



Service Number:
Rank: Chief Master Sergeant (UNSCAF)
Name: Kane, Markus T.


Callsign: MK027
Nickname: Wolverine


UNSC Division: UNSC Air Force (UNSCAF)
Assigned Team: Reconnaissance Team SIERRA_27 (RTS27)
Team-Position: Team Leader (Leader_27)
Home Planet: Erde (Terra - SOL III)
Born in: New Berlin
Born on: 16.05.2526

Gender: male
Height: 204,6 cm (without armor) / 215,2 cm (with armor)
Mass: 124,2 kg (without armor) / 414,9 kg (with armor)
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

Relatives: [Classified]

Personal Bio: [Classified]

Armor: customized MJOLNIR GEN2 Battle Armor (MARK V / WARRIOR / RECRUIT / SCOUT)

Preferred Weaponry:

01. modified MA5D ICWS Assault Rifle (modified barrel for higher damage)
02. heavily modified SRS99-S5 AM Sniper Rifle (enhanced mechanics for higher range and armor-piercing ammo, shorter stand, retractable barrel, removable silencer)
03. two modified M6H2 PDWS Handguns (enhanced mechanics for higher range and additional sled for laser guiding system attachment)
04. modified UNSC CQCWS Combat Knife (slightly modified blade for survival issues)

Special Abilities:

01. enhanced strength & speed (up to 65 km/h while sprinting without armor)
02. enhanced perception & night vision
03. enhanced self-healing
04. trained pilot (VTOL / starfighter / bomber) & driver (all ground vehicles)
05. received ODST training for orbital jumps (with / without SOEIV)
06. enhanced Marine-Close-Quarter-Combat-Training
07. ONI training for infiltration and espionage

Actual Assignment: Recon & Support / SpecOps / UNSC Infinity (INF-101)

Commanding Officer: Commander Sarah Palmer (SPARTAN IV - SN: 65287-98303-SP)

Previous Assignments: [Classified]




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UNSC Division: UNSC Air Force (UNSCAF)
Special Abilities:
04. trained pilot...
05. received ODST training...
07. ONI training...
Actual Assignment: Recon & Support / SpecOps / UNSC Infinity (INF-101)
Very nice! Glad to see a fellow Air Force pilot/ODST on board the Infinity. You scout ahead, I fly what you find home ;)

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S-087: Nathan (Batesnhousen) | Spartan-II Class-I || UNSC | Petty Officer First Class ||Brisbane, Australia

I know that kelly is S-087 but that number works for me.
Re: Spartan-II, Class-I and Class-II List

[S-125]: [Fabian] | Spartan-[Class-I Spartan-II ] || [Leviathan]: Team Leader | [General Grade 4] || [Newcastle Upon Tyne]
S-713: Mara Shephard (Marawuff) | Experimental Spartan | Fireteam Crimson | Spartan | Europe, Poland

After Spartan-IV program launched and Spartans became own branch, to make everything official S-713 and also received a Service Number ID 07134-52713-MS.

Personal Data:
Name: Mara Shephard
UNSC ID Number: 07134-52713-MS
Fireteam: CRIMSON - this fireteam consists only of ONE member
Spartan Enlistment: //CLASSIFIED//
Birthdate: //CLASSIFIED//
Home Planet: Earth
Gender: Female
Rank: Spartan
Armor: gray with crimson details GEN2 Scout armor with upgraded Thrusters for better mobility (active camouflage for armor ability, if available)
Height: 5'2"
Hair color: light brown
Eye color: hazel
Blood type: 0+
Preferred Weapon: Magnums, DMR, AR, Sniper
Traits: creative and unconventional
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0256, 15 June, 2558

[A267]: [Tara: (Hidden Fear)] | Experimental Spartan-III || [ ONI Special Operations]: [ONI Counter-Intelligence] | [Commander] || [Nelson, Canada]

//ONI Personal File//:


Personal Data:
Name: Tara
UNSC ID Number: 982134-45192-HF
Spartan Enlistment:10/8/2531
Birthdate: 8/6/2525
Home Planet: Reach
Rank: Commander

Biological Data:
Gender: Male
~Pre-augmentation - 5' 9"
~Post-augmentation - 6' 8"
~Pre-augmentation - 135 lbs.
~Post-augmentation - 225 lbs.
~Pre-augmentation - Blond
~Post-augmentation - Silver
~Pre-augmentation - Blue
~Post-augmentation - Red
Blood type: A+

Brief Bio:
SPARTAN-A627 was often considered the quiet one, even in training his skills for being stealthy and being able to assess situations on the go is unparalleled compared to other spartans,A627 was often criticised for being so quiet though he made no comment on it. during his training ONI took special note of him and put him forward for there counter-intelligence operations where he succeeded in assassinating Two sangheili Generals undetected while on a covenant cruiser. This operation let to many successes later in the war as he became more skilled though his current location is //REDACTED// for a short time for intelligence gathering

Combat Ratings:
-Sharpshooting: 8
-CQC:10 - Excelled
-Energy Weapons: 6
-Ground driving: 6
-Gunner: 7
-Air Units: 9

-Pilot Helmet
-Tactical/Patrol Chest piece
-Sniper Left Shoulder
-MK. V MJOLNIR Right shoulder
-Grenadier Knee Plates
-Tactical Hardcase Leg attachment
-Tactical/UGPS forearm attachment
Colors: Black with Maroon stripes

-M392 Designated Marksman Rifle
-M7S/Caseless Submachine Gun.

Commanding Officer
-(As of 2552)
Admiral Margaret Orlenda Parangosky -00230-00923-MP
-(Deceased) Lieutenant Commander Kurt UNSCMID-051045888947U

- (fragment)Black Box - BBX 9905


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Service Number (027) Alexander | Spartan- S-027 || [Company]: Delta Company | Captain || Wisconsin

Brief bio:
Taken in the same manner that Kurt-051 was before the start of the Spartan-III program. Trained Spartan-III's in more covert operations and field tested the modern Spartan-III MJOLNIR armor. Listed as MIA after the fall of Reach
X-483 Frost (AdmiralTyranus)| Spartan- III| | 405th Pacific Regiment| Lieutenant | Fairbanks, Alaska

Name: Frost, Tyler
Spartan Tag:
Birthplace: Gannick 22

February 5, 2512
Spartan III
Armor: ODST-
Black/ Orange
252 Lbs
Height: 6'6"

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Blood Type: B-

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B-188: Benton (Benton188)| Spartan-III| | 405th Colonial Regiment| Fireteam: Revolution | Ensign| | Erie, PA

Name: Benton
Spartan Tag: B-188
Birthplace: Jericho VII
DOB: December 14, 2534
Program: Spartan III
Rank: Ensign
Armor: White/Yellow
Gender: Male
Weight: 230 lbs.
Height: 6' 0"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown, almost Black
Preferred Weapon: Sniper Rifle
Traits: Is an exceptional vehicle driver, prefers to go for objectives no matter the difficulty, and can improvise on field.
84948-16826-MS: Marcus Sciberras, (Stryder) | ODST || 105th Shock Trooper Division: 22nd Tactical Unit | Captain || Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

Name: Sciberras, Marcus
ODST SN: 84948-16826-MS
Birthplace: Earth
DOB: February 26, 2526
Rank: Captain
Armor: Black/Red
Gender: Male
Weight: 226 lbs.
Height: 6' 2"
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Preferred Weapon: M395 Designated Marksman Rifle, M6C/SOCOM Pistol

Brief Biography:
Designation "Stryder" was assigned to Capt. Sciberras after surviving the destruction of Installation 04 (Alpha Halo) and journeying sixteen months alone in a damaged GA-TL1 Longsword-class Interceptor while in Cryosleep. Capt. Sciberras was rescued by the UNSC "Forbidden Paradise" FFG-595 40,000 miles from Ven III.
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