POST HGC Tournament: Atlantic City NJ Showboat Hotel
Lovely location. Recently reopened for conventions only. Casino portion was still not in use. But none the less, an interesting location. Not being able to attend the full weekend, I arrive Sunday morning and helped
serenko3 and the Mrs. set up the table.
They were too short to reach up there w/o a ladder.......Yay the vertically endowed me!!!!!
And I even brought some of my stickers to give out. Yay me!!!
Food vouches were give and we enjoyed a quick breakfast in the Gamer's Lounge. Much to our surprise they set up a dinosaur in the corner of the room......An Atari 2600!!!!!! W/ a 26-bit HALO game already installed!!!
Suffice to say that I sucked at this game as much as I suck in the modern versions as well.......Yay me!!! But i digress.....
We met a whole bunch of tangent minded people there......Tangent? Yes......Tangent. Not exactly HALO Cosplayers or gamers, but HALO minded individuals. One team was extolling the virtues of nutrition and body maintenance to those of a gamer's mindset. Their product was to keep a gamer's body in a better state that that of just gaming and not exercising at all. Their notion is that if a gamer's body is in better condition, he/she could continue to play not just for longer periods of hours at a time, but the longevity of a players overall career could be increased.
Samples were given out, giveaway mixing bottles used, and some protein bars were eaten.......Stay away from the green stuff, it tastes like grass, and not in a good way.....Yay
serenko3!!!! He liked it though.
We obviously had gaming going on......There were several rooms set up but by the time I had gotten there only the main room was being used. Sorry for the sideways view....I'll do better next time. Technosaurs powers activate!!!....Yay me!!!! EDIT***So the file it too large and I can't post it.....Yay me!!!!
But here are some of the shots from the venue itself:
Hey....where am I?
And it's Team LUX for the win!!!!!
And they even had a full lineup of announcers!!
All in all Lottie is the best looking one out of the lot!!........
Should have taken a picture w/ her......oh wait....I did......I just ....have to get it ........from her......I couldn't get to my phone......I swear!!!!
A special thank you out to
Keith Brake who did a great job of taking Pics of us on the roof of the Showboat......sorry we didn't get a chance to run up to the top of the Hard Rock Hotel for your ultimate Pic. All of the pics will be up as soon as we get them or a link to them. Probably have to wait for
serenko3 and wife to get home......(Long day and long drive home)....and of course a big thank you.....HUGE THANK YOU even, to
MepeS11, for all of her dedicated work, endless picture taking and nonstop looking out for us while we patrolled the corridors for more people to educate about the 405th. Be on the look out for a big photo dump courtesy of her.