Star Wars- Sith Stalker Helmet

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There was a request for this by Corby and I couldn't pass it up. It needs to be unfolded. Any takers?

OMG Juice you did a really good job on this are you also working on his neck armor? I will be personally unfolding this too and probably building it just to see how it turns out.
Thanks! I'm not doing the neck armor because it would be a major pain to pep it. It would be way easier to make it with styrene sheet and strips. Then you wouldn't have to sand all those creases. :D
Hirgon said:
Your unfold is alot better than mine.....i am still learning the whole "unfold mechanics"

It's easy. On a fresh model, hit unfold. Don' worry about the parts layout for now. In the 3d model window, cut and join all the faces the way you want them there. Then, when all the parts are the way you want them on the model, change the scale to whatever you want it to be. Finally, arrange all the parts in the 2d window. Done! It's that easy. The secret is now out of the bag. :D
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JUICE said:
It's easy. On a fresh model, hit unfold. Don' worry about the parts layout for now. In the 3d model window, cut and join all the faces the way you want them there. Then, when all the parts are the way you want them on the model, change the scale to whatever you want it to be. Finally, arrange all the parts in the 2d window. Done! It's that easy. The secret is now out of the bag. :D

is this the helmet adorned onto the apprentice?
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JUICE said:
It's easy. On a fresh model, hit unfold. Don' worry about the parts layout for now. In the 3d model window, cut and join all the faces the way you want them there. Then, when all the parts are the way you want them on the model, change the scale to whatever you want it to be. Finally, arrange all the parts in the 2d window. Done! It's that easy. The secret is now out of the bag. :D

Thanks man..much appriciated....figured that out the hard way.....been trying to do everything in the 2D window..... DAMN! That gets difficult!
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Hirgon said:
Thanks man..much appriciated....figured that out the hard way.....been trying to do everything in the 2D window..... DAMN! That gets difficult!

Well I finally got a chance to put this together. I know it doesnt look the best, I'm not a master of pepping yet :p

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There's not much bondo can't fix. Turning the angle of the folds up would have probably helped. I just turned them down because there are alot of faces in it. It's always nice to see someone build one of your models. Are you gonna finish it?
JUICE said:
There's not much bondo can't fix. Turning the angle of the folds up would have probably helped. I just turned them down because there are alot of faces in it. It's always nice to see someone build one of your models. Are you gonna finish it?

yeah I figured some bondo would fix it up right. I'll be finishing it up for a friend that's building a whole Sith Stalker costume. I may have to rebuild it though, the default scale is a little small.
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