Starting a daedric armor build

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New Member
Hey all,

So I've decided to make a set of daedric armor from skyrim. But I'm not sure how I want to go about it.

I've made a set of T-45D armor out of pepakura and fiberglass/bondo before, but that took somewhere between 7-10 months of nearly non-stop work, and back then I didn't have a full time job and school to worry about. Not to mention the T-45D has far less detail than the daedric.

So I'm leaning more towards foam, but I haven't any experience with foam armor before. Do most people just use Pepakura as a template and then cut the foam to shape? Or is pepping the armor, then fiberglassing it and using foam in place of the bondo a possibility? Any input before I start this is greatly appreciated

Hey Happysalesman,

in your case i would use Worbla, with EVA foam as and make some of the details out of modelingplastic...
You should check out the site of this lady:
She is an master with worbla and makes the most incredable armor pieces, and on top of that she is very kind and helpfull if you ask her questions on facebook.

I'm working with worbla myself atm. I started working with Pepping my halo spartan armor, but never finished it :(
Now with worbla i'm working on a destiny hunter costume
If you have any questions, just ask, i may not be an expert, but ill be happy to help.
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