1st Build Starting my first project, have a few questions with scaling


Jr Member
Member DIN
I'm getting a little confused on how to scale some parts for 3D printing. The files I have has scaling guides and then the disassembled parts, like the forearms and belt. With the kit being scaled to a 5ft10 man, and I myself being a tiny 5ft4 woman, I find myself having to use the free form deformation on armorsmith a little bit here and there. It's mainly the belt that's bothering me. I have no idea how to translate my scaling over to the separated parts. I'm completely lost here lol. I'm just not getting it. Any tips and advice is greatly appreciated right now
Are you able to select all the pieces in the folder and add them to a scene in 3D builder or a new project in meshmixer? Sometimes when you add them all at once it does a better job keeping them in their correct location. You could then select all the parts and enter the scale you found works in Armorsmith.

I want to say you could also apply the same scaling to each individual piece as long as they oriented correctly respective to their place in the model. So even if say the front and back halves of the chest (for example) aren’t in the exact location they should be, as long as they’re oriented corrected (top and bottom are the top and bottom, front is facing front, etc.) if you applied the scaling to the individual pieces it should work.
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Are you able to select all the pieces in the folder and add them to a scene in 3D builder or a new project in meshmixer? Sometimes when you add them all at once it does a better job keeping them in their correct location. You could then select all the parts and enter the scale you found works in Armorsmith.

I want to say you could also apply the same scaling to each individual piece as long as they oriented correctly respective to their place in the model. So even if say the front and back of the chest (for example) aren’t in the exact location they should be, as long as they’re oriented corrected (top and bottom are the top and bottom, front is facing front, etc.) if you applied the scaling to the individual pieces it should work.
I'll give your suggestions a shot, thank you. Sometimes just having it worded differently helps a lot
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