Suit up & Introduce yourself!

Name : Julia
Location : Warwickshire, England, UK
Age : oh boy! Im 47 in February (27/02/1973)
Social Media : EVAlutions props and armour on both facebook and instagram
Cons : Regular at Birmingham MCM and Yorkshire Cosplay Con, occasional at some smaller local events
Cosplays : Ive done Halo 4 MC for myself - now sold, Halo Infinite MC (sort of) also for myself, Halo 5 Warden Eternal for myself, Halo 2/3 Arbiter for my daughter, halo reach EOD custom for friend, Halo 5 Stalker for a friend, Halo 5 custom Spartan for a friend, Red v Blue Chain guy for a friend, ODST for a friend, Ironman Endgame quantum custom for a friend, Anakin Skywalker for a friend and loads of weapons for myself and friends (think thats all!)

Skills : Patience!
Unfortunately my skills does not include computers so I cannot figure out how to upload pics :lol:
Name : Julia
Location : Warwickshire, England, UK
Age : oh boy! Im 47 in February (27/02/1973)
Social Media : EVAlutions props and armour on both facebook and instagram
Cons : Regular at Birmingham MCM and Yorkshire Cosplay Con, occasional at some smaller local events
Cosplays : Ive done Halo 4 MC for myself - now sold, Halo Infinite MC (sort of) also for myself, Halo 5 Warden Eternal for myself, Halo 2/3 Arbiter for my daughter, halo reach EOD custom for friend, Halo 5 Stalker for a friend, Halo 5 custom Spartan for a friend, Red v Blue Chain guy for a friend, ODST for a friend, Ironman Endgame quantum custom for a friend, Anakin Skywalker for a friend and loads of weapons for myself and friends (think thats all!)

Skills : Patience!
Unfortunately my skills does not include computers so I cannot figure out how to upload pics :lol:
Can I be your friend?! :lol:
Haha yeah if you tell me where the ‘upload image’ button has gone?
I think I know what you mean. I have noticed this in two other threads in the past. The upload image button should be next to the post reply and preview buttons under where you write, but it isnt there. Either the user that posted the thread disabled images from other posters, or it is just a weird bug that happens every now and then...
Name: Sarah Mac
Location: Leicester, Leicstershire, England
Age: 36
Social Media: Instagram @sarahmac8312 and twitter @HawkMalMust
Cons: depends on costs
Cosplays: I am planning a spartan 4 cosplay or Cortana
Skills: I am able to support Autism
Hi everybody, I will have a go then, too ;)

Name: Alex
Location: near Gütersloh, North-Rhine-Westphalia
Age: 32

Social Media:
Facebook: Phoenix-Arts
Instagram: PhoenixArts-Photography (@phoenixarts_photography) • Instagram photos and videos

Cons: mostly german cons, though I try to be more present at a wider range

Cosplays: I stardet with it around 2016, mainly as photographer, when my friends took me with them on my first con (FBM). That's when I found out how much fun it is and over the years the urge to also stand in front of the camera, instead of behind grew stronger and I am considering my first cosplay as Cpt. Keyes.

Skills: 3d printing, (beginner) 3d modeling, crafting in general, electronics/Arduino, photography, retouching and music production
Name: Laura
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Age: 20
Social Media: Instagram @bariox416
Cons: Salón del Manga, Salón del Cómic, Japan Weekend Barcelona, and more if possible
Cosplays: started a Felix from RvB armor years ago but never finished it, been cosplaying as a mandalorian for some years now, and want to start (and finish lol) a Halo costume soon. Don't know yet what kind of armor I want, but ODST, Reach and Mark V-VI are some of my options.
Skills: just started with 3D printing and used to do basic 3D modeling, also photo editing
Hello everyone :)

Name: Maciek
Location: Cracow, Poland
Age: 15
Social Media: Instagram: Macieg (@spartan_a247) • Instagram photos and videos
Cons: PGA, Pyrkon, WCC and hopefully I'll be able to go for conventions abroad in future like epiccon or gamescom.
Cosplays: I have finished Master Chief cosplay from Halo 4 and now I'm working on my own character Gen 2 Hazop with Reach attachments.
Skills: I finished 3D printed suit so... let's say: 3D printing - medium level, learning foamsmithing.
Name: Max
Location: Clacton on the sea, UK
Age: 15 (16 in two months)

Social Media: Instagram - ThePowerLegend
Cons: would love to go to one if there was one close to here...
Cosplays: I wanted to try cosplay, started not long ago, I don't have much money to start but I've utilised the tools I've got, I've started making the ODSt suit that Andrew DFT has a guide for, I've managed to create the helmet so far but I don't have enough foam for the whole set yet (The helmet rather messy with hot glue and asymmetrical but its a start..)

Skills: I've not got any good skills at the moment with cosplaying, but I hope to improve them but maybe 3d printing?

I'm not too sure if ill ever get to the skill level people have on this site but I love seeing how amazing people are at creating costumes from my favourite franchise ever
I'm not too sure if ill ever get to the skill level people have on this site but I love seeing how amazing people are at creating costumes from my favourite franchise ever

Everybody starts somewhere and I'm sure with some time and resources (and this community) you can absolutely build something amazing. The important part is to start somewhere and you already did that :)
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Name: Ellis
Location: Yorkshire in England
Age: Manufactured in 1997 July edition

Social Media: masterdude13579 on insta and masterdude13579 on twitch
Cons: Cons in the UK
Cosplays: havent built a full one yet but im working on a spartan mk 4 mash up
Skills: I have access to industrial grade vinyl printing and I can weld


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Hi everyone super happy to be part of the 405th european reignement and can't wait to meet yall.
Name: Tadgh
Location: Roscommon

Country: Ireland


Social media: Instagram helljumper16

When I started cosplaying: I started in July making a ODST cosplay.
Cons: any gaming cons or any major cons in my country.

Cosplays: my ODST OC I plan on making a mandolorian

Skills: don't really have any I'm good at rowing
Still need to get pictures of my armor when I finish it
Name: Koen
Location: The Netherlands, specifically the northern bits
Age: I'm from 1993

Social Media: I have a personal Facebook and an Instagram channel for posting prop pics(currently empty).

Cons: Mostly Dutch cons but I might give some German ones a try in the future.
Hopefully, I'll meet some folks in the 405th to go to cons with.

Cosplays: Currently working on a halo reach suit via 3d printing.

Skills: I'm okay at 3d printing things, other than that I like to read but I wouldn't call that a skill.

As for progress pics, I have a build thread going on the forum: [1.5ish build] 3d printed Halo Reach kit.

Looking forward to joining the regiment when I actually have the 50 posts racked up.
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Hi, been on this forum for a while now.

Name: Hein
Location: Overijssel (somwhere in there)
Age: 29 (almost 30 XD)

Social media: I do have a FB but don't post there to often, same goes for insta - hein1172020

Cons: Would love to visit any of the cons that are within driveable distance.

Cosplays: the odst is my second costume i made. First one was made up of some clothing and a home made gatling gun. (no, will not share that picture)

Skills: I have some skills working with CAD programs, dipping my toes in for some more complex shapes. Would love to get into 3D printing at some point. And work a lot with styrene stuff for scratchbuilding.

Cosplay and part pics will follow. (maybe even a pic of my first costume by popular demand)
Mein Name ist Chris
Ich bezeichne meinen eigenen Spartan einfach Spartan 84
Komme aus der nähe Heidelberg in Deutschland
Bin 36 Jahre alt aber immer zu 51 % ein Kind geblieben zumindest was das Hobby betrifft
Mein Insta Account ist cosplaymodellbau zu dem bin ich Gründer einer Cosplaygruppe
mit dem Namen Cosplayhelden. Schaut doch gerne mal vorbei.
Schaue gern andere Projekte an weil man kann immer was dazulernen.
Habe vor 7 jahren angefangen für andere Cosplaywaffen zu bauen und so hat sich das ganze dann entwickelt
Ich habe nur ein Halo Cosplay mein Spartan 84 den ich sehr mag.
Versuche hier generell zu helfen wo man kann. mache ich gerne.
Aktuell interressieren mich verschiedene Waffen aus dem Halo Universum und wie gesagt andere Halo Cosplays.

Zudem muss ich hier mal paar gleichgesinnte zu finden und ich denke das werde ich.
lg Chris
Czech Republic reporting for duty, sir!

Name: Call me Sakis (i'm from a bilingual family and my father's Greek)
Location: Czech Republic, near Brno
Age: Born in 2001

Social Media: Instagram - Login • Instagram
Cons: Mostly at Czech cons - AnimeFest in Brno, Advik in Prague and also ComicSalon in Slovakia. Might add Prague ComicCon
Cosplays: I am currently a cosplayer for a year and a half. I don't have a HALO cosplay, but I do have Geralt of Rivia and Iron Man Mark IV, so I'm gonna post at least that if that's OK.
(Also, currently I am editing some of the foam patterns for Mjolnir Gen 2 Mark VI, if they actually work, I'll post them)
Skills: Pretty good at mimicking voices (my Geralt voice is very similar to the original)


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