Suit up & Introduce yourself!

Name: Pascal aka SilverFox
Location: Germany, Limburg an der Lahn
Age: 30

Social Media: yes FB: SilverFox Cosplay

Cons: Games Com, Leipziger Buchmesse (MCC), Animagic, Connichi, Comic Con Stuttgart and others when i got time.
Cosplays: I startet Cosplay with 18 years, first with Assassins Creed, then Star Wars Snowtrooper/Tie Fighter Pilot, Marvel Hydra Offizier WW2 Style, Fallout Ranger New Vegas, WW2 Medic and WW1 Soilder.
What HALO Costume did you create? I`ve got an HALO ODST with some personal touch.
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress.)
Kopie von Heil Hydra-1.jpg

Skills: nothing special

Halo ODST.jpg


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Name: Nadia/InterfectorFactory
Location: Netherlands
Age: 26

Social Media:

Digital art:
Cons: Dutch/Holland comiccon, castlefest,
Cosplays: my DnD character Lilith, I also have the clothes for Ellie Sattler and Black Canary and ofc my mk7 with my own custom colours

Skills: 3D modelling (I am a game artist), painting and drawing, weird amount of knowledge about animals
Name: Mikhail Andropovich
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Age: 28

Social Media:
Cons: Schedule - Comic Con Baltics Vilnius Comic Con in October
Cosplays: I haven't started yet, this will be my first one. I plan to be read by then.
Share some of your work, completed or in-progress. We put together a helmet in a few hours out of insulation foam for practice. We will do better with the next one.
Skills: None applicable.

Picture: (Post pictures of your HALO Costumes. Please try to use thumbnails.)
Feel free to add any information you think, would be usefull.


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Name: Eoin
Location: Westmeath, Ireland
Age: 27

Social Media: @Midlands_Mando on Instagram
Cons: Any major cons in Ireland, and hopefully some in Mainland Europe soon
Cosplays: I started cosplaying about 2 years ago as The Mandalorian, then followed it up by making Jun's Armor from Reach.

Skills: 3D modelling and printing, painting, weathering


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Greetings, Spartans and Helljumpers.
I introduced myself in the international thread, but some extra infos are needed, I guess. Especially if we will gather to finish the fight.
Also, guess I'm the only italian here (I hope I'm wrong, because I would really feel like Rookie in ODST lol)

Name: Corus Riggs (it's my gamertag too)
Location: Italy, Padua
Age: 36

Social Media: not an artist, but I've FB and IG (links in profile)
Cons: Idk, but I want it, someday
Cosplays: Not yet
Skills: I'm very skilled at doing nothing, eat everything and making bad jokes
Hello fellow 405th European members,
Hey Guys! So this is my first official post on the 405th page! I have been a member since March but this is the first post with a little introduction!
I got to meet some of you at Dublin Comic Con in August last year and I hope to meet more of you over the year!
Name: Sean
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: (26)

Social Media: Noble5cosplayeire

Cons: Dublin Comic Con mostly but have plans to attend Gamescon in Colonge
Cosplays: Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Johnny Silverhand(Cyberpunk 2077)
What HALO Costume did you create?

Jorge-052. Noble 5 and Emile-A239. Noble 4
Skills: (Do you have a special skill?)

Emile Helmet printed on a bambu labs P1 and Jorge made from foam and a 3D printed helmet


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Name : Chris
Location : UK, Bristol
Age :23

Social :
Discord - UK Fallback
Instagram - commander.Ford

Cons : any England based convention

Cosplay : started at the start of 2024 and first made my ODST armor and now making Spartan 2 039 Issac

Skills : really good at halo games and play them for ages and great knowledge in halo lore also have a 3d printer on hand it print stuff

Pictures : most are from the lastest Insomnia gaming festival (would recommend going )
Name: Sam
Location: UK, Hampshire
Age: 36

Social Media: nope
Cons: Portsmouth Comic-con, Portsmouth anime and gaming Con, various round the UK and a few in Europe.
Cosplays: literally just started, building a set of MKV for my kid and then will build mine :)

Back plate by Sam Humphries, on Flickr

Skills: 20 years of engineering experience, degrees in aeronautical and electronic engineering :p, stubborn AF. laser cutting and painting. well set up workshop in south UK if anyone needs help.


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Hey, everyone!

Name: Will
Location: Ramstein, Germany
Age: 37

Social Media: I have an instagram where I show off my 3D printing projects and some family stuff, wlpage
Cons: Not sure, just moved to Germany a few months ago
Cosplays: I started with a Beskar Trooper from Mandalorian S3 back in 2022, and finished an ODST this year.
Name: Garth
Location: Ireland Midlands
Age: 22

Social Media: Discord:Garthok2962

Cons: None so far but might attend Dublin or London cons

Cosplays: Haven't started cosplaying yet but want to start soon. I want to maybe start on an ODST cosplay before I go full custom spartan

Skills: I like to think i'm good at building stuff painting not so much lmao

If you want to talk about anything im always here
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