Supanova Gold Coast Meetup 2022

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Member DIN

With Supanova swinging by the Gold Coast in April, the 405th Australian Regiment is looking to organise a cosplay meetup! This will take place on the Saturday (9th). We’ll be rallying at Foyer A/B on the ground floor of the convention centre (refer to the map below) at 12:00, then marching across the street to Victoria Park for some nice surroundings and fresh air.

Please note that this schedule may be subject to change depending on the official schedule of the Supanova event and weather conditions.

Today was seriously something epic. Thank you to absolutely everyone that was able to make it! We had a great number of people for the shoot, with some also coming and going before we got ourselves fully prepared. We had some fun shenanigans, Tock Ticks were made, and it was great being able to discuss things with one another. I'm greatful to whereisdanielle and CaminusPrime for their tips in getting the event organised (they even drove interstate for the con too!). Alas due to the weather we couldn't get out to the park (it would've been to muddy and humid after the rain), but we found a good spot upstairs with A SHRUBBERY as a backdrop. Being my first time organising an event like this I was a little rusty, so cheers everyone for being as patient as possible.












My highlight of the catchup and the day though was just before the shoot, when we were all gathered together but doing different things. A mother with two young sons approached us, and it looked like she wanted a picture but wasn't quite sure how to ask. So I asked her if she was looking to get a picture with some of the troopers. After she said yes please, I rounded up a few of our armoured allies to get a picture with one of her sons.

The mother was extremely greatful and knew her son would be over the moon too. She was telling me how she's part of a group that was walking around with kids with Autism, and we had just made the day for one of them. As a cosplayer (not that I was in costume), it's really something special to be able to use our powers for good like that.
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The mother was extremely greatful and knew her son would be over the moon too. She was telling me how she's part of a group that was walking around with kids with Autism, and we had just made the day for one of them. As a cosplayer (not that I was in costume), it's really something special to be able to use our powers for good like that.
So next.... Supanova Brisbane 05-06Nov... Right? I would guess most of those able to make GC would be in the same driving range.
There's (hopefully) Oz Comic Con in Brisbane sometime in September after this, then after that it's Brisnova!
Ah... Found it. Thanks for that.

Planning will be tight for me {relocating to AU}:
  • 15aug - Flight lands BNE
  • 17-18sep - Oz ComicCon (doubt freight with costumes/armor will arrive by this date)
  • 05-06nov - Supanova Brisbane (should be up-armored)

    Yeah, freight day was fun.
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I am very late to this but have only discovered the forums recently amd only singed up a few days ago but I went to Gold Coast Supanova on the Sunday and managed to get these photos while waiting for Temuera Morrison. I wish I could've stopped and chatted especially with the whoever was the ODST there on the day but time was short.

I cant wait to hopefully one day be able to join you guys!
Welcome to the 405th! There were a few ODST's there which I may be able to help you find social handles for - do you have a picture of them, or could you describe the colour of the armour?
Welcome to the 405th! There were a few ODST's there which I may be able to help you find social handles for - do you have a picture of them, or could you describe the colour of the armour?
Thanks for the welcome! I do believe it was the ODST in the blue visor with the flood spore or at least I believe so my memory is a little bit fuzzy trying to remember that far back
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