My printer is slowly getting to a point where I’m happy with the quality again, churning out the Belt pieces so I can lock in my Abwraps scaling. In the meantime, trying my hand at the decals.
I’m not sold on them being decals, as having them raised on the surface, even just slightly, may break the immersion. However, with the complexity of the designs I want, hand cutting stencils seems futile in the long run, if anyone has any solutions for easily making stencils, I’d love to hear it!
Small update, the belt is nearly fully printed and sanding has begun on the pieces that I have. The weather was nice so I was able to paint up my sidekick and further sand my BR!
Big moves this week on the spartan build. The helmet is a Branfur resin cast with the corresponding visor, been a while since I’ve worked with one of these.
Cutting out the space for the visor was very messy, and I had to be extra careful I didn’t remove any material near the edges that I can’t replace. Once that was done, it was time for paint!
I first hit it with the Flat black, then taped off the areas that would stay black, before hitting it with the green. Once I had the green on, I realized my attempt to remove the flash seam didn’t work as well as I hoped. Honestly not sure what to do about that now
Helmet has been untaped, and barring a few touch ups, didn’t turn out too bad! Looking forward to adding the internals once I do the clear coatView attachment 358323
Helmet has had its visor installed! Probably the best visor install I’ve had yet, I hate doing them. All that’s left is to pad it out and add the other electronic internals