- Member DIN
- S2424
We did take whatever we had built and paint it for a Hero and Villain's con here in NJ.....but due to a mishap, photos were lost. The helmet came out great but a bit too small. Never got it fiber-glassed on the inside. If I did that then there would be no room for her head. The only thing missing was the chest piece. I eventually figured out why things were not sized correctly. I sized the whole thing to be a bit over 6 feet tall.......which my daughter is just under 6. So I thought ok, 2 inch gap should fit her correctly. I didn't take into account the crest/wings of the helmet when I unfolded the whole thing. Should have went for 6'6" as the crest/wings is about 4' off the top of the helmet proper........It was resined on the outside enough that it held nicely to spray paint, but all the seams were showing. It was a great learning exp for her and she is getting better at it. Soon she'll be on her own doing her own builds.......I just have to keep up w/ her supply list. "Daddy, can I have money for foam....and paint.....and blades......and I need a new cutting board? Maybe one of those self sharpening cutting boards that PerniciousDuke has."