that little ich in the back

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halo fan

New Member
so iv come to the problem that I make the back pice and make it look proportionate, you guys got any ideas
Hi halo fan !

The "Questions and support" section is meant for questions and support related to the forum itself. This question might be more suited for the "Halo costumes and props" section or "new recruits".

That being said I'd still be happy to try and answer your question, though I'm not entirely sure what you're asking. Are you trying to make sure that piece of armour you are making will fit properly? What piece are you working on? What method of constuction are you using? (foam/3D printing/pepekura). Perhaps a picture would help me out. :)
I've moved this thread to the Halo Costumes and Props area to hopefully get better visibility. There will remain a redirect in it's original location for 5 days and original OP has been notified.
sorry I haven't been able to respond or see the comment I was just now been now helped with the problem
to n8tebb : i'm working on the back torso piece method foam and sorry I'm not that good with files so I can't include photos:(
to fangs: who's op? and thanks for the help
to fangs: who's op? and thanks for the help
OP is an abbreviation for Original Poster, the person who created the thread, so in this case, you.
Hi halo fan, sorry for being offline for so long. Life got a tad busy over here :p

I recently made a foam torso section for my mk 7. I used the mk 7 template that is available in the armoury and scaled it in armorsmith (Armorsmith is a program made for cosplayers to digitlly scale 3d files so you can make them proportionally correct.) I'm 5'11" and is turns out 100% scaling works just fine for me. Are you using templates to make you armour? If so, are you having trouble figuring out how big to print them?
Hi halo fan, sorry for being offline for so long. Life got a tad busy over here :p

I recently made a foam torso section for my mk 7. I used the mk 7 template that is available in the armoury and scaled it in armorsmith (Armorsmith is a program made for cosplayers to digitlly scale 3d files so you can make them proportionally correct.) I'm 5'11" and is turns out 100% scaling works just fine for me. Are you using templates to make you armour? If so, are you having trouble figuring out how big to print them?
I'm mostly having trouble getting my parents to trust me with basically anything printer related idk why
Hi halo fan, sorry for being offline for so long. Life got a tad busy over here :p

I recently made a foam torso section for my mk 7. I used the mk 7 template that is available in the armoury and scaled it in armorsmith (Armorsmith is a program made for cosplayers to digitlly scale 3d files so you can make them proportionally correct.) I'm 5'11" and is turns out 100% scaling works just fine for me. Are you using templates to make you armour? If so, are you having trouble figuring out how big to print them?
don't have the money for armor smith or have the computer required for the program do you have any other suggestions
You can scale your pieces using the free program Pepakura Designer and a fabric measuring tape. Once you've measured yourself you can click in the program and "measure distance between two points" to confirm the fit.

It is described here in Xtreme Tactics Method #2.

Post in thread 'How to Scale Your Armour- Tutorial V.2' How to Scale Your Armour- Tutorial V.2

Other methods for scaling can also be found in the Tutorial index.

You can scale your pieces using the free program Pepakura Designer and a fabric measuring tape. Once you've measured yourself you can click in the program and "measure distance between two points" to confirm the fit.

It is described here in Xtreme Tactics Method #2.

Post in thread 'How to Scale Your Armour- Tutorial V.2' How to Scale Your Armour- Tutorial V.2

Other methods for scaling can also be found in the Tutorial index.

thanks your a look saver
Sure thing. Pepakura Designer will say you have to pay, but the only thing you get for that is the ability to save. You can get around this by just writing down what you scale the file to and rescale each time you need to access the file.
thanks your a look saver
Sure thing. Pepakura Designer will say you have to pay, but the only thing you get for that is the ability to save. You can get around this by just writing down what you scale the file to and rescale each time you need to access the file.
this kind of help is why I turned to 405th
don't have the money for armor smith or have the computer required for the program do you have any other suggestions
Pepekura will do the trick like PerniciousDuke said, but I'm pretty sure that is a Windows program. I've heard of people loading windows onto an apple computer, but that might be a bit of a convoluted solution. It might be worth looking around to see if there's a windows computer you can use - your local library or school will probably have a computer and printer you can use, if not a friend that you can borrow from.
Pepekura will do the trick like PerniciousDuke said, but I'm pretty sure that is a Windows program. I've heard of people loading windows onto an apple computer, but that might be a bit of a convoluted solution. It might be worth looking around to see if there's a windows computer you can use - your local library or school will probably have a computer and printer you can use, if not a friend that you can borrow from.
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