The Acolyte TV show discussion


Well-Known Member
I really enjoyed having the space to talk about the Halo show on paramount + the past two seasons and was hoping people might want to have similar discussion about The Acolyte on Disney+ (funny how everything is a "plus" these days). I'm a big Star wars nerd but I don't really have anyone to talk to about the new shows that are coming out.

If posting content about an episode, please hide it with the spoilers stuff like on the Halo show thread.

I just wanted to start and say that I have really enjoyed the show so far.
I really like what they have done with the Jedi in this time period. I haven't been able to engage with any of the other content from this era, but I really like how the Jedi feel so different than the ones we know from the prequel era and later. The emphasis on defense and not drawing their lightsaber is great and way different that we see later in the movies. The evil twin twist is a bit played out but I suppose it's been a while since anything new utilized that trope. I'm glad they got it out of the way early too. I was not looking forward to a long drawn out "the Jedi don't trust or believe Osha and she has to try to defend herself" plotline. I'm sad that Torbin died so early, he looked like a cool character, but hopeful because it seems like the show might have a lot of flashbacks so we can get to know the Jedi who have died already.

I wasn't personally offended by the coven of witches thing or anything from episode 3. It seems far enough in the past that it doesn't mess with Nightsister canon. It does seem like the Jedi murdered all the witches tho, so I'm interested in how that's going to play out.

Also might start a running poll on who we think the sith lord is going to be. That feels like the big reveal of this season. My latest guess is it's actually the Asian dude who made the poison for her. He strikes me as someone who is capable of much more than he is letting on. Probably not but still fun to speculate. K
Hey! Mega Star Wars nerd here and I've been enjoying the show as well. I started to get into the High Republic era around 2021 and I am loving it! I can not recommend the books enough.

Episode 3 plot details
Nothing has been canon-breaking IMO as people online are saying. To me, there is a huge difference between the witches manipulating the force to create life (a process we are still very in the dark about) and the force itself creating life.

Can't wait to talk more in the coming weeks!
Hey! Mega Star Wars nerd here and I've been enjoying the show as well. I started to get into the High Republic era around 2021 and I am loving it! I can not recommend the books enough.

Episode 3 plot details
Nothing has been canon-breaking IMO as people online are saying. To me, there is a huge difference between the witches manipulating the force to create life (a process we are still very in the dark about) and the force itself creating life.

Can't wait to talk more in the coming weeks!
I agree. I didn't see anything that broke canon in my view.
Episode 4 was good. I think sol is being overly cryptic and as such his dialogue isn't very natural sounding at times but it's fine.

first off, am I just stupid or...? I have watched it twice now and not seen Plo koon... I did see someone who looked like ki-adi-mundi with a goatee, but honestly you could tell me it's a different dude of the same species and I would go with it. Interesting that the sith dude was already on the planet when Mae decided to bail. I feel like the little Asian dude who is helping her is gonna turn out to be the master. He's just very sus.
Episode 4 was good. I think sol is being overly cryptic and as such his dialogue isn't very natural sounding at times but it's fine.

first off, am I just stupid or...? I have watched it twice now and not seen Plo koon... I did see someone who looked like ki-adi-mundi with a goatee, but honestly you could tell me it's a different dude of the same species and I would go with it. Interesting that the sith dude was already on the planet when Mae decided to bail. I feel like the little Asian dude who is helping her is gonna turn out to be the master. He's just very sus.
There is another Kel Dor Jedi with the group in the forest. That was actually Ki-Adi! Which totally cause a normal reaction out of Star Wars fans :(
Oh man. Episode 5 was intense.

they somehow made a whole episode about one fight. And it wasn't boring! Totally called the master being the little Asian dude. Also I am can't believe they killed so many characters! I was starting to really like them too. Nord or w/e his name is got kinda old but I was looking forward to some character development for him. I guess not...excellent choreography tho. Not sure what's going to happen now. I guess Osha and Mae are gonna switch roles and Mae is gonna be with the Jedi while Osha goes off with the sith? I guess see will see.
The choreography was imo the best we've had since TLJ. Plus seeing cortosis back in canon was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Mae is still very much a mystery to me. All I know about her is that she wants to be with Osha more than anything curious to see how she'll develop. RIP the Yord Horde you will be missed
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