The Best forum game you've ever played!

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Well that escalated very quickly... (The "excelated" really messed up my head LOL)

ahm sew tyrd ov nat beyng abel two by the no gayms relzeded bai jewbysovd bcaz dhey R sow ekcxspenzyv!

(Not my best, I'll be honest with you)
OWO!!! i ony ot 3/4 of tat messsge Shivias. Ut oy fugot ot eav a mezed ut messsge sa wil, os I ill fer ye, adn yu lot a pinot WTB.
Oh, wow! I only got three quarters of that message, Schankerz . And you forgot to leave a messed up message as well, so one for you, and you lost a point by the way.

Gmz r cra z axpansuv! I nuw. Tats y I rnt b4 I by.
Games are crazy expensive! I know. That's why I rent before I buy.

Ohhh, rly? Iv nvr rentd a gm bfr I bot 1. I alawz by, bt I du lotz uf rsrch frts. I hv nvr bn dsatsfid with a gm other thn ttinfll (th rgnl)

ehe, nst ov mi gmz r Hlao, and I beet almzt al ov me' on lrgrndree solo. Bt Detsiny cozzed may Hlo kisl to dullllll.
Oops.....I'll remember next time!

Games are crazy expensive! I know. That's why I rent before I buy.

bath's r rlee hlpfl 2 nw f u aktule lk eh gam oar knt, i lwas tri 2 ply wn f a gam hz 1 2 c f i lic it or knt.
That's really helpful to know if you actually like a game or not, I always try to play one of a game has one to see if I like it or not.

soh, thts wut I tink u sed, bt ts rely herd to tl. yr sntnc structchure is relly weerd, so I hahd to ges. :D

Iv nvr rentd a gm bfr I bot 1. I alawz by, bt I du lotz uf rsrch frts. I hv nvr bn dsatsfid with a gm other thn ttinfll (th orgnl)

hehe, mst ov mi gmz r Hlao, and I beet almzt al ov tm on lrgrndree solo. Bt Detsiny cozzed may Hlo kisl to dullllll.
Well you almost got it...

Beta's are really helpful to know if you actually like a game or not, I always try to play on if it has one to see if I like it or not.

So, that's what I think you said, but it's really hard to tell. Your sentence structure is really weird, so I had to guess. :D
I've never rented a game before I bought one. I always buy, but I do lots of reasearch first. I have never been dissatisfied with a game other than Titanfall (the origional)
Hehe, most of my games are Halo, and I beat almost all of them on lengendary solo. But Destiny caused my Halo skill to dulllll.
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