- Member DIN
- S028
Hey there Hoser! Nice progress so far!
The issue with the helmet is a costuming norm.The helmet fits, but the opening is a little small. Even the first helmet I made (which was too big for me) had a smaller opening and I had to expand the opening to get my head to fit through
After you're done fiberglassing, just shave off some layers on the opening little bits at a time until it fits.
Good luck on your build!
The issue with the helmet is a costuming norm.The helmet fits, but the opening is a little small. Even the first helmet I made (which was too big for me) had a smaller opening and I had to expand the opening to get my head to fit through
After you're done fiberglassing, just shave off some layers on the opening little bits at a time until it fits.
Good luck on your build!