New Member
Thanks RTGCBT ^_^
I've been soaking in as much as I can, when I can(though I haven't read up on resizing yet).
I'm hoping my prior experience with minor building and art related things will help give me a tiny bit of an edge. Like getting into things that give me a good sense of artistic achievement.
So far my experience with armour building is mostly with chicken wire and paper mache, doing it that way does lead to many scrapes and cuts when molding on ones self and I look like i've been mauled by my cat. Haven't gotten as far an I'd like as I keep getting stuck here and there with different things. I'd always wanted to get it to the point of putting something like bondo over the top of that by never got to test it out.
I've always been drawn towards the armoured folk more so than the rest of the flock. I can hide in a helmet
At the moment my biggest issue is lack of workspace, which I'll be working on as soon as possible.
I've been soaking in as much as I can, when I can(though I haven't read up on resizing yet).
I'm hoping my prior experience with minor building and art related things will help give me a tiny bit of an edge. Like getting into things that give me a good sense of artistic achievement.
So far my experience with armour building is mostly with chicken wire and paper mache, doing it that way does lead to many scrapes and cuts when molding on ones self and I look like i've been mauled by my cat. Haven't gotten as far an I'd like as I keep getting stuck here and there with different things. I'd always wanted to get it to the point of putting something like bondo over the top of that by never got to test it out.
I've always been drawn towards the armoured folk more so than the rest of the flock. I can hide in a helmet
At the moment my biggest issue is lack of workspace, which I'll be working on as soon as possible.