*The Official* Halo Reach Pepakura Files Thread

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My avatar is just the old model, they're nearly identical.
I don't have time at the moment to do a whole new unfold on the revised helmet, that one took me a couple days on and off to get done. But you could always scale it to the same height and unfold only the areas that changed and substitute those instead of the old parts. The tabs would line up, but not the numbers.

Also I sure am sorry to anyone else building my Carter helmet! It's a pretty big pain to build and I'm not even sure now I'll get mine finished by the Reach launch.
Hey Ruze, wasn't it you that I spoke to about "cleaning up" that boot model I made?

Hmmmm............yeah, yeah it was you because I made it based off your boot armor. :p haha I have been waiting to hear something back from you after I sent you the file, but I have not heard anything from you.
Yes that was totally me and I'm the worst when it comes to responding to emails, my apologies...

There isn't really too much to clean up, it was kind of a higher poly mesh than the armor part but it didn't look too bad. You could definitely just release that one/ unfold it as is if you wanted.
I got kind of tied up working on these guys for launch:



With a female version in the works as I type this.
Ooh! I want the blue one! That would be perfect to wear to launch since I won't have my armor done by then, but have a really nice helmet.
dude these are epic(and not bashing on your mad skills) but incredibly easy to make and cheap to mass produce if you have your own equipment, vinyl cutters and heap press with the right vinyl program you could make BANK at conventions. you could go as far as to make all kinds of shirts from all the halo universe, my baby cousin dom would look very stylish in a grunt onsie.
Wow those are really cool...if you would release those i would totally make one and wear it to launch,but I would understand if you would like to kep them to yourself,but it would be really awsome.
I love those shirts! i lkie the grey one. also, if you where to post the pattern, how would one put it on the shirt? is there like a special kind of paper or wht? (Not to offend any one but i am kinda protective of personal info, like my street adress)
I don't know if this counts as a double post, Anyway, i kinda had a idea like those shirts only that i would get a yellow shirt, and get some black dye or something and just draw on the shirt, for a jorge style, not sure how good of a quality it could have come out. maybe i will try it out. But if i really could i would buy that grey one, you should seriously sell those at the release. i was thinking of making like 7 or 8 DMR's and sell them for like 5 bucks each if i went to the release, don't think i will be able to though cause of school.
@carpathiavh99: Shoot me an email, I might be able to help you out. Can't get a hold of you thru your profile on here at all. ruze789 @ gmail . com

@AceNat: Thanks! And I should hopefully finish the design for the female one tonight.

@Kiba963: I never got a run together of the ODST shirt but yes I did make a few for myself. I think I'm going to revisit it after these Reach ones.

@Jico: Sorry bout that man, I emailed you last night.

I'm not planning on releasing the lineart for these, sorry to those who thought I might.
I want to get them done right so I'm going through a print on demand service. I'll have more info posted in the Classifieds when I get it all worked out.
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