The Start of Something BIG!!!

::update:: 6/21/24

Small progress update. Got my boots fully done and got everything printed except my belt that I’m redoing in TPE. But here’s some pics. Working on weathering right now with some black wash.

Then on to printing all of Elmo and Erne stuff. About 70% done with all of ernes and just need to get Elmo’s measurements so I can start his.

::update::: 7/4/24

Been a minute. But I do have a lot done. My belt is basically the only thing left to print for myself. I have also gotten a lot printed for SSGLordElmo and SSGLordErne.

I’m super stoked with everything I’ve gotten done so far. I’ve weathered everything just just thinned down black paint and whipping in off right after I paint it on. I’ve done that to EVERY piece. Then I went to my local art store and got silver sharpies and paint markers. To add chipping and stuff.

I’m making sure I get everything printed and painted before padding. I have strapped the chest though. Because it fits perfect on the first try! Woo! Well without further ado here are photos








Like the real Omega team, you guys are a dangerous trio, putting out cosplays this good and this fast. Gamgam looks forward to the finished result.
::update:: 7/7/24

Very small update from last post. Got my belt done. So all that’s left is the gloves. Which will have a test shortly after I get a boot printed for SSGLordErne done on my bambu printer. I got everything laid out on my pvc mannequin to see it all together. Then realized I missed a white stripe on my left thigh. So I took care of that after the photo was taken. Once everything is ready, I’ll be finishing prints for the others and then padding/test fitting.


Hello everyone! So now that c2e2 2024 has come and went and i have taken a small break away from the printing and hustle bustle of armor smithing... I am back at it. Now i am starting not one but THREE armors. One for myself, SSGLordErne, and SSGLordElmo. Some of you may know what i am going to be starting because we are excited to do it, but for those of you who dont... Omega Team... pulled from concept drawings, not the infinite in game skins. Personally I think the concept drawings from halo wars look more BA so thats what we are going for. View attachment 348179
View attachment 348178View attachment 348181View attachment 348180

Elmo being Robert, Erne being Leon, and myself being August. We are going to strive a for as much movement as possible in these armors as well, so we will be shooting for using some foam craft on top of my typical 3d printing. Ive already reached out to OFiveTwo on tips and tricks for printing the armor because i plan on using his style of setup just because its AWESOME! And then I have also reached out to Spidermonkey60 and NobleofDeath16 about possibly helping with foam crafting certain pieces.

Now this wont be pulling me away form upgrading my ranger spartan, which is already in works with new boots and upgraded shoulders, but it will be taking up some time to test boots and stuff like that. Goal for this trio is HCS or Torg in october or November. Once I get to work, I hope can get it done by then. If any others reading this would like to contribute thoughts, tips, or assistance in foam craft, please dont hesitate to reach out. I already have the general plan for everything. I just need to execute it.

Updates will always come as they happen!!
After C2E2 I started one of two new armors that I want to do.
::update:: 7/15/24

Hola!! So with my armor being in its final stages I’ve only been working on small things here and there, BUT… I’ve been helping my buddies SSGLordElmo and SSGLordErne with their respective prints and stuff. Designing my own adapters for attachment that don’t really exist since they are concept. Mixing in game files that Spidermonkey60 was able to get ahold of for me. Stuff like that. I’ve also been in contact with branfuhr to get some visors gold Chromed, that Angus314 so graciously pulled for me. So internal work. My armor is only missing the left shoulder and the visor. I also got some tac gloves that looked close to in game and painted them vs printing them. Just for dexterity sake.


With that here are some of the things I’ve been working on for my boys though. Thigh attachments are printed in TPU on my armor and are already painted and attached. But any other attachments are for Erne and Elmo and are PLA as they are larger. Photos will show me testing their attachments on my armor for placement

::Update:: 8/8/24

Okie doke. Ice been getting stuff done for other people lately since my armor is basically in the final stages. I only have to rig the harness to hold the thighs then I need to do a test fit. But I did also get a key ingredient done as well. Augusts gun of choice… the railgun



I took a different approach with this one. Printing all but the grip and trigger in TPU. Then there is a 1/2” dowel rod core running through the barrels for rigidity. Because I have a tendency to drop my props… I wanted a more forgiving weapon. Especially because of the length and size. Got it all painted up. Got a nice little decal made for the ammo counter and then wa-la. Railgun.
Gotta know how you like having it printed in TPU. Had the thought of doing that for some props as well after I get my suit finished printing, so would love to hear from someone who went ahead and did it as time goes on.
Gotta know how you like having it printed in TPU. Had the thought of doing that for some props as well after I get my suit finished printing, so would love to hear from someone who went ahead and did it as time goes on.
It’s actually kinda nice. A little more light weight too. Just used a 2 wall 5% gyroid infill on it
::update:: 8/31/24

ok,. my bad... its been a huge minute since ive given any sort of update on this. but it is moving along. I did a full test fit, but i wont be revealing a pic of the test fit. I will however give you a pic of all of our helmets done. lol.

Thanks to the awesome vacuum pull by Angus314 i was able to send these three visors to Branfuhr and have the gold chrome done on them. by god... i dont know if ill ever do a visor any other way. its glorious. perfectly clear and see through.

then thanks to the awesome foam smithing of Spidermonkey60 we now have our shoulders done. I do have to rescale and fix Ernes (my fault), but the other two are perfect. Have them plasti dipped and ready for painting. Created a could custom attach points so that they would go on the biceps and they are perfect. Heres Elmo and I trying our respective ones out.
Bert Strong Arm.jpg

elmo strong arm.jpg

Next steps are a full test of everything now that everything of mine is strapped. there are a few things with the undersuit that i am testing, just to put more of the pristine look to it. might require some minor tweaks in things. but i will cross that bridge when i come to it.

oh also... theres a gauss cannon coming too...
:::update::: September 14

ITS ONCE AGAIN TIME FOR A SMALL UPDATE!! It took several tries.... and several failures... but I got an ab wrap printed!! I used ESUN 80a TPE to print it. 12 days later... I had the fit. And it works! I cut a back seam down the middle and then glued a zipper in place, and boy im happy with it. Now that ive gotten my guinea pig stuff out of the way, Time to make one for my pals. I have to that Titlewave designs for the file reference that used to modify to fit. But here it is, next finding a way to get the thigh inserts to work right.




Looking absolutely awesome so far! Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait to see how it looks all finished up.
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