Thorssoli's MkVI Costume Buildup

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CradleShockR said:
...And I know this is probably going to sound like a noob question and all, but my buddy and I were wondering if we could purchase a pair from you.

Buying and selling is limited to "Veteran" members who have access to the Classifieds section.
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Belakor said:
Buying and selling is limited to "Veteran" members who have access to the Classifieds section.

OT: I see. So that means I have to be more of an active member to buy stuff? How many posts do I need to become a veteran?
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Adam Anderson said:
those thigh prototypes, are they clay and pep?

The thigh prototypes are just pep models reinforced with fiberglass and then faired with bondo. Since I couldn't find pep models with details that I was happy with, I ground off most of the smaller parts and started rebuilding the details using sheet styrene. I'll have more progress pics to show sooner or later.

For now, I've installed headlights in my helmet. Apologies again for the crappy phone camera pics. I'm still without my small digital camera:


These are actually Luxeon LEDs and reflectors snagged from some flashlights I found at Costco. They were made by Stanley and came in a pack of three with a neat little tripod that they all slotted into. CLICK HERE FOR A LINK TO THESE LIGHTS. When they're turned off (above) they are a bit brighter than I'd've liked. But when they're turned on (below) they're awesome:


They're so bright that it's actually difficult to photograph them. Here's the best I could do with my cellphone:


Otherwise, after a long day of driving all over the San Francisco Bay Area, I didn't get much time to do anything today. What little time I did get in the shop was mostly spent screwing around:


Stay tuned...
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Well I didn't make nearly as much progress as I'd hoped while I was home this time around. Here's the current state of the thighs:


Other than that, I drybrushed some "use" onto the SMGs, shuffled a lot of things around in the workshop, and left a big mess. I've been having a lot of fun, but between rain, cold, and short days, I really don't have much to show for the past couple of weeks.

I'm off to Singapore now and I'll be out of touch for a couple of weeks. Hopefully I'll do a better job of staying on target when I get back next time.
Looking forward to seeing more when you get back, Thor. I kinda do the same thing on my days off sometimes. I "organize" my work area a few times thinking it's going to get me motivated to make more progress, but I really end up back where I started work-wise, only in a new configuration, lol.
I'm a long time lurker especially to this thread and I just have to say that's some amazing work. I REALLY love the visor and hope to be able to recreate it like you have!
Thank you all for the kind compliments. My ship is in Southern California right now and I'll be paid off when we get to Norcal on Friday. Then it's back to the workshop. With any kind of luck at all I'll actually have a wearable suit by the end of this month or the middle of March.

Fingers crossed.

TOM11G said:
love the old sauce idea with the painting

I forgot to mention an update/revision to this method: While mustard (or whatever your preferred condiment may be) will work, a slightly better option is to mask things off using rubber cement. You brush it on, let it dry, then paint right over it. Then, when your paint is dry, you can peel off your masked sections. As an added bonus, your helmet doesn't smell like food when it's freshly painted.
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thorssoli said:
I forgot to mention an update/revision to this method: While mustard (or whatever your preferred condiment may be) will work, a slightly better option is to mask things off using rubber cement. You brush it on, let it dry, then paint right over it. Then, when your paint is dry, you can peel off your masked sections. As an added bonus, your helmet doesn't smell like food when it's freshly painted.

Yea, I always hated to be around a fett helmet that stunk of mustard. :puke:
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New MJOLNIR Mk VI - now comes in a great range of condiment flavors to tantalise your tastebuds!

I'd probably try toothpaste myself - I can stand Colgate a little better than I can stand ketchup :/
Arcanine said:
New MJOLNIR Mk VI - now comes in a great range of condiment flavors to tantalise your tastebuds!

I'd probably try toothpaste myself - I can stand Colgate a little better than I can stand ketchup :/

LOL Or we can all decide to use latex masking fluid
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I'm another one of those long time lurkers, your project is turning out great! Can't wait to see further progress.
I still want to get with you on a codpiece and maybe shins in the coming months if my wife will quit spending all my money. Your work is simply amazing to say the least.
Mmmm, Thorssoli helmets, fresh from the condiment aisle! Bwahaha!

Lookin' good, buddy.

Was the sea a bit rough around Oregon (if you went in that direction)? My ship was rocking a bit...
Thank you all for the kind words and encouragement.

It's taking me a bit longer than I'd hoped to build up steam now that I'm back. Progress has been pretty slow on this project. I've barely had a chance to wind down from my routine at sea, It's been a bit chilly outside, and I've had trouble getting motivated to do much more than read and drink as much hot coffee as I can get.

That said, there's really no excuse for all of the delay in getting this stuff knocked out. In fact, I noticed yesterday that my thigh prototypes have now taken me as many hours of work to complete as my helmet and chest prototypes combined. Right now, they look like so:


The biggest problem is that I've now spent enough time away from the shop and studying reference materials that I've noticed oodles and gobs of little details that needed to be fixed or added. Here's another shot of the thigh details as they look on one side:


On the other side I still need to add in the two little latches and then I need to score the seam lines near the knee. After that, I think I'll have reached the zit stage of this piece (that's where you just need to leave it alone because messing with it any more will only make it worse).

If I don't post pictures of these two thigh parts at least in primer within the next 24 hours, I need you guys to give me some grief about it. This has taken way too long already. If I don't have castings coming out of a mold by the middle of next week I have failed.

Part of taking way too long means my mind's already wandering all over other project ideas. One quick one I cranked out was a little statue of Cthulhu in the pose of Rodin's famous sculpture of "The Thinker"


Then I made a quick mold and started cranking out copies so I could sell them on my ebay page.


Hopefully these guys will help offset the costs of some of the tools and materials I've dumped into the armor project.

Liq said:
I still want to get with you on a codpiece and maybe shins in the coming months if my wife will quit spending all my money. Your work is simply amazing to say the least.

I've got at least 3 complete space diaper sets and five calves cast up and setting on the shelf. I'm pretty sure I've sent you a price list, but I'll PM you the list all the same.

Queen said:
Was the sea a bit rough around Oregon (if you went in that direction)? My ship was rocking a bit...

We crossed the Pacific via a great circle route from Yokohama, Japan to Southern California. That route took us almost as far North as the Aleutians before we arced back down to the West Coast. There were a lot of low pressure systems rolling across the Pacific and all of them would've hammered right into Oregon, Washington, and Canuckistan. If I'm reading your profile right, you're on some little Navy ship, so it was probably miserable for you.

Coming up: I'm going to be finishing up the larger sized version of the torso armor, remolding the my-sized version of the torso armor, forming my undersuit parts in foam rubber, making a prototype for the inner thighs, and re-inventing my boot molds so I can make the soles and the uppers more reliably.

Stay tuned...
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thorssoli said:
I've got at least 3 complete space diaper sets and five calves cast up and setting on the shelf. I'm pretty sure I've sent you a price list, but I'll PM you the list all the same.

Nope, the only list I ever got was the one with your older stuff on it. If you could also send a price and scale on the diaper,shins and thighs if possible(I know this one is iffy) that would be spooktacular! If you can't send me a pm for some odd reason just shoot me an email with the list, thanks!
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