@Nessy: At least five chest sculpts. You've seen pictures of two. I've almost finished a third one, butr I have to keep that one under wraps until I'm ready to reveal my choice of chapter for these suits. I'll be making more if I find time and (more importantly) plastic. I placed an order with my supplier and it turns out their manufacturer has discontinued ABS sheets in the thickness I'm using. They'll be making a slightly thicker sheet that won't be available for a couple of months. Meanwhile, I've got them calling in every sheet from every store they have in the state so I can finish this project.
@ Starvinartis80: Chaplain?
I made a couple of these about a year ago:
In other news, the new helmet mold is done:
Here I am installing vacformed lenses into the first casting after I'd primed it:
Here I am trying it out:

Because I never make one of anything, here's the lineup I'm working on right now:
Here's a shot of my friend Matt trying it on with a chest and shoulders:
When we get the whole thing together, the chest will sit a tiny bit higher so there will be less neck showing.
Over the weekend I laid out the rubber pieces for the elbows and knees so I can slipcast them in latex as well. Here's the elbow sculpt:
It's a bit over-aggrandizing to call it a "sculpt" since it's really just a bunch of pieces of 5/8" backer rod laid out alongside each other and glued to some cardboard.
Molding them began with making a clay wall around the pieces so I could pour some Ultracal 30 over them:
The last thing I did yesterday was pull the stone molds and lay them out to dry. Unfortunately, I neglected to take pictures of them.
In other news, I've called in the troops to crank up productivity a bit and start generating pieces. Here's my vacforming and trimming crew gearing up for an afternoon of making:
Most of yesterday's progress was just teaching folks how to do some of the things that will go into making the suits. We made a few pulls including the first two pulls from the new diaper forms. Here's one assembled:
I'm still working out how I want the abdomen section to come together.
Finally, because just one build at a time isn't challenging enough, I've started on some Imperial Guardsmen to escort the Marines:
When you're walking around in a rig like this, you really need someone dressed lighter to carry your wallet and keep punk high school kids from tripping you. I'm not really in love with the current Imperial Guard options, but they look simple enough to make, so they'll do the job. Here's the helmet with a coat of polyester resin:
And after some bondo and sanding:
The plan is to make it modular so I can cast the face, the helmet, and the goggles separately. That way I can mix and match as needed for style and comfort. I may throw in a few pictures of the Imperial Guard build here and there, but I don't want to lose the focus of this thread.
Stay tuned...