Titanfall Pilot Helmet [WIP]

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Hey Jico, I found some images of other helmets that I thought you'd like, one of which is the "bad guy" variant of the one you've already done in this thread.

Smooth dome and no addons variant of the one you've already done:

"Gugnir" like one

I'm trying to get screen grabs of helmets in-game for you, but I'm just not quick enough, or I die too soon haha!
Yeah, I'll look into it:) I got a friend to stand still in the corner of the map while I took screenshots. I'm going to make all the armor pieces before I make another helmet though.
Hehe That's fair, the armor in general is sweet. It'd be cool to use the jump kit as a store for a cooling system...
Why I'm not playing Titanfall? Oh, wait I'm working on the pilot helmet. 4 pages cut and glue together. The file looks awesome. I can't wait to see the other parts. Keep up the good work.
Haha agree with you. I've scaled it up and about to assemble whilst refraining from playing Titanfall.

What scale are you jumping it up to? I've terrible luck with scaling, and HATE putting a piece together only to find it far too small or goofy large. With the probe on the top, what size are you taking it too and about how well does it fit?
Hey there. I opened the file in pepakura designer. I used the feature 'measure between two distances' Clicked on the two distance ends and went off the same specs as my Clayton Carmine helmet. More so where the head goes in as I have a boofy head. I can't remember what scale I went to as I printed and did not save, but I def scaled up more than 10%. In fact I ended up added a cm or two to dimensions. Just by increasing height or width the rest adjusted. As the helmet looks a bit different shaped I am still unsure if it will fit. Can always do a bit of plastic surgery. Anyway nearly all the pieces are cut. I'l post pics when its constructed.

Nice! I just started the face plate;P

Hey there. I opened the file in pepakura designer. I used the feature 'measure between two distances' Clicked on the two distance ends and went off the same specs as my Clayton Carmine helmet. More so where the head goes in as I have a boofy head. I can't remember what scale I went to as I printed and did not save, but I def scaled up more than 10%. In fact I ended up added a cm or two to dimensions. Just by increasing height or width the rest adjusted. As the helmet looks a bit different shaped I am still unsure if it will fit. Can always do a bit of plastic surgery. Anyway nearly all the pieces are cut. I'l post pics when its constructed.

Ah, cool. I have never used that tool. It will be very useful moving forward.

Thanks for the feedback guys:) I'll start working on the armor pieces once I finish building the helmet.
Got mine printed. I'll score and cut it, then update this as soon as I start assembly, but I'll keep my progress in my own thread...
Hey there! you're 3D model of the helmet looks great! Because of titanfall I've actually gotten really interested into armor making/cosplay and titanfall was what I wanted to do first. I currently have access to a CNC machine (a friend who has access to a workshop) that can print a one and a half square foot and was wondering if I could get the original model from you? (no pressure either I understand if you don't) Assuming the proportions fit, I'm pretty sure they do though
also, I've only minimally worked with pepakura and didn't know how the program interprets the detail but in the original in maya is the helmet relatively thin? because I was going to try and edit certain parts to be thicker (e.g. the forehead and back) for durability and other parts thinner (e.g. the visor) for easier removal/editing if you would be okay with me doing that.
Hey there! you're 3D model of the helmet looks great! Because of titanfall I've actually gotten really interested into armor making/cosplay and titanfall was what I wanted to do first. I currently have access to a CNC machine (a friend who has access to a workshop) that can print a one and a half square foot and was wondering if I could get the original model from you? (no pressure either I understand if you don't) Assuming the proportions fit, I'm pretty sure they do though
also, I've only minimally worked with pepakura and didn't know how the program interprets the detail but in the original in maya is the helmet relatively thin? because I was going to try and edit certain parts to be thicker (e.g. the forehead and back) for durability and other parts thinner (e.g. the visor) for easier removal/editing if you would be okay with me doing that.

Sent you a PM.
Finished building the model. I think the scale turned out pretty good. It's almost too big. Don't know how big yours will be Iron Monger since you scaled it up by 10%. My head won't fit inside at the moment, not because the helmet is to small but because the opening is too narrow. I designed the bottom with molding in mind so it would be easier to get good edges on a cast. The edges could then be trimmed down afterwards to fit your head inside. Another possibility could be to cut the gas mask part off and make it a separate part that you clip on after you put on the helmet.








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That is the issue I'm having now. I have looked at heaps of reference pictures. I feel mine is too big (about 95%) constructed. I feel there is too much space in the helmet and yet the opening is too small. I don;t know whether to scale back down, fibreglass and make a hinge system so it fits around to the neck. Sigh.

I may aswell complete it. It would be great to get a good render of the assault class pilot to see scale. As mine might just work out as the helmets seem a little larger. I don't want to be a bobble head at the same time though.

Oh and I just measured opening as you have done.Where you have 0 to 18cm, mine is about 0 to 19cm so mine must be about 1cm and a bit larger. I also didn't include the inner tab circumference to make it a bit bigger.

hmmmm. Definitely the biggest one I've made.....



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That is the issue I'm having now. I have looked at heaps of reference pictures. I feel mine is too big (about 95%) constructed. I feel there is too much space in the helmet and yet the opening is too small. I don;t know whether to scale back down, fibreglass and make a hinge system so it fits around to the neck. Sigh.

I may aswell complete it. It would be great to get a good render of the assault class pilot to see scale. As mine might just work out as the helmets seem a little larger. I don't want to be a bobble head at the same time though.

Oh and I just measured opening as you have done.Where you have 0 to 18cm, mine is about 0 to 19cm so mine must be about 1cm and a bit larger. I also didn't include the inner tab circumference to make it a bit bigger.

hmmmm. Definitely the biggest one I've made.....

Yeah, that's pretty big. I was able to get my hands on the decompiled models from the game yesterday. I was a bit on the fence about it since it meant that all the work I did on my original file would become obsolete and some of the people who had already started building my file might start over:/ But the temptation was too great and I started separating the model and then unfolding it. Here's my progress so far.


I might make a new thread to list all the models. I currently have access to all the IMC armor parts for the Battle_Rifle Assault. I might be able to get Militia Corps models myself once I get my hands on a .mdl decompiler that's compatibile with Titanfall models.

Some people might still use my original models since it's cleaner and has some of the smaller details modeled into it. I still just don't know how I feel about releasing these models. I don't have to model everything from scratch, so that's a plus. And I can start working on some other models. I might just release most of them for you guys to unfold.


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