TORG Gaming Expo Info and Roll Call: November 1st, 2024 - November 3rd, 2024 (Columbus, Ohio)

Now that I've gotten some rest from this past weekend I wanted to send a you all a note on how much I appreciated this time we had at the convention. You all really made this past weekend one of the most wonderful and memorable convention experiences I have ever had!

NobleofDeath16, Thank you for making the super last-second trip out to Columbus. You did an absolutely phenomenal job spearheading this event and leading us in the livestream. You did a wonderful job commentating on all of the stream segments you were on (and you were on a LOT of stream segments), you got all of our hotels organized, and you were always very helpful and in-the-loop when I needed help. Thank you!

Spidermonkey60, Thank you for doing a wonderful job hosting stream segments and helping organize! Every time mnkr was on the mike I thought I was watching live TV with the way you flawlessly commentated on the segments. I know you did a ton of work behind the scenes as well so thank you for that!

Fallen, I know you did a lot of work behind the scenes for this convention. Thank you for all the hard work you do for this community! Also, thank you so much for being the cause of me losing my mostly-built fusion coil! Even though I was sad to lose a prop, I could be happy knowing it was because of your overwhelming generosity.

Cadet, It was so wonderful to see you in person once again. You have done so much for the 405th as a whole and it's always a pleasure to be part of a booth with you. Thank you so so much for your very kind words you shared with me at the end of our time together. You have done such a tremendous job leading the 405th over the years so I know that your words of thankfulness are the most genuine and truthful. Thank you for the Distinguished Service Award and the lovely coin you gave me. These mean so much to me, I really treasure them. I am so so thankful to be in this wonderful community with you especially.

Emp Frosty, thank you for all of your hard work taking photos throughout the convention! As usual you've knocked them out of the park! Terribly sorry I kept bugging you for photos though haha. No offense to anyone else, Frosty takes KILLER photos so if there's a chance he's available to get a shot, he's my go-to guy.

SSGLordBert SSGLordErne SSGLordElmo it was a pleasure to see you guys again! Your new suits look absolutely phenomenal! Omega team was such a big hit this weekend. Thank you so much for you participation in the opening skit on Saturday, and especially for being so willing to make so many last-second changes and being so adaptive as new information kept coming in. You guys did a great job being being in charge of the arsenal for mini mayhem as well. It was an honour to be attacked by you XD

Benton188 thank you so much for making the trip out to us and for renting a van to bring your amazing large displays and vehicles. The ghost was certainly a major highlight of the booth. Everyone from the average passer-by to the halo voice actors were so impressed by your hard work! Your works really stands out as being exceptional. Thank you for doing so much for the booth, and I hope you are beginning to feel much better.

Rosebud it was wonderful to see you again as well! You've done a great job on your mini-warthog. Thanks for bringing your hard work to the convention for us all to enjoy and drive around. It's always good to see you again.

Parzival FuriousFido thank you for coming! I'm glad we got to get some photos together all dresses up in our suit-suits. I had a great time with you guys and your lovely gfs/wives. Good to see you again!

antrodite thank you for you generous gift of flowers! And thank you for making sure we got some photos together all dressed up! That mini photoshoot we did on Friday night was so much fun! I must say, you look quite dapper in your Washington-themed suit. I'm so happy I got to see you again. Thank you for coming.

KaeSpoon Jocko03 I'm so thankful that I have the privilege of knowing you guys! I know you both have make quite the journey to come to Midwest events and I am so happy you do! Seeing my friends from way down south is such a privilege. Doing Mini-Mayhem with you was the highlight of my weekend for sure. You guys are so pleasant to be around. Thank you for coming!

Wayward Flood SpartanSweed I know you play a big part in organizing these booths. Thank you for bringing resources and your outstanding costumes to be a part of this booth! You do so much for us, Thank you.

marinesniper Thank you for your extra special engraved coin with myself and JT on it. It is an extra special gift. You're so very thoughtful and I am glad I got to see you again this past weekend. You're so much fun to chat with. Thank you for bringing your cheerful attitude that you're so well known for.

Wendi82 You're a legend for making the grand journey all the way from Scotland. I always love seeing you!

SoleofDeath Thank you for all the work you do for this community. You do such a great job helping set up and tear down, bring resources for the booth, and being a friend to everyone. Good to see you again.

OFiveTwo It was truly wonderful to be with you again. You are a legend for just how much work you put into the Extra-Life stream. Seriously, pretty much every time I looked over to see what was going on, there you were being the star of the show. You did such a great job being engaging, funny, and leading out viewers through each segment of the stream. You were a great Mini-Mayhem host as well. I'm so thankful I got to see you again, be your roomie, and hang out with you. Kudos to you for a job well done.

CozmiqVixen Unfit Armory Negativecacti ZeldaCat HoundsOfMeath Spartan4204 TwoOneSix tahu505 WylieCoyote074 CherriDragon Skidmorpheus It was so wonderful to see all of you again! You are all such wonderful people and I have a blast when I get to be with you. Keep up all the wonderful work you do on your costumes and the work you do for this community. Thank you for coming!

SeaSickle nerdman234 SpicyMcTuna Spartan Of Vale @Real Life Spartan Satan Farted Bloxxer axolotl It was so wonderful meeting you! (I apologize if I've technically met you in the past and am mistaken, in which case it was nice to see you again!) It was so nice to see you suits, props, and learn about who you guys are! You all have such unique costumes and experience and I am so happy I could learn about it all. I hope to see you all at another convention in the future.

And now for a few extra-special and extra-personal mentions.

Schankerz NewBrody This convention was made extra special because I was accompanied by my Canadian Regiment friends. When I first joined the 405th, it was YOU guys that introduced me to conventions and the local 405th members in Toronto. Since then I've been quite active in both the Canadian Regiment and the Midwest Regiment. It was so special that I was able to bring you guys along with me to this convention this past weekend to meet all of my Midwest friends. Without you especially Schankerz, I do not think I would have ever understood how awesome the 405th community is and participated in conventions like this. You see all these names I've mentioned above? You were the gateway to meeting all of them. I'm so glad you both could come with me and meet them in person. On top of that, you guys are just lovely to be around! You're so friendly, cheerful, and well... just my kind of people. Not to mention your suits are EPIC. It was a great experience. I can't wait to do it again with you soon.

Last but certainly not least, JTF4, you mad lad. You sir have gone above and beyond in every way imaginable to make this TORG booth and charity streaming event the absolute best is can be. You really took it up to 11 with the stage, sound system, cameras, projectors, and especially your tech and know-how. It's so clear that you have a deep love and passion for this community and its members, as well as the causes it supports. You put in so many sleepless nights, hard labour, and soooo much care into everything you did for us. I am so so thankful for all of your hard work, for how much you care, and most of all that I have the honour and privilege of calling you my friend. I am so proud of you.

For those I forgot to mention specifically, please do not be offended! Remember, this is the guy who forgot his GRAVITY HAMMER at C2E2 in April... my memory isn't always the best. I had a great time with EVERYONE I interacted with. You are all amazing.

And now to everyone: Thank you for making this past weekend so wonderful! YOU are the reason the 405th is so amazing. YOU are why people get so excited about halo cosplay. YOU are an inspiration to so many people. I am so proud of you all for successful convention and stream! I love you guys. I can't wait until I get to see you all again! <3


You honestly said everything, and I don't really have anything specific to add, but it was so much fun to see everyone I'd met before and to meet others that I hadn't! You guys are all so amazing, and I'm glad to be a part of this community specifically because of the awesome people who are in it! (You better believe I'm down to cause more shenanigans when I am able to.)

(Also, I don't know if I've said this yet, but thanks so much for helping me with the scaling of my marine armor back in June, Nate! You're the one who made it possible for me to get my suit done as quickly as I did due to both your help and the motivation I've gained from your videos, along with your awesome/friendly personality, and I just can't thank you enough for that great influence.)
Another Happy landing!!
Great job everyone!

Get in

thanks so much for helping me with the scaling of my marine armor back in June, Nate! You're the one who made it possible for me to get my suit done as quickly as I did due to both your help and the motivation I've gained from your videos, along with your awesome/friendly personality, and I just can't thank you enough for that great influence.)
I'm so glad I could be of help and inspiration!
Now that thing are winding down from the event; I wanted to take the time to bring to everyone's attention the pure generosity JTF4 has expressed to make this event happen. Now; me and him had talked and I kindly requested to break down what it would of physically cost to do this event as if we were to have purchased the services provided. With that being said he had kindly provided me a spreadsheet of what it would of cost for the resources alone:


Now with this being shown I have to start with profusely saying THANK YOU to him for the sheer front load he took on to make this event happen for everyone. This is all to the number what he paid to make this all happen; and he went out of his way to make this happen with two of his contractors for the good of the kiddos.

Now why do I bring this up? Well; that's because there was a whole lot of us who benefitted from his contribution, and if any of you would consider donating a little back to him down the road i think it would go a long way to recoup the front load he took to make our most successful Extra Life happen.

I want to preface, THIS IS NOT REQUIRED. it is APPRECIATED, but not required for having been at the event. I know he isn't going to ask himself so id throw the support out there for him.

I know some folks have already sent some his way, but should you like to his Venmo is @JTF4_ . I know I will be throwing some back his way for his generosity. Again. Thank you JTF4 as the last two years of events in the Midwest simply would not be as successful as it had been without you. You are an amazing addition to our community and I'm so excited to see you do more as you spend more time here.
As always, beautiful words Nate, they're appreciated and I just know you mean each one. Keep being you!

Backatchya man, a pleasure to see you alongside everyone else and be complete nerds/goofballs for a few days straight.

until next time (C2? (insert eyes emoji here))
Whoa, I was not expecting a shoutout. Thanks, N8. You are extremely outgoing and helpful around the forum, and it was a pleasure to finally meet you. See you around, Space Cowboy!
Hello. This is Blake from Mantic Games. I just wanted to thank all of you for such a nice welcome at TORG! I had a blast and you guys were all awesome! I very much hope to see you guys around! But for more info you can check
Hey Blake! Thank you so much for your generosity and also providing a fantastic demo of your game!

Our very own TorrinNorixius ended up winning the copy you provided to us via our raffle this last Sunday! I will connect with you with his details should you wanna do anything fun like a suited up unboxing or to promote the raffle win!
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