Toronto Comic Con March 2024


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Hi gang! Just wanted to make sure we had a bit of forum presence for this con in case there isn't anyone who caught our convo on the discord.

Name: Toronto Comic Con
Date: March 15-17 2024
Location: Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building

Who's going?





Note that early bird pricing ends Feb 29!

If you take photos with other members, please upload them to this google drive as we can share them afterward (with proper credit of course)!

Perhaps we can discuss a meeting spot and time. Can't wait to see y'all there!
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Though I'm brand new around here, I'd love to stop by and see you guys in Toronto while I'm at the con!
Toronto Comic Con has already passed (this past march). But keep an eye out for the next BIG convention in Toronto: Fan Expo! It's held this August, 2024. See the thread for Fan Expo below:
Toronto Comic Con has already passed (this past march). But keep an eye out for the next BIG convention in Toronto: Fan Expo! It's held this August, 2024. See the thread for Fan Expo below:
Oh whoops, I totally thought this was about Fan Expo. I need to read more >.< thanks!!
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