Trying to build my first set of Armour from foam need help with templates and the design


New Member
I wanna build my dream amour from reach I want Master Chiefs Helmet with uparmour, Jorge’s chest piece and collar one grenader shoulder and then Emilie’s knife shoulder. Want recommendations for knees and how to put it together im a beginner
Education is the key to skills.
Start with learning the basics of foam building. There are a huge number of YouTube channels dedicated to cosplay.

There's a few hundred foam build threads here - reading a few should put you months ahead of trying to re-invent the skills that have already been described by those that came before you.

My *personal opinion* is your helmet probably should be last, not first. Yeah yeah, everyone wants a helmet to drool over. But it's the thing everyone stares at so you want to do it AFTER you've developed a process and techniques and skills.

Personally I always recommend starting at the feet and working up.
You're going to weather and distress the boots more than anything else... and they get looked at with the least critical eye.
Then shins which have to ride on the boots.
Then thighs since you have to avoid joint conflict so you can sit etc.
See how this goes? Up from the boots.
By the time you get to the chest and helmet; the parts at eye level that everyone stares at, looks at first, is right there in your face in every photo - you can make them look stellar.

And if you start at the boots you're looking at parts that are only a day or two per part not 6 days per part. So you can hone your scaling skills.

And if you've never built anything before don't start on the helmet- let that be last when you have built up your skills.
Maybe start with a magnum, then rifle. Smaller stuff to get a feel for cutting, chamfering, sanding, gluing, painting etc.

A vast armory of files.
The Armory
Hi TKey, welcome to the 405th!

I guess the first question is: what material do you want it made out of?

If you have access to a 3D printer, you can 3D the parts. The pieces are solid and feel more like real armour, but are also heavier, need padding and well... access to a 3D printer.

Foam is a great beginners method, being lightweight and the materials and tools are much more accessible to everyone.

Pepakura (Papercraft) is not as common nowadays, but still a valid method. You make the armour out of paper/cardstock, harden it with resin and then built it up/smooth it out with body filler.
I would love to 3D print but I don’t have access so I wanted to first one to be foam then save up for a PLA Version. SgtSaint thabk you for the advice I believe I’ll start with boots. Helmet is definitely the last part so I can figure out how to vacuum form a visor. I hope to start the process soon I’m getting over a broken neck and the process of gain movement in my neck again
...Oops! Sorry, didn't see Foam in the title.

One of my favourite resources for getting started with foam is this here guide! It covers some of the specifications of foam, where to get it from, roughly how much (cost and amount used), plus a bunch more.

Along with Kamui and Punished Props for getting started with foam, I also learnt a lot from Evil Ted Smith and SKS Props.
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