Tutorial: How To Make Good Folds For Pepakura Armor

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Spartan 118, I don't think your ruler is graphite. I had the same problem with mine, the pencil streaks along where the edge was, and for mine it was just that the edge had picked up graphite when the pencils rubbed against it. Try wiping it off with a wet cloth and see if that stops those lines.
Yep thats probably it because my mom does portraits and she uses it allot...I cant believe i didn't think about that...ty :)
blinkava44, you use a different color for the different folds. For example, black lines = mountains and red = valleys.
yeah i no that.. but like theres 2 differnt types of dashes.. is one for valleys or one for mountains?

like is (- - - - - ) for mountains
and is (-- - -- - -- -) for valleys??
Just for info. It's the standard international designation used in origami as well...:D
Its Card stock that you could buy at any place that sells paper.

What do you mean by having a grid on the paper, because once you print the paper off of Pepakura it has lines that allow you to cut and fold on.
Iceman29 said:
Plain and simple, Valley folds mean fold up and mountain folds mean fold down.

really? i though valley ment you fold down and mountain ment you fold up?
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Well, you know what, you can go ahead and make your pepakura your way, but if you ever wont to make it the right way then just do this.

Valley fold = fold UP
Mountain fold = fold DOWN
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