Tutorial: How to use Pepakura to make your Mjolnir Armor

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Im new to making armor and have looked around for a lot of information on ways to make what I need, and I think this tut is awesome!

(Not to mention browsing everyones armor...you guys rock)

um yer guys how do u download pep files cos i cant find them in the hub?????

i wanted the hyabusa helmet to start with cos i got the Mjolnar armor thats alredy ther.....

[sad face] plz help me
Ok, Download The Pepakura Viewer (If Not Done So) Once Installed, Click on ur File its gunna say something Windows connot find program BLA BLA, click on something use installed programs and click browse choose the pepakura viewer and that should do it :)
Cool i downloaded im using version three now how do i make them dam thing lol i have it printed out whats the next step could anyone please help me?.
Are there any pther versions of halo armour which mark is this the crotch plate and some other dont look to detailed? any help finding better ones lik there good lol?.
Sorry for the super-n00b reply, but this looks like it's only good for doing the pepacura it'self (probably why it's just a Pepacura tutorial)... But how can I make the paper into dense cardboard for hardening and reinforcement?

(Please don't gimme crap... I'm new to this stuff...)
Hi! Real quick, I'm a total noob ( ), and I was wondering, is there any way to remove the numbers on the parts tabs? I build models, and I'm scratchbuilding a 5" high Master Chief. Obviously, this is the best place to make armor for him. When I scale it, the numbers remain the normal size and the thing is a huge blob. LAter on, I plan on making a full size suit for myself, but I have to wait for dad to install a new ink cartridge... ;) ANY help would be really appreciated! Thanks!
OK, either I missed it or something, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if there is a MAC version, or a way to view them on a MAC. Also, has anyone created Star Wars Peps?
DiveFreak said:
OK, either I missed it or something, I was wondering if anyone can tell me if there is a MAC version, or a way to view them on a MAC. Also, has anyone created Star Wars Peps?

Nope, no Mac version :( so the only way to see the files directly on a Mac is with a pdf version of the pep file. If you have an older mac (G4, G5) you can use Virtual PC to run the pep program, if you have a new one (macbook, macbook pro) you can use Bootcamp, Fusion or Parallels to run PC files.
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Other than the slight version change, tutorial worked great. Everything printed out fine. And now to assemble!
A few problems:I have a crap-ass Mac and it refuses to acknowledge the program.Is there any other?Or would someone help me out patterning?

Also,I'm not making Mjolnir armor,I'm trying to put together Raging Raven from MGS4,and am kind of worried the parts will be too large to print properly.Thoughts?Break it down to smaller pieces?Can I even make something entirely custom/from scratch in the builder(should I find a way to use it)?


Edit:Derp,just saw the question right above about the Mac issue.Just read the tutorial then asked my question,pardon my stupid.

The help patterning but still stands though.
Boba Fett said:
I have to wait for dad to install a new ink cartridge...

If you have a LCD display (and have lots of free time), you could try tracing the parts off the screen, it takes a while... but it saves money, in addition, it is an epic way to start a suit of armor.
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Sweet really helped, got the cut pieces on my bed, awaiting assembly, but can anyone tell me how to add more support, (using regular printer paper), and where to get a cheap visor, doing helmet 1st Mk V.

In other words can some post some links to help me get started, im just overwhelmed by the content offered here.


PS where could i get those pictures that say "Suit, Helmet Complete, Chest Painted, Arms Not constructed etc"
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