Tutorial Index


405th Regiment Officer
Member DIN
Tutorial Index
This index is a gateway to a wealth of knowledge shared by community members here at the 405th. Each of the tutorials below was created by a community member who wanted to share their own expert tips, strategies, and creative solutions with all of you! This index is updated periodically as new tutorials are created. If you know of a topic that should be covered but currently isn't, you can post a request in the Tutorial Request Thread. If you would like to share your knowledge in the form of a tutorial, see below:

Who can make a Tutorial?
A: Anyone

How do I make a tutorial?
A: Create a thread in any part of the forum you think your tutorial pertains to such as Costumes and Props, 3D modelling, etc.

How do I get the tutorial in the Tutorial Section?
A: start a conversation with me or any staff member, explain why you would like to submit your tutorial and include a link to it. If it meets the criteria it will be moved to the new subforum and added to the list.

1. Must have unblurry, unbroken photos or video.
2. Uncovered topic or unique technique written to teach, not just show.
3. Three or more member posts within the tutorial thread saying they found it helpful and/or well written.

Table of Contents

1. Research

Finding Armor Files (needed)

2. Construction
Pep Method​
Foam Method​
3d Print Method​
Selecting the right printer (needed)
Assembling a print (needed)
Casting Method​
Other Methods​

3. Detailing

4. Non-Costume Tutorials
Forum Navigation (needed)

1. Research

  • Selection
Selection (Character to Build) - PerniciousDuke
Selection (Introduction to 405th) - PerniciousDuke
  • Software
Software (ArmorSmith Designer) - TurboCharizard
Software (ArmorSmith - Obtaining and importing a 3D scan) - KaeSpoon
Software (ArmorSmith - for non Windows) - Coreforge
Software (Pepakura Designer) – FrozenSnot
Software (Pepakura Unfolding PDO) – Satchmo III
Software (Pepakura + Silloutte Cameo) – RobotChicken
Software (Blender - Custom Spartans) - jeffw773
Software (Blender - Modifying Files) - Worainu
  • Scaling
Scaling (Mk VI) - HaloGoddess
Scaling (Methods 1, 2 & 3) – Xtreme TACTICS 101
Scaling (Digital Overlay) - SpitFire22V
Scaling (DuckTape Dummy) - Bamabat

2. Construction

  • Soft Parts
Soft Parts (Buying Guide) - TJ Wanderer
Soft Parts (Neck Seal) - gmflex
Soft Parts (Sewing Terminology) - Ashuraa
Soft Parts (Basic Sewing Setup) - FANGS
Soft Parts (Sewing Overview) - indigoD0g
Soft Parts (Tactical Soft Case) - electraknite

  • Pepakura Method
Pep Method (Safety Guide) - Sean Bradley
Pep Method (Supply Guide) – Ithica
Pep Method (Fiberglass & Resin) – jaysmith
Pep Method (Resin, Rondo and Bondo) - Cereal Killer
Pep Method (Smoothing) - Sigma LS
Pep Method (Overview) - Spitfire22V

  • Foam Method
Foam (Overview) - Fallen and RandomRanger
Foam (Supply Guide) - WanderTJ
Foam (General/Suit) - CommandoTNT
Foam (Techniques) - drack
Foam (Shoulder) - EVAkura
Foam (H4 Bicep) - EVAkura
Foam (Reach Bicep) - EVAkura
Foam (Boots) – Calladar
Foam (Sealing & Painting) - mawrTRON

  • 3d Printing Method
3d Print (Printable File Index) - TurboCharizard
3d Print (Smoothing PLA) - EVAkura
3d Print (Assembling) - Rock Lobbster
3d Print (Printer Feedback) - Rock Lobbster
3d Print (Beginning Tips) - Rock Lobbster

  • Casting Method
Casting (Sculpt and Mold) – Trooper Cooper
Casting (Sculpt and Mold) – XRobots
Casting (Glove Mold) – Blackula727
Casting (Mold Making) – Adam

  • Other Methods
Other (Worbala on top of Pepakura) – Nephtis

  • Weapons and Props
Weapons/Props (Grenades) - bikiker

3. Detailing

  • Visor
Visor (Motorcycle) – Blackula727
Visor (ODST) – Hugh Holder
Visor (Hex Pattern) - Jme
Visor (Cheap) - Silvabullet
Visor (Dual Layer) – Sean Bradley
Visor (Painting) – Redshirt
Visor (Dying and Chroming) – N8TEBB

  • Painting
Painting (General/Helmets) - Privateer
Painting (Quick and Easy) - Adam
Painting (Intermediate/Spray Paint) – harican89
Painting (Shading) - marshon
Painting (Weathering) - mblackwell1002
Painting (Mud) - ExCeLLuR8

  • Decals
Decals (Printed Decals) - PerniciousDuke
Decals (UNSC Ranks and Armor and Weapon Details ) - SpecialOpsJoe2
Decals (Halo 3: ODST Decals) - Arithen

  • Electronics
Electronics (Lights) – Sir Ken
Electronics (Wiring Lights) - RandomRanger
Electronics (Speaker) - MoeSizzlac
Electronics (Energy Sword Lights) – thatdecade
Electronics (In Helmet Hearing Enhancement) - CrimsonViper97

  • Fitting
Fitting (Strapping) - Ashuura
Fitting (Snaps) - he4thbar

  • Repair
Repair (Cosplay Repair Kit) - SgtSkittle117

  • Transport
Armor Totes - AsgardianHammer

4. Non-Costume Tutorials
Bio Cards (Halo 4/5) – WandererTJ
Forum (Halo Online Gaming) - PerniciousDuke
Stickers - N8TEBB

*Disclaimer - I am not the creator of these tutorials so please do not ask questions on this page. Tutorials never die so you can post in the original threads ...But know, some tutorials are very old and you may never get a response from the original poster (OP)*
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So. I'm working on a Cortana Tutorial. Unfortunately I did not sew or make the bodysuit myself? But this will be a tutorial on how i do her face paint/makeup and hair. Of course with as many of the links, or at least names of things used, as possible. I plan to have plenty of video of process and pictures. Would I still be able to put it in the tutorials? Without Making the entire thing? Or is there a better/different area I should try and post?
So. I'm working on a Cortana Tutorial. Unfortunately I did not sew or make the bodysuit myself? But this will be a tutorial on how i do her face paint/makeup and hair. Of course with as many of the links, or at least names of things used, as possible. I plan to have plenty of video of process and pictures. Would I still be able to put it in the tutorials? Without Making the entire thing? Or is there a better/different area I should try and post?
Ohhhh I look forward to seeing that!
Ohhhh I look forward to seeing that!
Apparently there are a few Cortana's now, but no tutorials or posts for actually doing her! I'm looking forward to feedback and advice once I get it up for sure! Hopefully this is the right place for it!
So. I'm working on a Cortana Tutorial. Unfortunately I did not sew or make the bodysuit myself? But this will be a tutorial on how i do her face paint/makeup and hair. Of course with as many of the links, or at least names of things used, as possible. I plan to have plenty of video of process and pictures. Would I still be able to put it in the tutorials? Without Making the entire thing? Or is there a better/different area I should try and post?
A cortana face paint tutorial would be great! Yes I’m sure it could be added to the tutorial index when it’s done. Lots of the tutorials cover one specific part of a costume, not the suit as a whole. So focusing on just on how to do the makeup wouldn’t be out of place at all.
Awesome! Thankies so much! I'll try to work on the actual video parts this weekend then! Thankies Thankies Thankies
working with you at C2E2 this year i would say for sure do the step by step tutorial that way others who want to do cortana will have a step by step. by the way your makeup was right on at C2E2.
working with you at C2E2 this year i would say for sure do the step by step tutorial that way others who want to do cortana will have a step by step. by the way your makeup was right on at C2E2.
That makes me so happy to hear! The only other full face/body paint I've done is for Harley Quinn and it's juss basic white. I've never been much for alot of Normal makeup or hair so the fact that it worked so well and it was only my second Con as Cortana makes me so happy to know I did Okies! Hopefully I can get the videos done this weekend and have it up by early next week
For the 3D printer section about how to select the right printer. I was considering trying to get one instead of doing the papercraft way for some of the pieces and I had heard some stuff about creality's ender and CR series. Does anyone know which one would be preferred and where to find them online? I see a couple of CR SE, but I think the CR S5 was the one recommended in another post I read. Thanks in advance!
For the 3D printer section about how to select the right printer. I was considering trying to get one instead of doing the papercraft way for some of the pieces and I had heard some stuff about creality's ender and CR series. Does anyone know which one would be preferred and where to find them online? I see a couple of CR SE, but I think the CR S5 was the one recommended in another post I read. Thanks in advance!
Given there's so many options and everyone's needs or wants for a printer are different we have a thread where members list what printers they have and their experiences with them.

Given there's so many options and everyone's needs or wants for a printer are different we have a thread where members list what printers they have and their experiences with them.

Much appreciated
So unfortunately I will not be able to do that today or tomorrow. Went to prepare some stuff for the videos and realized I used the last of one of the key makeup parts, at C2 this year . But never fear! As I have the makeup reordered, and should be here by Wed! Yeeey. So I'll hopefully be able to get the tutorial up SoMeTiMe soon!

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