Tutorial Request Thread

idk some of the HCS visors have patterns and i think cutting and layering tint might be the way to replicate it
If you check the Tutorial Index, there are several entries for Visors already, including Dual Layer, Simple Hex Patterns, Dying, and Detailing:
I've got an idea for some of the photographers on here! Could we get a beginners guide to great cosplay photos? A good picture taking 101 class? Maybe get some tips for halo-specific costumes? Tips for consumer cameras and phone photos would be super helpful!
How about a "What to say at Cons"

We've all gotten most of the same questions I'm sure, and most of them we can just spin off the answers. (The 405th is a cosplay community with about ....... bla bla bla). But there are some questions that need slightly more political answers. Best example I can think of is the "What did you think of Halo X?" wink wink nudge nudge I'm trying to get you to say something bad about the game. The go to suggestion I've seen is to just say something positive and leave it alone, but what's positive changes from person to person. I'll happily tell people that Reach and ODST are my favorite games, but my opinion on Infinite isn't exactly con friendly. My default answer now is "I am very happy that 343 is continuing to support the franchise I love so dearly, and I'm looking forward to what they come out with next." I'll say it different ways, sure, but that's the gist of it. It's a political answer, because it doesn't really say anything, but there's very little people can get angry about either. The other end is covering some blanket responses for common questions. The two main ones I'm thinking of are "how much do these suits cost?" and "how long do they take to build?" Obviously, there isn't a single answer here, and the variables involved in the math are vast, but people like answers. For cost, I tell people that the average range is $300 to $3000, depending on build, material, skill level, and tools. That satisfies most, and I can be clear that that's just the average range. For time I tell them 6 months to a year, but emphasize that I've seen builds take longer or shorter, and that it really just depends. I'd also like to see brief summaries we can spiel out for the different build methods. I've done 3D printing and Pep, but I typically go blank whenever someone asks me about foam smithing.
How about a "What to say at Cons"

We've all gotten most of the same questions I'm sure, and most of them we can just spin off the answers. (The 405th is a cosplay community with about ....... bla bla bla). But there are some questions that need slightly more political answers. Best example I can think of is the "What did you think of Halo X?" wink wink nudge nudge I'm trying to get you to say something bad about the game. The go to suggestion I've seen is to just say something positive and leave it alone, but what's positive changes from person to person. I'll happily tell people that Reach and ODST are my favorite games, but my opinion on Infinite isn't exactly con friendly. My default answer now is "I am very happy that 343 is continuing to support the franchise I love so dearly, and I'm looking forward to what they come out with next." I'll say it different ways, sure, but that's the gist of it. It's a political answer, because it doesn't really say anything, but there's very little people can get angry about either. The other end is covering some blanket responses for common questions. The two main ones I'm thinking of are "how much do these suits cost?" and "how long do they take to build?" Obviously, there isn't a single answer here, and the variables involved in the math are vast, but people like answers. For cost, I tell people that the average range is $300 to $3000, depending on build, material, skill level, and tools. That satisfies most, and I can be clear that that's just the average range. For time I tell them 6 months to a year, but emphasize that I've seen builds take longer or shorter, and that it really just depends. I'd also like to see brief summaries we can spiel out for the different build methods. I've done 3D printing and Pep, but I typically go blank whenever someone asks me about foam smithing.
Heck not just at cons, I've been asked by US border security what my thoughts on the halo TV show are XD

To piggie back off of this, I think tips on how to act "spartan-like" would be great! Sometimes it feels weird being dressed as a spartan but saying things like "of course you can have a picture!! Have a great day at the con guys!!" because I feel like that is a bit out of character. If there is a more master-chief way of saying common con phrases I think it would be beneficial to make a phrase-bank.

just spit balling some ideas so you know what i mean. I havent used any of these, but they sound better than what I've been using
Instead of saying "yes you can have a quick picture" say "Proceed swiftly. We have a mission to complete."
Instead of saying "have a great day" say "Have a successful mission, soilder"
When someone says "your suit looks great!" you could say "Thank you/Appreciate it, but performance matters more than appearance."
I don't know how good these are but I'm just trying to think of how a spartan might actually respond. Hopefuly someone who has a better time with words can carry this on.

edit: I made a thread if you want to add you own go-to phrases Phrases to say to sound more Spartan-like (con etiquette/What to say at cons)
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I think most importantly we always want to let people like what they like and not like what they don't like. The last thing we want is to give the impression that someone has to change how they feel about something in this franchise in order to fit in. Obviously, we don't all like all things. And that's completely okay. But, for example, when asked about the TV series you could say, it's not my favourite but I'm super glad to be seeing more Halo instead of It's the worst thing that ever happened to Halo! WHY HE GOTTA TAKE HIS BUCKET OFF!!! hahahaha Personally, I love the show. It's a fun watch about a franchise I enjoy very much. It's entertainment and some costuming eye candy.

I remember sitting through Rogue One the first and second time and thinking holy canoli....what the heck did I just watch. Except for that last 15 minutes, I hated the movie. That's an unpopular opinion amongst my Star Wars friends but we all give each other space to like what we like and not like what we don't. The costumes that came out of that one though.....ohhhhh boy. I LOVE me a Shoretrooper. Soooooo good. So I focus on that. I don't need to lie that I liked it, but I do need to focus more on the stuff I liked than what I didn't like. However, the Star Wars community at large is NOTORIOUS for being terrible when it comes to negative opinions. It's really disgustingly toxic. So it's extra important that we all take the time to put a positive spin on even the parts of Halo we don't necessarily love. That sort of negative toxicity just has no home here but we need to work to keep it from creeping in. I also don't want everyone going around like robots spouting off that everything in Halo is the best and we all love all the things all the time. Be honest, but make sure you choose how you convey that in a less negative light. If someone tells you they love Infinite and you really don't like it, that's okay. Ask them what about Infinite do they like. If they ask you if you like it, you can say that your heart is with -insert other Halo game name here- but you're looking forward to seeing what else they bring to Infinite. Or it hasn't been your favourite but you also think something that they mentioned liking is pretty cool about it.

Long story short - Don't be the one to take away another's joy.
Edit: Tutorial done, find it HERE.

Hey there, how about a "How to get a 3D body scan for Armorsmtith" tutorial? Many folks have been asking how I got a 3D scan of myself and imported it into Armorsmith. I would be more than willing to make a tutorial, even if it is not added to the official tutorial index.

Let me know your thoughts.

(Note: I posted this when the thread has gone 9 months without a comment, and it might be considered spam. Please let me know if you want me to delete this comment.)
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Hey there, how about a "How to get a 3D body scan for Armorsmtith" tutorial? Many folks have been asking how I got a 3D scan of myself and imported it into Armorsmith. I would be more than willing to make a tutorial, even if it is not added to the official tutorial index.

Let me know your thoughts.
Yes I'd like to see this tutorial! I didn't know you could do a 3D scan and import into armorsmith
Hey there, how about a "How to get a 3D body scan for Armorsmtith" tutorial? Many folks have been asking how I got a 3D scan of myself and imported it into Armorsmith. I would be more than willing to make a tutorial, even if it is not added to the official tutorial index.

Let me know your thoughts.

(Note: I posted this when the thread has gone 9 months without a comment, and it might be considered spam. Please let me know if you want me to delete this comment.)
I mean technically it's always been a thing, just a jank workaround.

1. Import .obj, .stl, whatever flavour of 3D model your scan is
2. Align it with the center of mass of the avatar
3. Align the avatar limbs with that of the scan
4. Reduce avatar opacity
5. Scale parts about the body scan

The major downside being that most scans are high poly count which is not the best friend of Armorsmith and would overall result in a more unstable file on a very crashy program.
I'd like to start a list of items that people need semi-generic tutorials for. Things like how to work with a specific material you don't already see covered here. How to sew with certain fabrics. Weathering, painting, creating battle damage etc. If you can't find it and would like to know more about it, post it here and we'll try to put something together for you!

**Disclaimer - how to smack people with wet noodles is not available for a tutorial. That's secret, patented stuff. :lol:

1. Visor Dying - DONE - Visor Dying Tutorial
So are there any base recommendations for an undersuit? I'm working on a mark IV armor and I'm still new to this. Also, does anyone have any knowledge as to why layer lines shift majorly in a print? My last forearm i tried to print had such extruding lines that sanding it wasn't cutting it.
So are there any base recommendations for an undersuit? I'm working on a mark IV armor and I'm still new to this. Also, does anyone have any knowledge as to why layer lines shift majorly in a print? My last forearm i tried to print had such extruding lines that sanding it wasn't cutting it.
While there is no official tutorial on how to make an under suit, you may find these links helpful.

N8TEBB's Under-Suit Help Directory
Here's how I made my mk VII ab wrap:

Here's a helpful thread to see how folks made their under suits:

And here's links to other folks posts about how they made their under suits:
So are there any base recommendations for an undersuit? I'm working on a mark IV armor and I'm still new to this. Also, does anyone have any knowledge as to why layer lines shift majorly in a print? My last forearm i tried to print had such extruding lines that sanding it wasn't cutting it.
Spidermonkey60 made a fantastic Mark IV Undersuit by cutting out the detail sections in thin EVA foam and then gluing them to a black lycra/spandex/zentai under-suit. He made a duct tape dummy of himself, glued the pieces to it ,and then wrapped the whole thing in cling wrap/plastic wrap to hold the pieces on and in position while the glue dried.

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