UK Signature Pic and Logo?

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Active Member
A while ago SinjinSmiley and Flying squrl Came up with a sig banner and logo.

Thought I'd post them so the UK guys can use them. The more the merrier..:)


  • banner master copy2.gif
    banner master copy2.gif
    65.7 KB · Views: 397
  • Excalibur Large Logo.jpg
    Excalibur Large Logo.jpg
    733.2 KB · Views: 436
  • Excalibur_Logo_4th_Draft.png
    819.8 KB · Views: 455
Speaking of getting organised. The location sticky is fairly out of date. What do you think of getting it un stickied and starting a new set of location threads. Say England, Ireland, Wales and Scotland? Should make it easier to organise?
Nobody has an opinion? I find that hard to believe. This is the internet after all:)
The isn't enough Brits posting in this sub IMO to warrent even more sub threads.
Although creating a new UK products variants and a calendar for future UK events would be nice.
Well, in my mind the two are linked.
Without the UK people getting together and getting a supportive community up and running then there is no need to post a schedule of events as there isn't a group to go to them.
Individuals would go to local events like they usually would do.

What are other people thoughts? Do you see a need for a UK Halo community?
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