1st Build Unhardened Epoxy in my Helmet


New Member
It's rather hard to spot, however there are these dark spots (or rather an entire pool...) inside my helmet with slightly sticky, appearently unhardened epoxy resin. It's only on the right side and a little on the top dome, the left side is perfectly fine. For all those 3 segments I used the same epoxy and the same mixture, it didn't get wet during its hardening process and I did this thing in summer, which was rather hot here. This is the only part that has this problem, the rest is 100% fine from what I can tell. Also tried leaving it out in the sun with the unhardened part exposed to sunlight.
Any suggestions to fix this other than redoing the fiberglass on that spot? Maybe just slap some 2mm self-adhesive EVA foam on there and call it a day?

Try putting some Baby Powder or other Talc powder on it. That used to be a recommended technique for fiberglass resin that was still tacky to the touch.
If it's still tacky and you can move it try and spread it more and let it sit longer and do what Cadet suggested. I know some epoxy resin can be set with uv light that's also worth a shot
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