I thought I would update some pics of my current status on my ODST.
I have about 8 more pieces (major) left to print; then about a handful of smaller buckles etc.
I am printing in Rapid PLA + Red.
However, I believe I'm going to HydroDip the armor in a Midnight MultiCam but not sold on the idea yet.
Sticking w the Medical Corp theme; I will be placing the logo on two spots and the helm (helm shown is not the one being used)
Weapon w be the pistol, and it will be magnetized attachment on the thigh. MedKitBackpack will be on my back. Biofoam cannisters on opposite thigh and base of lower back.
I will be weathering and adding battle damage to parts of the armor.
This is the vision this far; and with some help from fellow 405th brotheren.. I hope to have this completed by May 10th.
At said time, I will hopefully be deployable.