1st Build Unseal The Hushed Casket - MJOLNIR Mark V Build


New Member
Hello all! First off I wanna thank everyone on here for indirectly helping my with my first build. Your threads, questions, mistakes, and amazing guides and builds have helped me build my first suit out of EVA foam in about 5 months.

I couldn't have done it without the help of my mother I must say but I am very happy with the results. I based the design off of the version seen in Halo Infinite but incorporated elements from multiple games such as the original CE, H2A, and CEA. We did everything by hand with 0 templates since I could not find a good unfolded pep of the Infinite Mark V. What I have here is very unique but I think resembles the original armor we know and love quite well. I can't wait to rock it at Comic Con and Nan Desu Kan the next two weekends! Thanks again everyone and let me know what you think! (More photos will be attached after the con!)


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Some more pics of the suit on it's first con @ Colorado Springs Comic Con 2024! Few things fell off here and there but i managed to get lucky everytime and have a good Samaritan chase me down and return it! Tonight: more velcro, sewing and hot glue, that sure ensure no more loose parts!
You did a great job on your suit! Awesome pictures! I'm glad your first con was a success!
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