Hey all, sorry for the crazy late response on this. The care package is away as planned. My leg is fighting me though and I'm going to take BlazedStarbon up on her offer. If you can get her your video messages she has offered to stitch em all together which I can't be more thankful for than I am right now. I'm not able to sit at my desk long enough to really get the work in that needs to be done. Gonna tag TurboCharizard and FlyinPhil cause I know you guys have one ready to roll as well.
Dropbox, Google drove, or Facebook messenger will be the easiest to send the videos. Should you require an email address to send them to, feel free to message me and I will provide further instruction
Dropbox, Google drove, or Facebook messenger will be the easiest to send the videos. Should you require an email address to send them to, feel free to message me and I will provide further instruction
I've got a video at home of my Spartan and tomorrow I'll be doing a shoot with some other locals in my ODST so we should be able to have a large group message from there to add in as well. I'll send you the files ASAP.
Unfortunately I left my suit at home when I left for school last week and wasn't able to get a video shot for this, super sorry about that I would have loved to have contributed. I can't wait to see how this turns out though!
All Items finished arrival confirmed as of yesterday in Prince George to be reboxed and forwarded on. The video parcel sadly already went. If you guys want to add anything else together to get more messages of support PerniciousDuke and RagtagVenom please forward your stuff to BlazedStarbon . I'm positive it will be appreciated.
I’d be more than happy to make a second video for those who missed the first deadline. I would suggest this weekend to keep things in a timely manner! (Or let me know if you’re unsure!)
Some bad news. Due to the slowness of post in the last little while the parcel still hasn't arrived though it was mailed out.
Some good news on this. After a few rounds of chemo there has been a reduction of the mass of cancer present in Alberto's leg. This has drastically improved his odds of success and a date is being set set for the limb saving surgery that he will have to undergo to keep his leg.
There will also be some pictures/video taken for when the parcel arrives. Everything is ready to go as soon as it touches down.
UPDATE: Operation was successful and bone is cleaned and grafted, staples will be removed this week. 2 more rounds of chemo scheduled.
Parcel has arrived. Post takes forever apparently. Strange timing coincidence, tomorrow is Alberto's birthday. Video parcel and package to be delivered tomorrow with news coming back to us shortly.