W.I.P. Halo Reach Noble 6 Armor

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shotgun? the piece on the right looks like the Reach tactical shotgun...best guess from me.

the piece on the Left is asymmetrical, so I really have no clue; shotgun's my guess.
that's possible, I guess what I thought was the 'tac light' could be the foregrip thingy, but i'm sticking with my guess.
Ding Ding Ding!

Correct Thom A293,

I've split the Grenade Launcher into 3 Pieces thanks to tips from Nemesis2500 and am now currently printing them all at the same time. I will probably be out of filament after this print so I'm hoping it turns out well (i.e. Correct).

Thanks for playing you three!

Vi Out.
Boy has it been a while! So I finished printing these and a few bits after the original attempt and neither are perfect or really usable. Still having issues sizing and cutting things in Blender so this is being put off to the side right now. I am also out of filament and a poor college student (Even though I work a full time job) so it might be a bit before I can get back to this. In the meantime I wanted to share these pictures with you to stay relevant!

IMG_20170317_163042868_HDR.jpg IMG_20170317_163048261.jpg IMG_20170317_163051510.jpg IMG_20170317_163058499.jpg IMG_20170317_163102961.jpg IMG_20170317_163107501.jpg IMG_20170317_163703676.jpg IMG_20170317_164053898.jpg

Lots of Thumbnails for you to look through and I am sure I have more pictures of the parts. Some Pieces broke when pulling off the support. I will most likely be investing in an enclosure before I print more just to keep the heat right and prevent some of this warping.

That's all for now guys.

Vi Out
An enclosure would be good, you could even see about making a diy one. Other than that, the GL looks good!
Sorry if this was already asked there are allot of comments. Why was the EVA shoulder a failure? Did it not hold up well or fall apart? I will be making my suit out of EVA so knowing the challenges will be a big help. Thank you very much.
Sorry if this was already asked there are allot of comments. Why was the EVA shoulder a failure? Did it not hold up well or fall apart? I will be making my suit out of EVA so knowing the challenges will be a big help. Thank you very much.

I think we are referring to two different EVAs when you phrase it like that. There is the EVA Foam that you can use to make a suit and then there is the EVA Shoulder which is a particular model. My failure probably isn't a challenge that will pertain to you. The printer had the wrong settings for the wrong filament and simply ended up falling off the board and then printing a mess.
I think we are referring to two different EVAs when you phrase it like that. There is the EVA Foam that you can use to make a suit and then there is the EVA Shoulder which is a particular model. My failure probably isn't a challenge that will pertain to you. The printer had the wrong settings for the wrong filament and simply ended up falling off the board and then printing a mess.

Ah ok now i understand. Yeah i was thinking it was the EVA foam floor mats and I love working with those. Was thinking for a moment i was going to have headaches abound.
This thread is pretty awesome with the use of the 3D printer. I can't wait to see everything completed!
Quick Update!

Still alive just living the broke college student life (Even though I work full time) but I haven't anything lately. I do have a 1.75 Print nozzle and a good but of filament so I think that I will sit down and slice something up to print with that. We shall see. Lots of things to come. Can't wait to show you all!

Vi Out.
Is it a Necropost if its my own thread?

Anyways I am back! I had a very long hiatus, unfortunately, but I have managed to stock up on some extra filament to keep my project going. Currently I have Biceps, Forearms, and a single commander shoulder piece done.
Currently on my print bed is hand plates that will be completed in about an hour.

I have switched from using PLA to ABS recently and I am liking the results better. The rest of my prints will be in ABS.

The biggest challenge I am going to face is cutting my pieces into small enough bites for my print bed while ensuring it is sized properly so that I don't have to do any sizing changes on my bed and run the risk of parts being different.

More pics will come soon to show my progress and I would like to start painting some parts soon to get them going.

Glad to be back at the 405th!

Vi Out.

I've been doing a lot of work behind the scenes because 3D printing can take days to complete depending on the size or speed of the piece. But I do have a lot of pretty pictures to show off.


First off the full collection of what I have completed. Both Bicep pieces, Forearms, Hand Plates and a Commando Shoulder. The shoulder However I will be re-doing as it is too small and just doesn't mesh right with my Bicep Attachment.


A Closer look at the right arm pieces. More sanding needs to be done and of course Painting. I didn't take a closeup of the bicep to show its deficiencies but that's something i wanted to point out. As the print gets further away from the bed it loses heat and then the layers fail to stick together properly. I should be able to fix this with some ABS glue which I intend to try out soon but for now I still need to sand it down properly and remove stray imperfections.


The left side, Lookin' damn good.


And an example! Here is what the pieces look like on my arm. I do have limited mobility in the bend as the pieces touch together so I may be considering taking off an extra few bits at the top of the forearm, we shall see once I have that figured out.

Next up on the print bed, EVA Shoulder attachment. Which should be done in another two days or so so check back for a post on that.

I know that Halo Reach is 8 years old now but it is still my favorite out of the series. When coming out of hiatus I considered looking into doing something different and moving on to 5 but It's terribly hard to find STLs for those pieces and there are so damn many. I also haven't played 5 that much because I don't have live so aside from looking up pictures of all the armors I have no reference to what I would want to do. In the meantime I am sticking with reach and I hope you all don't mind.

Vi Out!
Oh SH! T I forgot the most important part! Kids be sure to give credit where credit is due!

HUGE Thank you to nemesis2500 as he is the one that originally provided me with the STLs for this Reach Suit and it is his designs that I will be using along with a few others. He helped me out long ago when I was first starting this project and if not for him it would have never gotten off the ground and done as well as it has so far. Even if this doesn't get complete I will be forever grateful to him for his hard work in creating these parts.
Dude these print pieces are coming out AMAZING! Can’t wait to see some paint on these things. - did you ever end up giving away that older commando shoulder piece?
Dude these print pieces are coming out AMAZING! Can’t wait to see some paint on these things. - did you ever end up giving away that older commando shoulder piece?

I actually haven't given it away but send me a PM, lets see what we can work out if you want it.


and it's a huge failure. I lost power at my house last night so my print stopped after two days XD. I probably only had 10 more hours left to print

but I did notice it was massively out of proportion!

That thing would have stuck out to the side like a sore thumb, Pardon the dirty and partly chewed fingernails....



Two more images for your viewing pleasure. Unfortunately the Army has decided to send me to school so I will be taking another Month long Hiatus which sucks but oh well.

Once I am back I will get back into the full swing of things and hopefully have some extra dough to spend on more ink/filament. I still have a few 1kg spools left but that is going to run out soon and big prints like these take almost a full spool even printing at 10% infill like I did this one.

That's all for now, I will probably do a little bit of painting once I get back!

Vi Out!
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