I know the helmet needs some work. I have alot better reference material now and I'll start on it after the upper torso is completed. Unless everyone wants the lower torso before the helmet.
All links will be included in the first post as well.
I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the sweet War Machine file. I have already made it and it came out superb. Again, thank you and keep up the fantastic work. I know it came out rough, but the guy I made it for was overjoyed.
I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the sweet War Machine file. I have already made it and it came out superb. Again, thank you and keep up the fantastic work. I know it came out rough, but the guy I made it for was overjoyed.
WOW...just wow thats all i have to say about this. This is going to make it so much easier for others and myself to build this armor, thank you so much! If you need any help unfolding, im not the best but id like to offer my help. BTW, what are you using for reference pictures? The poster only?
WOW...just wow thats all i have to say about this. This is going to make it so much easier for others and myself to build this armor, thank you so much! If you need any help unfolding, im not the best but id like to offer my help. BTW, what are you using for reference pictures? The poster only?
He's using the full body shot art of warmachine that was released. Which shows the full side, front and back view. Then he imported those images into the 3D modelling program onto 2 planes.
I just learned how to do this not too long ago. I actually tried modelling the chest. It was coiming out pretty decent but it got too complicated for me since I'm such a noob at it. Ill keep practising though