War/troops/political/goverment debate

Should we be at war atm?

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Spartan-118 said:
A way to put a spin on things I guess?

People dying isnt my type of fun unless im there fighting with them.

but the world was bored. damn george w. bushnugggets
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If you guys must know, 80% of the reason of why we're at war in Iraq is because obviously, oil 92% of the worlds oil is in Iraq, and everywhere else is running out, but the Terrorists are running the oil fields and refuse to give us any oil because their, well, Terrorists. Now that may seem like a stupid reason to have war, but this is the reason of 9/11, the Terrorists HAD the power to do this without being stopped by their countrie's law enforcement because they basicly ran the country. I f we pull out now, the Terrorists will swarm all other branches of power and tell other enemies of the US, "Hey, Look! They're weak!" and the US's enemies would swarm our country, resulting in a 9/11 every other weekend.
There is actually a cunning mind underneath the Bushisms and goofy things he does. Bush wanted two things: a war with Iraq and power. He knew about 9/11 and let it happen, and even though it was Al-Quaeda, he blamed and then invaded Iraq. He then used the war to scare the American people into giving him all sorts of shiny new executive powers, like wiretapping and being able to label anyone he wants an "enemy combatant". I won't even start about how much he has disregarded the Constitution.

Who cares if the Middle East is a mess, or that we need oil? We have more than enough oil and natural gas underneath Alaska, the Pacific Ocean, and the Gulf of Mexico, all we gotta do is stop catering to the environmentalists.

As for abortion, you wouldn't take a baby that was already born and hack it up with an axe, would you? Because that's what abortion is; doesn't matter it's unborn, it's still a living human.

And please, let's leave religion out of this topic. This a discussion on war/troops/political/government, as the title indicates. Let's just keep calm, reasonable, and respectful and there will be no reason that this topic should be of any problem.
my POV is that i have friends in the armed service right now, fighting and hopefully not getting killed, but i have no idea why we are in there.

maybe its because george bush has no brain, and our entire cabinet is full of idiots. i mean, LOOK!

hey, you said it was a debate thread.

2008: the last year of Bush's rule.
Ironcobra3000 said:
I want flying cars that run on water.
that is all I am going to put in this thread
but just like oil, so many cars, (and not to mention people with showers, etc.) will be running on it and in the long run, there will be a shortage on water
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rvb4life said:
my POV is that i have friends in the armed service right now, fighting and hopefully not getting killed, but i have no idea why we are in there.

maybe its because george bush has no brain, and our entire cabinet is full of idiots. i mean, LOOK!

hey, you said it was a debate thread.
2008: the last year of Bush's rule.
He has a perfectly intact and well functioning brain. Many people believe we can just desert the middle east and their unstable government, and not to mention that the troops job is protect the united states, right now to do that they have to prevent the extremists from controlling the middle east.
they're doing there job, i can understand that the war is taking a tole on just about every troop, but if we take every one of them out of the middle east their government will not be strong enough by itself to stop the extremist threat.

And just a statement, i'm deeply sad about bush leaving office, none of the candidates now have the mind set that you can't please everyone and are staying in the borders of topics so they can. We need a candidate that will stand up for what's right and not sell out. Since when does anybody have the slightest idea of what they want. Just keep in mind what you might want might not always be the best thing for you.
There is actually a cunning mind underneath the Bushisms and goofy things he does. Bush wanted two things: a war with Iraq and power. He knew about 9/11 and let it happen, and even though it was Al-Quaeda, he blamed and then invaded Iraq. He then used the war to scare the American people into giving him all sorts of shiny new executive powers, like wiretapping and being able to label anyone he wants an "enemy combatant". I won't even start about how much he has disregarded the Constitution.
1. AL-Quaeda is a terrorist organization that has most of it's members in Iraq

2.he can only wire tap with a warrant

3.why wouldn't you call someone setting car bombs and shooting at our troops an enemy combatant.

4.he hasn't disregarded the constitution in any way. name one.
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RadioaciveMicrobe said:
If you guys must know, 80% of the reason of why we're at war in Iraq is because obviously, oil 92% of the worlds oil is in Iraq, and everywhere else is running out, but the Terrorists are running the oil fields and refuse to give us any oil because their, well, Terrorists. Now that may seem like a stupid reason to have war, but this is the reason of 9/11, the Terrorists HAD the power to do this without being stopped by their countrie's law enforcement because they basicly ran the country. I f we pull out now, the Terrorists will swarm all other branches of power and tell other enemies of the US, "Hey, Look! They're weak!" and the US's enemies would swarm our country, resulting in a 9/11 every other weekend.

I don't know where that radical and obviously false information on oil came from but uh refer to post 4.

Plus we have the completely untapped methane hydrate sources and enough coal to keep burning for 300 years. So no worries about anybody running out of anything hydrocarbon anytime soon.

That stuff is better for the environment than growing and burning vegetable ethanol anyway. (unless we're talking about nasty stuff like lignite) Just because things are renewable doesn't mean they are cleaner :lol: . And the consistent amount of heavy farming needed to produce enough plant mass to make the even half the amount of fuel we consume would destroy and erode the productive soils in the country to the point where it would be impossible to maintain within a century and take over two centuries of natural soil formation to bring the land back up to a level where it would be farmable again.

Balance and marginality is the name of the game. ;)
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I have but one more thing to add to this thread.

We need a leader, not a damn politician. (Excuse my language.) We need a person who knows what needs to be done, and will DO it. "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" ~~ Theodore Roosevelt.
None of this politically correct BS. Currently, there are no leaders.

If our founding fathers saw our country in its current state, do you think they would be proud? It would make them damn sick. Our morals have gone to hell, and our country is divided.

Now about the war and the troops...
I know four guys who are currently serving over there. You know what they tell me, "Don't watch CNN or that stuff. All they show is the bad s*** that's happening." We ARE making progress. The news doesn't show everything that is happening.

Have you also ever listened to the the leader of Iran's speeches before (Like I can actually spell his name)? He hates us, and he has A LOT of followers. And this isn't about the U.S. presence in the middle east. It goes beyond that. They're fighting a crusade. Yes, they are fighting a "Holy War". We are all infidels in their eyes. Christian, Jews, athiest, Budhist.. you name it. Here is what is drilled in their head since they can understand words... (These are all from the Koran)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and Allah's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: Allah will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)

"Fight for the cause of Allah with the devotion due to Him...He has given you the name of Muslims..." (Surah 22:7:cool:

I'm not saying that all people from the middle east are crazy brain washed terrorist. Heck, most of them are good guys and gals. However, there are indeed MANY extremist, who need to be dealt with. Sitting back on our rear end won't do anything.

The sad thing is I KNOW that the U.S. will never take appropriate actions. That is the way it has to be.... What dark times we all live in, and the worse has yet to begin.

P.S. DON'T start a religious debate. All I did was quote words from the Koran, the book of the prominent religion in the Middle East, Islam. This was only to show you what is drilled into their heads since birth.
Razgriz said:
I have but one more thing to add to this thread.

We need a leader, not a damn politician. (Excuse my language.) We need a person who knows what needs to be done, and will DO it. "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far" ~~ Theodore Roosevelt.
None of this politically correct BS. Currently, there are no leaders.

If our founding fathers saw our country in its current state, do you think they would be proud? It would make them damn sick. Our morals have gone to hell, and our country is divided.

Now about the war and the troops...
I know four guys who are currently serving over there. You know what they tell me, "Don't watch CNN or that stuff. All they show is the bad s*** that's happening." We ARE making progress. The news doesn't show everything that is happening.

Have you also ever listened to the the leader of Iran's speeches before (Like I can actually spell his name)? He hates us, and he has A LOT of followers. And this isn't about the U.S. presence in the middle east. It goes beyond that. They're fighting a crusade. Yes, they are fighting a "Holy War". We are all infidels in their eyes. Christian, Jews, athiest, Budhist.. you name it. Here is what is drilled in their head since they can understand words... (These are all from the Koran)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and Allah's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: Allah will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"If you do not fight, He will punish you sternly, and replace you by other men." (Surah 9:37-)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them." (Surah 9:121-)

"Fight for the cause of Allah with the devotion due to Him...He has given you the name of Muslims..." (Surah 22:7:cool:

I'm not saying that all people from the middle east are crazy brain washed terrorist. Heck, most of them are good guys and gals. However, there are indeed MANY extremist, who need to be dealt with. Sitting back on our rear end won't do anything.

The sad thing is I KNOW that the U.S. will never take appropriate actions. That is the way it has to be.... What dark times we all live in, and the worse has yet to begin.

P.S. DON'T start a religious debate. All I did was quote words from the Koran, the book of the prominent religion in the Middle East, Islam. This was only to show you what is drilled into their heads since birth.
i couldn't agree more
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According to a gentleman I met a few weeks ago ( A rather big wig chap from Caltex) There is enough oil to last another hundred years, taking into account the increase in use by nations like China and India. It will run out, and there will be a few more pretty nasty wars as america tightens its grip on the middle east and attemps to keep the world in its current state of hegemony. There will probably be more "terrorist" attacks on america because of it. I don't believe the american led warmongering for oil will last much more than 30 years though. Within 30 years and possibly sooner the majority of the worlds energy needs will be met by fusion power. This will leave the remaining oil, which will seem bountiful by comparison, once its not being squandered as an energy source, to be used in manufacturing by pharmaceutical companies and materials fabrication plants, which will in turn lower its value, in the worlds new fusion based economy.
As war escalates, the western world will see the return of wide spread fascism, It will not be forced on anyone, it will be demanded by countries own people in the name of security. Its already starting now and it sickens me. Giving up your civil rights is cowardice.
How dare anyone tell someone else what is right for their body. The majority of people who are anti choice are also members of the religious right wing. They attempt to polarise opinion by labelling those who question them evil. The issue is used to further their insidious political agendas. To quote Obi Wan " Only a Sith deals in absolutes" These people are the enemy of free thought, the philosophical virus they attempt to spread poses one of the greatest threats to mankind we have ever seen, they will hold our species back hundreds if not thousands of years, given the opportunity. They've done it before.
I think that 30 years is a pretty optimistic timeframe for widespread fusion power seeing as we can only create fusion in the lab for a few seconds and still below power producing critical mass. Nuclear energy was a different beast as we had to produce the reactor before we produced the weapon. I think this will take more like 60-80 years, not because we can't do it in 30 but because of all the other stuff that's bound to come up, people not wanting stars in their backyards etc.

But yeah fusion FTW

Oh and oil to produce various plastics, rubbers, and tires :) (That's just less than half the current use of crude oil)
Yeah, sustained fusion within 30 years may seem a little optimistic, but 30 years is a long time when you consider the experiments that are being run at the moment. Who's to say in 30 years we wont have a unified field theory? That would solve the worlds energy needs forever
"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, scince for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, deplorable love-of-country stance, how violently I hate all this, how despiceable an ignoreable war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be a part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."
-- Albert Einstein

oh and in relation to gay people in the military, may i point you to the briliant insight of Mr. Bill Hicks:

"Anyone, DUMB ENOUGH to want to be in the military, should be f**king allowed. End of f**king discussion"
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