405TH- Better than Multiplayer.
405th - The most lifelike co-op you'll ever find
405th - You might as well throw in the towel.
405th - Someone call for a Spartan?
405th - Send us out...with a bang!
405th - First in, Last one Standing
405th - Let me tell you the truth about Spartans..
405th - They say us Spartans descended from the Gods.
405th - Do you really need an explanation?
405th - Razor sharp, Bloody Accurate, Finely shaped...What's not to love?
405th - Could you possibly make any more noise?...I guess so...
405th - Oh, I know what the ladies like.
405th - Oh my god it's a Spartan.
405th - We've got guns, armor, and girls...what more do you want?
405th - What did you say!? I couldn't hear you over the explosions!
405th - Did you want immortality with that?
405th - I'm gonna serve you a can of Spnkr!
405th - It's pronounced mee-yole-near.
Comments on some of these please!