I took the Liberty to add all of the entries together and the names of the people....
23Magnum 405th - Blood, Sweat, and Metal
23Magnum 405th -To Win The Battle, You Send An Army. To Win The War, You Send A Spartan.
a1200 The 405th- we CAN do what spidey cant
Adam 405th - 8 years to be a spartan - I kicked Reggie's Ass and took his name
Adam 405th - Costing Good Guys' Their Jobs and Girlfriends Since 2005
Adam 405th - Hey, Even Chuck Norris Needs A Body Guard
Adam 405th - let the beat down begin
Adam 405th - more manly then a storm trooper.
Adam 405th - Spartans Never Die!
Adam 405th - The Dark Side is for Wimps!
Adam 405th.com - The 501st has members outnumbering us 30 to 1. Hardly seems fair to them.
Adam 405th.com - Triumph tried to heckle our launch party - I still can't get him off my boot.
Adam 405th.com - when plastisteel just won't cut it
Adam 405th.com - Yes I've had sex before.
Adam 405th.com, More manly then say... a Storm Trooper?
AoBfrost 405th.com-So this is wear spartans come from!
AoBfrost 405th.com-Something belongs here...
AoBfrost 40th.com- Spartan recruitment facility.
Bad Blood 1. Spartans were here first
Bad Blood 10. The sun doesn't rise for the 405th
Bad Blood 2. We are the best
Bad Blood 3. Spartans are man made Gods
Bad Blood 4. Fight to be a Spartan
Bad Blood 5. Our Infinite Struggle to be... Spartans
Bad Blood 6. Pull the trigger if you dare..
Bad Blood 7. Run to the hills before its too late
Bad Blood 8. Take this Oath to be part of... the 405th
Bad Blood 9. Spartans don't sleep, we wait
BenStreeper 405th: AI+Armor=Great
BenStreeper 405th: Bring order to chaos and Chaos to order
BenStreeper 405th: Got Armor??
BenStreeper 405th: Not just Armor
BenStreeper 405th: Teaching, Learning, and Having fun In Armor
BenStreeper 405th: The Worlds Best Armor Makers (are from TEXAS)
BenStreeper 405th: The worlds last Armory
bionlg155 405h- We DO NOT kick dogs... some times...no, no, wait, we dont =l
bionlg155 405th- not just a number
bLiNdzOr 405th - We don't just create Spartans.. we are Spartans.
blinkava44 405th- no we DONT sell armor..
broncochris581 405th-Sine Pari
Cadet 405th.com: The World's Premier Halo Costuming Group.
Cadet 405th: A non-prophet organization
Cadet 405th: First to Advance, Last to Retreat
Cadet 405th: Where Legends Live
cell 405th - Halo Armament and Tactical Recon
cell 405th - Halo Recon since 2001
cell 405th - Mjolnir at its Finest
cell 405th - Project Mjolnir
cell 405th - Still Believing
cell 405th - When you absolutely, positively, need mjolnir armor.
Chemical.Reaper 40... what?
Chemical.Reaper 405th - ...sp'lasered!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - 404th Couldn't Cut It
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Armor > Lives
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Armor, weapons, and more armor. What could be better?
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Because 404 wasn't found.*
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Better Weapons, Better Armor, Better Fighters
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Bringing Sexy Back
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Can't We All Get Along?
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Clad in Amber
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Crafting Bootcamp
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Don't Teabag Allies
Chemical.Reaper 405th - E=MC2
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Earth > Reach
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Finish the Fight, Make your Armor
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Free Cookies!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - George Lucas Tastes Like Chicken!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - GET IT OFF ME!!!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Gravemind Is Our Bitch.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Grunts Are People Too!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Grunts Love You
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Honk if you like Earth
Chemical.Reaper 405th - I T-Bagged U On Live
Chemical.Reaper 405th - ID > Gamertag
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Ignore My Last Idea.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - I'm NOT Sergeant Johnson
Chemical.Reaper 405th - It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a HORNET! It's... oh... it's a Covvie battleship...
Chemical.Reaper 405th - It's Peanut Butter Halo Time
Chemical.Reaper 405th - It's the year 2552. Go figure!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Johnson Resides Here.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Kicking Ass Since Before You Were Born
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Kitty, kitty, kitty!! *BANG*
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Life, the Universe, and Everything Else
Chemical.Reaper 405th - lol XD jk
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Move Out!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Never Surrender
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Only Chuck Norris can defeat us.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Overkill!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Palpatine's 501st Clone Regiment Just Got OWNED.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Raining on your parade.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Return to Sender
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Save a Spartan, Ride a 'Hog
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Sergeant Johnson's First Choice
Chemical.Reaper 405th - SEXbox Live FTW!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - sexy
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Slipspace. Limit - 2000 k/h
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Sorry no COD
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Spartan 117... only cooler.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Sp'lasered!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Tastes Like Chicken!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - That's What She Said
Chemical.Reaper 405th - The One Ring to Destroy them All.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - This War Sucks!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - This... is... BUNGIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We Don't Camp Here. We Live Here.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We Don't HATE Stormtroopers.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We don't like you.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We Don't Make Pelicans
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We GLASSED Your Planet
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We Support the Persians
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We Want YOU To Join The Cause
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We´ve got smilies!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Welcome to our World
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We've Got Armor. And Food!!
Chemical.Reaper 405th - We've got skillz.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - What?
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Where Stormtroopers 'Play Nice'
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Work Up A Big Grunty Thirst
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Yeah, We Regret You Being Alien Bastards As Well
Chemical.Reaper 405th - You Think We're Nerds
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Your Friendly Neighborhood Distributors
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Your Mom's a Warthog.
Chemical.Reaper 405th - Σ is for SPARTAN
chiefer 405th-The future,in the past.
cmf92 gold visors pwn
Cnogoman 405th- Nothing is ever easy.
Col. J.Ayers 405th- because being the chief's b*tch makes me better than you
Col. J.Ayers 405th- because were higher up the chain than you
CrAzY CH13F 1. 405th- Spratans come from 405th UNSC.
CrAzY CH13F 2. 405th- Say What!!!!!
CrAzY CH13F 3. 405th- Get tactical Spartans.
CrAzY CH13F 4. 405th- Why be anywhere else!
CrAzY CH13F 5. 405th- Tonight we dine in Hell!
CrAzY CH13F 6. 405th- I don't know what you've been told, Spartans are good as Gold.
CrAzY CH13F 7. 405th- Learn to be the Best.
Cylos 405th - Giving birth to Spartans since 2005.
Cylos 405th - Respawning Spartans. It's a beautiful thing.
Cylos 405th - Who did you think Waldo was hiding from?
dallis 405th-bada ba ba ba ,,, im teabaggin it....
dallis 405th-BOOM HEADSHOT!!!!!!!!
dallis 405th-come over to the spart- side...
dallis 405th-Damn you George Lucas!!!!!
dallis 405th-dude, wheres my armour?
dallis 405th-even the girls on this site are more manly than the storm troopers
dallis 405th-good luck getting a girlfriend now....
dallis 405th-i can't count past Halo 3....
dallis 405th-i dont know what you heard about me but i can tell you im better the the S.Ts (storm troopers) ....look into my barrel and you will see , that your a W.I.M.P
dallis 405th-im straight and to the point, like my energy sword
dallis 405th-Is that a plasm.....oh **** RUN!!!
dallis 405th-Is that a romour? or do storm troopers really suck?
dallis 405th-John, I am your maker (star wars reference)
dallis 405th-like you had any in the first place....
dallis 405th-spartans stand up to pee....
dallis 405th-Storm Troopers say the craziest things....
dallis 405th-why bother , we look cooler then you.
dallis 405th-why would the covenant give us the technology to build their weaponry out of paper?.....ask them ....oh wait i forgot , the chief killed them all , ask him instead
dallis 405th-You guys might have made 6 star wars movies, but at least our interview was watched!
darkesword2020 405 - Yea, we do have girl spartans....
darkesword2020 405th - AI + Armor = Ownage
darkesword2020 405th - Are you more of a behind the scenes...one shot type of guy, or a....get in there and blow the place to Hell type of guy? Either way, whichever you prefer...you can still be a spartan.
darkesword2020 405th - Armor Evolved
darkesword2020 405th - Could you possibly make any more noise?...I guess so...
darkesword2020 405th - Just dropping in (ODST wink.gif)
darkesword2020 405th - Our armor is better....
darkesword2020 405th - This town ain't big enough for the two of us (501st)
darkesword2020 405th - Want something killed?
darkesword2020 405th - We have pretty colors! tongue.gif
darkesword2020 405th- 5-0 what? (501st..) wink.gif
darkesword2021 405th - Did someone say grunt?
darkesword2021 405th - Did you want immortality with that?
darkesword2022 405th - Do you really need an explanation?
darkesword2022 405th - Don't you think we know what we're doing?
darkesword2023 405th - First in, Last one Standing
darkesword2023 405th - Green is the new black
darkesword2024 405th - Hoo rah!
darkesword2024 405th - I'm gonna serve you a can of Spnkr!
darkesword2025 405th - Huh, white armor? I didn't even know that existed!
darkesword2025 405th - It's pronounced mee-yole-near.
darkesword2026 405th - I don't need another clip, I'll kill him with my bare hands.
darkesword2026 405th - Let me tell you the truth about Spartans..
darkesword2027 405th - In the future, we no longer have insurance...we have spartans.
darkesword2027 405th - Oh my god it's a Spartan.
darkesword2028 405th - My other costume is a Spartan
darkesword2028 405th - Oh, I know what the ladies like.
darkesword2029 405th - Razor sharp, Bloody Accurate, Finely shaped...What's not to love?
darkesword2029 405th - Spartans are the new geico
darkesword2030 405th - Send us out...with a bang!
darkesword2030 405th - Spartans don't need a mascot
darkesword2031 405th - Someone call for a Spartan?
darkesword2031 405th - Wait, I thought I was the only guy with armor...
darkesword2032 405th - The most lifelike co-op you'll ever find
darkesword2032 405th - We can be cute and cuddly too ya know..
darkesword2033 405th - They say us Spartans descended from the Gods.
darkesword2033 405th - We have, double visors!
darkesword2034 405th - We're called Spartans for a reason.
darkesword2034 405th - We've got guns, armor, and girls...what more do you want?
darkesword2035 405th - What did you say!? I couldn't hear you over the explosions!
darkesword2035 405th - Yes, I've handled explosives before
darkesword2036 405th - You might as well throw in the towel.
darkesword2037 405TH- Better than Multiplayer.
darkpolar 405th - Because wearing protection can be fun.
darkpolar 405th - Better than going to medical school.
darkpolar 405th - Hail to the Chief
darkpolar 405th - Iron for the 21st century.
darkpolar 405th - There can never be too many reasons to hide from your spouse in the garage.
Darthcalibar 405th - Save a Cowboy, ride a Spartan.
Darthcalibar 405th - Your daily recommended amount of Halo.
Darthcalibar 405th, We put the "art" in "Spartan"
Darthcalibar The 405th, Happiest place on earth (lol)
Darthcalibar The 405th, WE DO NOT SELL ARMOR.
Darthcalibar The 405th, Where dreams come true.
daystar558 405th: the spartans of our time
DoC ByTeS 1. Proven in combat, perfected in war
DoC ByTeS 2. The Spartan, truely a one man army....
DoC ByTeS 3. Have you seen my sticky gerenade?
DoC ByTeS 4. Melee, have you slapped a grunt today?
DoC ByTeS 5. Sparans can kill you with mind bullets
DoC ByTeS 6. Lightsabre? Nope, we have a freak'n awesome sword!
DoC ByTeS 7. SPARTANS! Is there really any other?
DoC ByTeS 8. Spartans, stabbing stormtroppers in the face since 2005
DoC ByTeS 9. Why send 3,000 armored troops, we still have a spartan!
Doom 405th Mjolnir Armor - Costuming, It's a lifestyle choice...
Doom 405th.com ~ Master Chief > StormTrooper
Doom 405th.com ~ Will kill 4 food.
Durlaburban 405th.com Keep your head down and your gun up!
eskimobob 405th.com " Aut viam inveniam aut faciam" (I'll either find a way or make one)
eskimobob 405th.com " Exegi monumentum aere perennius."
eskimobob 405th.com " more Sex appeal then the 501st"
eskimobob 405th.com " we dont need no stinking blasters!!!!"
eskimobob 405th.com " where your allowed a name, not a barcode"
falcon NL 10. 405th - Kicking ass in plastic suite's since 2005
falcon NL 6. 405th - Spartans without a job
falcon NL 7. 405th - THE place for Costume building
falcon NL 8. 405th - Feel the force John...
falcon NL 9. 405th - No waving of hands here...
feigned-echo 1. 405th- what the hell's a stormtrooper?
feigned-echo 2. 405th- if you've got a suit of plastic armor, why would want anything else?
feigned-echo 3. 405th- the echo in the darkness
feigned-echo 4. 405th- making nerds happy since 1902
FinAeros 405th - All Skulls, all the time.
flying squirl 405th - how does half a ton of MJOLNIR strike ya?
Fragclone 405- the smile is yours
Fragclone 405- we sent a peace treaty to the 501st... but they rejected it.
Fragclone 405- we were interviewed. what were you? just walking around in stprm troope armor and not even named!
Fragclone 405th- adam is your friend
Fragclone 405th- armour sold seperatly
Fragclone 405th- dont nok it till ya try it!... beeotch!
Fragclone 405th- everything a man needs... except hentai
Fragclone 405th- its not just a job, its life
Fragclone 405th- love the job. but also love the heat! biggrin.gif
Fragclone 405th- no we only accept cash XD
Fragclone 405th- not just a number
Fragclone 405th- please. respect your elderly!
Fragclone 405th- spartans never die!... of course if you want to...
Fragclone 405th- suuure we like half-life whatever you say
Fragclone 405th- thats right. we know what you want.
Fragclone 405th- we gottaa alien killing syborg! what do you got!?
Fragclone 405th- we know what the ladies like
Fragclone 405th- we supply the help, you supply the armor
Fragclone 405th- who needs a camaro, when you gotta warthog
Fragclone 405th: go cry emo kid.
Fragclone 405th: if you win the slogan you get a cookie. other prize winners will get 10 grand. many will ebter, few will win XD
Fragclone 405th: no we dont support windows 95
Fragclone 405th: this is our slogan
Fragclone 405th: we need a slogan
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Betcha can't stick it.
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Kill it with gunfire!
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Master Chief shops here, you should too.
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Save a horse, ride a Spartan.
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Save a Spartan, Ride a Grunt
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Walk tall and carry full ammo.
Gokussj5okazu 405th ~ Warning: Chupathingy crossing.
Gopher11789 405th - Don't Hug the Teddy bears
Gravemind 405th- We dont get our asses kicked by Furry Teddy Bears
Gravemind 405th- We dont get our asses kicked, period
GruntOfAction 405th: Spartans never die, they respawn.
hayato619 405th.com - 405 Ways to Build Master Chief
hayato619 405th.com - And you thought Silicon was only for Breasts.
hayato619 405th.com - Respawning Halo Prop-Makers since (insert date)
hayato619 405th.com - Spartan Armor, Made for the Fan by the Fan.
hayato619 405th.com - Spartans never die in Fan-made Armor
hayato619 405th.com - Where Spartan Armor is Made.
homsar66 405th- Because what's left after legendary?
ILOL'D 405th- Bite my Shiny Metal Ass
ILOL'D 405th- Kickin' Alien Ass since 2552
Ironcobra3000 405th-the UNSC training regiment.
K3iran The 405th - Because really, what are stormtroopers good for?
K3iran The 405th - Oly Oly Oxen Free
Kira-403 The 405th - We are the Hammer and the Anvil
LastSpartan 405th - *sing* We are the champions my friend! *sing*
LastSpartan 405th – 4 496 Spartans under the same roof. Party tonight?
LastSpartan 405th - Buy Adam's amor : 26 000$
LastSpartan 405th - Chuck Norris made the world in 7 days. We are born on the 8th day.
LastSpartan 405th - Feet first into hell.
LastSpartan 405th - Finish your suit!
LastSpartan 405th - Forge an Army
LastSpartan 405th - Get ready for battle.
LastSpartan 405th - Last one standing. Sure, the 501st can't stand plasma shots with their armors.
LastSpartan 405th - My other car is a warthog
LastSpartan 405th - No one left alone. Sure, we have 4 496 members and counting.
LastSpartan 405th - Oh sh*t, we passed on TV!
LastSpartan 405th - Only the dead have seen the end of the war
LastSpartan 405th – Semper fi
LastSpartan 405th - Send the whole 501st regiment to counter the Covies : Bloody.
LastSpartan 405th - Spartans Never die! Sure, they made their armor here.
LastSpartan 405th - They attacked us once. They never came back.
LastSpartan 405th - They want war? We'll giv'em WAR!
LastSpartan 405th - Tonight Spartans, the 501st will dine in HELL!
LastSpartan 405th - Tonight Spartans, the Covies will dine in HELL!
LastSpartan 405th - We build Legends
LastSpartan 405th - We put the word "ownage" in "Spartans" (Credits goes to DarkCalibar lol)
LastSpartan 405th - We saw the end of the war; we won.
LastSpartan 405th - Your new familly
LastSpartan 405th - Your new girlfriend.
LastSpartan Forge a weapon
LastSpartan Forge MJOLNIR
LastSpartan We build heroes
LastSpartan We build SPARTANS
Leadingspartan 405th.com *insert slogan here*
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Betcha can't Stick it.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- If Spartans were football players, we'd be in Championships.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Our Banhammerz shall own you.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Spartans don't Die they just Respawn.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Spartans Rule, You Drool.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Think you can beat us at Halo?
Leadingspartan 405th.com- We don't miss.(Halo 2 trailer=p.)
Leadingspartan 405th.com- We own you, in armor.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- We put the pwnage in Spartan.
Leadingspartan 405th.com- We're 1337!
Leadingspartan 405th.com- Were Awesome
Leadingspartan 405th.com- You don't wana piss us off.
Leadingspartan The 405th- Even Chuck Norris is scared of us=p!
Lhk97 405th - Halo lives here
Lhk97 405th - Welcome to the Armory
M-562 405th=MasterChief²
MandoMan531 405th - Suit up.
Master_Chief_13 405.com~ how to make armor and more
Master_Chief_13 405.com~ no more noobs were full!
Master_Chief_13 405.com~where all the spartan costumes come from
MasterGun 405th-Dummies guide on how to make halo armor
MasterGun 405th-The #1 armor site
MasterGun 405th-The home of the UNSC
MasterGun 405th-We are a team
MasterGun 405th-We have spartans
MasterGun 405th-We having nothing to do with the covenant
MasterGun 405th-We will not loose
MasterGun 405th-were boys become spartans
MasterGun 405th-Were no spartan respawns
Mitch Kramer 405th spartans. join today
monstermike19 405th, born 1337
monstermike20 405th, elite armory
monstermike21 405th, enough said.
monstermike22 405th, still teabagging you since Halo 1
monstermike23 History in the hands of, The 405th.
monstermike24 Spartans are Greek, The Spartans, are from 405th.
monstermike25 UNSC's armory, 405th
Moz (latin for spartans never die)
Moz (never to perish)
Moz (until the end)
Moz 405th - nunguam intereo
Moz 405th - Spartan nunquam intereo
Moz 405th- insquequo permaneo
Nerdymikey 405th - Be Adam's Bitch.
Nerdymikey 405th - Because buying your Halloween costume just doesn't do it for you anymore.
Nerdymikey 405th - Finished with your mother.
Nerdymikey 405th - THIS IS SPARTAN!
Nerdymikey 405th - We Kick Your Ass.
Nerdymikey 405th - Where the hell else are you going to go?
Nerdymikey 405th - Where you can finally live out your Cortana sex fantasy.
ODST RULE! 405th better than bond
ODST RULE! 405th in all the flavors of ice cream!
ODST RULE! 405th spartan rangers
ODST RULE! 405th spartans come in all shapes and sizes
ODST RULE! 405th spartans r us
ODST RULE! 405th the sparten crafters
ODST RULE! spartan army property of the 405th
PillowFire 405th-"bungy jumping into hell"
PillowFire 405th-"look Ma, Ima master chief, yeeeehaaaaaw"
PillowFire 405th: mjolnir armor, t-bagging sold seperatly
PillowFire 405th-bite our crunchy armored asses
PillowFire 405th-Cortana sold seperatly
PillowFire 405th-dirka dirka Jihad got nothing on us
PillowFire 405th-does YOUR armor have built in interactive AI with no clothes on?
PillowFire 405th-Dude Where's my life? (meh?)
PillowFire 405th-give us a factory and we'll make world peace
PillowFire 405th-guaranteed e-penis enlargement by 500%
PillowFire 405th-save a storm trooper, send a spartan
PillowFire 405th-sorry nintendo, but Samus Aran is OUR bitch
PillowFire 405th-the old man down the street will never call your costume a "nice space-man" suit again
PillowFire 405th-The only force we use here is to propell our torso up and down over storm troopers
PillowFire 405th-The only thing our armor doesn't have is built in pr0n
PillowFire 405th-the reason life insurance became viable
PillowFire 405th-they blew up a death star, we blew up a Halo
PillowFire 405th-we finished the fight, did you?
PillowFire 405th-We got tired of all the dead storm troopers everywhere
PillowFire 405th-We made Cortana wet herself
PillowFire 405th-we put storm troopers out of business
PillowFire 405th-what'd you think this number stood for? thats our kill count per second
PillowFire 405th-why aren't we in Iraq?
PillowFire 405th-your MOM got negative 3 kills last night!
poosnicles 405th-“The quicker covenant picker-upper.”
Ragnarok118 405th - Get some
Ragnarok119 405th - Have you had your stick today?
Ragnarok120 405th.com - Where Spartans respawn
Ragnarok121 The 405th - Where Spartans respawn
RanBurno 405th - Be careful not to get out BRed
RanBurno 405th - Mjolnir Armor... Dude get your own!
RanBurno 405th - ZOMG IT'S MASTER CHIEF!!!1!1!!
Ruze789 405th - A Spartan's #1 Respawn Point
Ruze789 405th - Where Spartans are Born
Ruze789 405th - Where Spartans are Created
Sarge Christi 405th - Stop, it's hammer time.
Sarge Christi 405th- We get plastered!
Sarge Christi 405th- We march you suck
Sean Bradley 405th - Armor before Attitude
Sean Bradley 405th - Homemade Heroes
Sean Bradley 405th - MAstur Cheef PAperkins!
Sean Bradley 405th - The Halo Armor Community
Sean Bradley 405th - The Halo Costumers Armory
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - Better than sex!
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - Cause Adam said so!
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - Inspired by Microsoft's biggest game's armored marines, who were inspired by the dumb asses you see in 300...
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - This is Stormtroopers! Stormtroopers? THIS IS SPARTANS!!!
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - To jump feet first into Hell, you have to jump feet first into 405th...
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - Trying to wear something nice...
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - We build Rent-a-Spartans!
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - We got kitty smilies! kittydance.gif
Seno 'Ypsamee 405th.com - We kick your Stormtrooper site's ass...
Sigma-LS 405th.com - Build to Conquer
Sigma-LS 405th.com - Built to Pwn
Sigma-LS 405th.com - For when you feel the urge to smack someone with a Gravity Hammer
Sigma-LS 405th.com - I BELIEVE it's time to kick some ass
Sigma-LS 405th.com - Ladies like armor plating
Sigma-LS 405th.com - Let the Revolution Begin, One Spartan at a Time
Sigma-LS 405th.com - The fight's not over until we say it's over.
Sigma-LS 405th.com - We don't need armor to kick ass, just to kick it in style
Sigma-LS 405th.com - When pwning on Xbox-Live just isn't personal enough.
Sigma-LS 405th.com - When you need more than two sticks and a rock
Sigma-LS 405th.com- Getting Hammered since 2005
Sigma-LS 405th.com- Hammered 24/7
Sigma-LS 405th.com- Honor in Armor
Sigma-LS 405th.com- If you haven't figured it out by now, we like armor.
smilie120 405th- Join us, or a crazy arsonist will come and torch your house whille you sleep
smilie120 405th- Need I say more?
smilie120 405th- OMG LOLZ H/\L0Z GIANT CRAB! LOL FTW BBQ!
smilie120 405th-"Because the Covenant don't take prisoners."
smilie120 405th.com - saving the planet since 2005
smilie120 405th-BOW CHICKA WOW WAAA!!!
Sniper 405th - 1-800-Build-A-Spartan
Sniper 405th - Armor > Drugs
Sniper 405th - Armor may require assembly
Sniper 405th - Blasting through hell and back
Sniper 405th - Do not insert chip into head.
Sniper 405th - E=MCSpartan
Sniper 405th - Even a computer can fall in love with a Spartan
Sniper 405th - Girls. Who need's em?
Sniper 405th - Haha. We see you, but you can't see us.
Sniper 405th - Health bars? Who needs health bars?
Sniper 405th - In the heat
Sniper 405th - Inspiring since 2007. (or insert correct date)
Sniper 405th - Kill us once, shame on us. Kill us twice, shame
Sniper 405th - l0lz!! /\/u|b! eye gotz m3 4/\/ 4|2/\/|2 pi3c3!!!one
Sniper 405th - Made in China
Sniper 405th - Made in USA
Sniper 405th - Made is Taiwan
Sniper 405th - Need a light?
Sniper 405th - Never know what hit 'em (I will personally put this one on mine biggrin.gif)
Sniper 405th - No matter how much you look it, you are NOT a high-tech killing machine
Sniper 405th - Our only enemies are magnets
Sniper 405th - Please sign codpiece
Sniper 405th - Real men wear pink
Sniper 405th - Reprograming cortana to meet our needs
Sniper 405th - S> Master Chief $20k
Sniper 405th - Saving earth since 200(insert year forum started here)
Sniper 405th - Uh oh...
Sniper 405th - Warning.
Sniper 405th - Warning. Spartan may go on a wild alien-killing frenzy
Sniper 405th - Warning. We are not liable for what you do in your suit. We also are not liable for any damage you may gain from trying to insert a computer chip in your head.
Sniper 405th - We rip off turrets.
Sniper 405th - We unlock the fury inside
Sniper 405th - We're the real Red vs. Blue
Sniper 405th - WTH did that clone trooper just say?
Sniper 405th - Yeah, we're just that good.
Sniper 405th - You called down the thunder, Now meet the whirlwind.
Sniper 405th - You got my headshot, we got yours.
Sniper 405th - Your friendly neighborhood alien killers.
Sniper 405th: Where 1 Spartan = 10 Thousand Clone troopers.
Sniper For Oh Fifth dot com. It's yur family
Spartan 061 405th.com- Its what you get when you Mix Monster and Fiberglass
spartan -1 Caboose 1. 405th.com - all we need now is an energy shield
spartan -1 Caboose 2. 405th.com - Who needs CloneTroopers?
spartan -1 Caboose 3. 405th.com - Where dreams are made... from fiberglass and plastic.
spartan -1 Caboose 4. 405th.com - The best thing since Bungie.
spartan -1 Caboose 405th.com - Betcha don't know what a codpiece is.
spartan -1 Caboose 405th.com - Dr. Halsey got nothing on us.
spartan -1 Caboose 405th.com - The Chief won't be getting his for another 500 years, but why should you wait?
spartan -1 Caboose 405th.com - We didn't invent costuming. We just made it cool.
spartan -1 Caboose 405th.com - Who needs a parachute when you've got MJOLNIR?
Spartan1105 405th - All you need is a suit of armor, and dreams
Spartan1105 405th - BETTER than the 504th (0.o)
Spartan1105 405th - BOOM HEADSHOT (CSS anyone?)
Spartan1105 405th - Goes dumb (yee [for anyone that lives near the Bay Area])
Spartan1105 405th - Has anyone NOT heard of it
Spartan1105 405th - Just What The 404th Ordered
Spartan1105 405th - Life Should Taste As Good As the 405th
Spartan1105 405th - Master Chief and friends were here
Spartan1105 405th - Mess with the best, die like the rest
Spartan1105 405th - No Spartans, No Comment
Spartan1105 405th - Nothing Acts Faster Than a Spartan In Combat
Spartan1105 405th - Put A Spartan In Your Tank
Spartan1105 405th - Rockin' the Party
Spartan1105 405th - RoXoRz Yo SoXoRz (lol)
Spartan1105 405th - Spartans chew 'em up and spit 'em out.
Spartan1105 405th - Spartans DO die...What are ya, retarded? (lol)
Spartan1105 405th - Spartans, couldn't ask for more
Spartan1105 405th - That'll be the Spartans
Spartan1105 405th - The best of the best
Spartan1105 405th - The Counter-Terrorists of Halo
Spartan1105 405th - This Is The Age Of The 405th
Spartan1105 405th - To Our Members, We're The Fourth 405th
Spartan1105 405th - Today's Headshots, Since 1903
Spartan1105 405th - We Are Mightier than the Sword
Spartan1105 405th - We are Not EMO's like some people (///_^)
Spartan1105 405th - Whatever you want it to be
Spartan1105 405th - You Like 405th. 405th Likes You
Spartan-121 405th - It takes a Spartan team to get the damn stuff off.
Spartan-121 405th - It takes a Spartan to wear the Armor.
Spartan-121 405th - Patient, Determined, and Disciplined define what a Spartan is, and what you get from building the armor
Spartan-121 405th - The fate of our lives lies in the battle for one.
Spartan-121 405th - The Jackals SH&T themselves when they hear our laugh!
Spartan-121 405th - We aren't the Elite!? We killed the Elites!!!
Spartan-121 405th - We make the Elite SH&T themselves!
Spartan-121 405th - What's a Spartan without the armor.
spartan215 405- destruction is a burdon
spartan215 405- grunts don't kill themselves
spartan215 405- THIS IS SPARTA
SPARTAN405 405th - "Oh I'm not master chief, but I did stay at a holiday inn last night!"
SPARTAN405 405th - Re-Inventor of the fiberglass industry since 2024
SPARTAN405 405th - So easy, a caveman can do it!
SPARTAN405 405th - What the hell's mjolnir?
SPARTAN405 405th - You're a little tall to be master chief.
Spartan857 405th- A spartan can do it with his eyes closed
Spartan857 405th- got teabag?
Spartan857 405th- helping nerds get farther away from being laid
Spartan857 405th- Mjolnirarmor.com where it is built
Spartan857 405th- Our bullets are covenant friendly
Spartan857 405th- Spartans! Prepare for glory!
Spartan857 405th- Storm trooper vs. spartan. you know the winner
Spartan857 405th- To halo and beyond
Spartan857 405th- we build your dreams
Spartan857 405th- we dont use the pause button
Spartan857 405th- We know armor. Do you?
Spartan857 405th- We make armor and spartans
Spartan857 405th- Where spartans make it happen
Spartan857 405th- you say tomato, we say MJOLNIR!!
Spartan857 405th- you thought you had no life?
Spartan857 405th- your little nerd all grown up
Spartan857 Chuck norris has nothing on us
Spartan857 The 405th, the UNSC's greatest since ---- (whatever year this started)
SpartanForever 405th - Even Jack Bauer can't match this.
SpartanForever 405th - Time to suit up.
SpartanForever 405th - We were on G4.... like 6 times!
SpartanForever 405th - Were climbing to the top
Spase 405th - A place where Troopers can play Chief
Spase 405th - Spartans, Legendary Heroes
Spase 405th - Where heroes are born and legends are made
Spase 405th - Where legends are made and heroes are born
The Gamer 405th - by day we are Geeks by night we are spartans
The Gamer 405th - Its a never ending spartan party
The Gamer 405th - lose a girlfriend, gain a Spartan
The Gamer 405th - Our Banshees will block out the sun
The Gamer 405th - Super man has a pair of Mjolnir under wear
The Gamer 405th - Thats what she said
The Gamer 405th - We are Spartans, and THIS IS SPARTA
The Gamer 405th - We Rule With a Ban Hammer
The Gamer 405th - We Snipe Like a Ninja
The Gamer 405th - Where Spartans Live
The Gamer 405th - Your either with us or Against us
thefreeman 405th where warriors arent cloned, they're forged
timmins 1.insert slogan here
timmins 2.i pitty the fool with a slogan
timmins 3.Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day
Unique Name 405th - I'm in your suite, shooting your chin gune turrent.
Unique Name 405th - nerds never die.
Unique Name 405th - teabagging stormtroopers since [whenever we get started]
Unique Name Spartans never die, they respawn at the 405th.
UNSC Certified 405th.com - When can openers fail Masterchief preveals!!
UNSC Certified 405th.com -Beyond the minds eye of creativity-
Werd Nal 405th- Becoming the Spartan in us all.
Werd Nal 405th- Forging our hammers day after day. (Hammer=Mjolnir=MC's armor)
xalener 405th- mr-t.gif...............period...
xalener 405th-Eagle? Yes we win. (read fall of reach)
xalener 405th-Grunts may prepare bladders for release (Invader Zim joke)
xalener 405th-like that one group thing, except with stuff.
xalener 405th-Our clothes are hard. Always.
xalener 405th-Shotty snipers is only fun on valhalla
xalener 405th-spartans never die.
xalener 405th-Wake us when you need us
xalener 405th-We make our own zippers.
xalener 405th-We will kick you in the back of the face, then rip your torso off.
xalener 405th-When we get shot, we don't need purple hearts, WE HAVE PURPLE PEOPLE!!!
xalener 405th-yes, them
Xavier Do you like Halo? We do. ~405th.com
xomanowar 1:the 405th, for your entertainment.
xomanowar 2:the 405th Spartans are on sale now
xomanowar 3:Its hammer time
xomanowar 4:Home made mjolnir 40$ the look on your friends face priceless.
xomanowar 405th-501 who?
xomanowar 405th-there is a reason Dr. Halsey is a civilian
xomanowar 405th-we put the space in myspace
xomanowar 405th-what else does G4 talk about
xomanowar 405th-where Spartans are made with fiber glass
xomanowar 5:Halo fans at work
xomanowar 6:its halo what more do you want?
xomanowar 7:it all starts with paper...
xomanowar 8:a man and his armor, its a beautiful thing.
zeronifty 405th - Live in your world, Die in ours
zeronifty 405th.com "Dont plan on seeing your Girlfriend for a few weeks"
zeronifty 405th.com "its like crack...but legal"
zeronifty 405th.com "Never will you see an Ewok beat a Spartan"