We need a slogan

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Here's my two-cents... er... splash of random creativity...

405th - Kicking Ass Since Before You Were Born
405th - Yeah, We Regret You Being Alien Bastards As Well
405th - Sergeant Johnson's First Choice
405th - I T-Bagged U On Live
405th - That's What She Said
405th - 404th Couldn't Cut It
405th - Because 404 wasn't found.*
405th - Bringing Sexy Back
405th - What?
405th - This War Sucks!
405th - Tastes Like Chicken!

*This is a reference to my favorite server internal database error - "404 File Not Found". Hehehe Linux.
405th- Join us, or a crazy arsonist will come and torch your house whille you sleep

405th- need I say anymore?

405th - Never Surrender

405th - Clad in Amber

405th - We Support the Persians

40... what?

405th - Gravemind Is Our Bitch.

405th - Palpatine's 501st Clone Regiment Just Got OWNED.
Chemical.Reaper said:
405th - Never Surrender

405th - Clad in Amber

405th - We Support the Persians

40... what?

405th - Gravemind Is Our Bitch.

405th - Palpatine's 504th Clone Regiment Just Got OWNED.
504th? lol.
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405th- Becoming the Spartan in us all.

405th- Forging our hammers day after day. (Hammer=Mjolnir=MC's armor)
Lol heres one i think we can all remember

405th-"more manly then say a storm trooper"

Lol i think thats what he said and if it is then i think that would be the best.
Good job adam lol.
405th - Your Mom's a Warthog.

405th - We've got skillz.

405th - Return to Sender

405th - Welcome to our World

405th - Life, the Universe, and Everything Else

405th - ID > Gamertag

405th - Sorry no COD

405th - We GLASSED Your Planet

405th - It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a HORNET! It's... oh... it's a Covvie battleship...

405th - lol XD jk

405th - I'm NOT Sergeant Johnson

405th - sexy

405th - Kitty, kitty, kitty!! *BANG*

405th - You Think We're Nerds

405th - Raining on your parade.
405th - Patient, Determined, and Disciplined define what a Spartan is, and what you get from building the armor

[Feel free to revise]
wow o_o im not reading through these. thats adams job XD
i need someone to PM me when ever the contest ends... or whatever this is. so i can know what to put.
LastSpartan said:
405th - They want war? We'll giv'em WAR!

405th -
S : Super
P : Productives
A : Artists
R :
T :
A :
N :
Fill the rest XD
R= reclaimers :p
T= Tan
A= equals ass kicking
N= Not selling armor!!!
lol XD i think last spartan is gonna win seeing you have the most slogans
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LastSpartan said:
Lol, it's not the quantity but the quality.
I'd like to win, but I'm sure I'm not the one with the best slogans.
ya but you did come up with some good ones XD
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