What just happened?

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Active Member
So I was on yesterday and it didn't look like this? I know it's an updated version of the software the site uses but why the name changes and stuff? Anyone care to elaborate?:confused
Flusher, a lot of what you are seeing are minor template changes that will bring this site more in line with the norm for our communities. It is a little bit all over the place at the moment... but give us 3 months and I think you will see a much stronger and more cohesive layout and community.
Flusher, a lot of what you are seeing are minor template changes that will bring this site more in line with the norm for our communities. It is a little bit all over the place at the moment... but give us 3 months and I think you will see a much stronger and more cohesive layout and community.

Now does this mean all are moderators have changed because I rather like carpathia because he was always active
Now does this mean all are moderators have changed because I rather like carpathia because he was always active

We have no intention of kicking anyone out. There are currently 10 mods on the staff and I will be honest in telling you that our model of management doesn't require nearly that many, but what we have always found is that the best of the best rise to the occasion, so we aren't making any rushes to judgement.
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