What programs do you use?


New Member
Ive finally gotten a grasp on blender and was wondering if there were any better workflows out there or what the average one is?


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Ive finally gotten a grasp on blender and was wondering if there were any better workflows out there or what the average one is?
On average most 405th members aren't really going to be 3d modelers.

But it is easy to have a small list of programs.

Blender is pretty easy to access since it is free but the learning curve can be a bit difficult.
SketchUp is another "free" application for 3D modeling even though it is web-based now.
And meshMixer is another program that I see in the modeling circles.

Outside of 3D modeling, there are a host of assisting programs for 3D printing, 3D unfolding, or just viewing 3D models.
3D modeling softwares I use. Fusion 360, This is for my prop modeling which is what I only do at the moment. armor scares me but I need to start doing it. I also use blender to get a lot of my references for the props I model. I plan to use that and or Zbrush for armor when I start modeling armor myself.
I use very little blender as i'm not great with organic modeling. I tend to use Fusion 360 for all of my stuff. They have a free personal license you can get. i do use blender some but its mostly for converting game asset files and such to obj files that i then use in F360 for adding things. For example I pulled the Volant Helmet asset from a full armor asset pack in blender converted to obj and then in f360 i added a key ring loop for use in a 3d printed charm like they have in game.


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