I started with an Anycubic i3 Mega S. I've recently upgraded to an Elegoo Neptune X (I still have the Mega S but haven't used it since getting the Neptune X). The Neptune X has been overall easier to use, and I'm torn between buying a different, bigger printer, or getting a second Neptune X and having a little print farm going.
The Mega S and Neptune X both have nearly the same X and Y build volume (with a difference of 10mm in the Neptune X's favor), but the Neptune X has a much higher Z volume - 300mm versus 205mm for the Mega S. Overall, the Neptune X has produced better results, is easier to use (gotta love the use of a USB slot versus an SD card, because my PC doesn't have an SD card slot), and gives you more options due to the greater space in the Z axis. Print failures are rare, but can happen - but hey, that's a thing with just about any printer, right? While not flawless, it's a very good "budget" printer (when I got it on Amazon, it was about $315 or so) that produces excellent results.
As of this comment, regarding the Neptune X, I've printed 5/8 pieces of an ODST helmet (albeit a tad bit big); I've printed many, many other failed pieces of said helmet but in different sizes that were too small. On the Mega S, I've printed a lot of pieces, though similar to the ODST helmet, it's been just reprints of the entire breastplate and parts of the back of Colonial Marine torso armor until I found something that stuck.