Props Working Rocket Launcher Build

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Looks good!! But from knowing people experience (including myself), I must say that I don't think that those will fly.. when we first did this, I made something similar, and it spiraled off into the sunset.. I ended up having to modify a model rocket by adding wire supports in the front, and by modifying the engine size, and the fin size.
if it does spiral thats good cuz im just testing to see if mine works, and if it does i'll mod the rocket
here it is

I don't mean to be a pud, but there's no way you'll be able to take out a Banshee with that rocket. A Grunt... Definitely, just watch your blast radius, lol.

Very nice work, Tankball. I vote you to be Mickey from The ODST Squad. You've got the face, yo.
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I don't mean to be a pud, but there's no way you'll be able to take out a Banshee with that rocket. A Grunt... Definitely, just watch your blast radius, lol.

Very nice work, Tankball. I vote you to be Mickey from The ODST Squad. You've got the face, yo.
ya i know, im going to name it the grunt raper or something like that. i am work on a new rocket for it. and idk who mickey is i havnt played ODST in a long time
alright after watching that i can tell you two things, #1 the rocket was under powered hense the distance and height of its flight, #2 it was unstable hense the loopty loops and spinning... and on a side note i could tell right when i saw the round it wasn't gonna work, i'll draw some diagrams for 4 the rounds, just in case you don't wanna get hurt or keep looking like a dope on open forums
lord we all love mickey and his love of hitting the blow sh*t up button god bless mickey and god bless ODST hoorah
hoorah mickey, but he isnt a pilot. here is a simple equation to show how it wont work...

pilot+confined space+rocket launcher+launcher ammo+the fact that he is an odst and uses a pod to get to earth= a very squashed odst pilot when flying a vehicle such as a hornet/banshee/falcon. he could get away with it in a pelican and phantom (this we already know)
but loving the progress. at least it didnt fail as bad as my failed attempt at a rpg. dont use vinegar and bicarbonate soda. the gun half explodes in a white-foamy kinda way if the rocket gets stuck.
looks awesome dude, very good scratch work. I do think the rocket could be more game-accurate, but that can come later in the build.

Something like this:
i think the stopper in the tube will work just fine... pease video the next launch... with you new desighn i am sure it will work:)
well heres the vidoe. if someone can tell me how i can turn it right side up i'll be happy
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well idk about the video... but i dont think just thos paper fins are going to do the trick... you may need to try that spring loaded method you used in the last video... but at least it fired and it went an ok distance (not just a grunt killer:) )
i fixed the vidoe. srry about the crapy looks, the fliper i have is shity
i'll have a on bored vidoe up soon
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heres the othere vidoe. as u can tell alot of the ppl at the house wanted to see it fire. i think i had 95% of the ppl here to witch it
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