They (The Franks) were also violent and had strange beliefs :/
Not so, my friend. Of course, they were violent, but it wasn't violence for violence sake. The Franks had basically been civilized by the Romans, who had occupied the area for about 400 years. They did have some stranger beliefs in their beginning, namely their religion which was very similar to the Germanic paganism of the time (Norse mythology).
In 496 though, during a battle with the Alemanni, the Frankish king Clovis I, who was being defeated handily, rejected his paganism and begged God to help him carry the day. Against all odds, the Franks emerged victorious and Clovis and 3000 of his warriors converted to Christianity and were baptized on the battlefield.
Fast forward roughly 200 years. The banners of Islam, under the Umayyad Caliphate, have overrun Spain and are at Gaul's (what would later become France) doorstep. Muslims, led by the General ‘Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi (say that 10 times fast) faced off against the Franks, under Charles Martel (literally Charles the Hammer), at the Battle of Tours, also known as the Battle of Poitiers. After two days of fighting, Charles defeated the Muslims and killed Al Ghafiqi in battle. The Muslim forces ended their campaign in Gaul and retreated back into Spain. Many historians agree that if Charles had not defeated the Muslims that day, Europe would have fell to the sways of Islam and we would not be who we are today.
About 50 years later, Charlemagne (Charles the Great) was crowned King. All accounts describe him as a man of honor and God who was deeply loved by all of his subjects and by everyone who knew him personally. Through his campaigns and actions, he united Western Europe and on top of being known as the "Father of Europe," he laid the foundations for what we would know to be France and the Holy Roman Empire. Through his actions, Medieval Europe was defined for centuries to come.
So you see, Franks weren't weird or violent. They were courageous, honorable warriors who helped define the Western world. Of course, there are always weird and violent people in any culture or society, but luckily for the Franks, they weren't defined by such people.
Please forgive my history lesson. I love Medieval History and will always jump on the chance to talk or write about it.