X-01 Power Armor build

Now that the entire lower half is assembled, I’ve moved onto the upper pieces. The lower back portion is done, as well as one hand. I may have to remake this hand at a larger scale. The right hand will have articulating fingers, which I’ll go into detail about when I do it.


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I’ve completed the basic assembly of all the pieces. Now I’m going back and sanding and filling all the parts, as well as combining them and adding extra detail. I’m also currently sorting out the rigging for the upper body. I need to make a little bit of the power armor frame on the torso because X-01 does not have as much front coverage as T-Series chest armor.


Yep, I’m going to make full scale X-01 Power armor from Fallout 4.

I plan to give it a gunner paint job, with military green and a white star on the center. The eyes will have diffused red LEDs for a more intimidating look.

To capture the scale appropriately, which is about 7 feet, I am building a pair of drywall stilts into the shin and boot armor. These stilts will give me necessary 16.5” lift to bring me to 7 feet tall. Ideally, the scale of the armor will work with me being stilted in it.
Painters stilts, smart!
They were a bit of a pain to work into the armor, but I made it work!
I feel that pain, I have incorporated a couple into costumes for my haunted house. Many files aren't designed with stilts in mind (or even the human body for that matter) so its always a custom struggle. Lol!
You are doing an awesome job on this i will pop in from time to time to check on your build really great job
Well friends, it’s all over. I’m going to call this complete for now. I’m mostly satisfied with the results, and I’m really happy with the excitement that my local con goers had when they saw it. It was especially fun to see all the kids in their Vault-Tec suits approach me in awe. There’s a few cosmetic things I’ll repair over time, but for now I’m calling this done.





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