Yet Another DOOM Slayer Praetor Suit (2016) Build

Unfortunately I am a perfectionist, that's why I redid the left shoulder again. The problem was that I used the EVA foam template for the attachment part. The template is just badly designed and not meant to hold very well. So ripped it all off and printed an extra piece for it.

The piece is from the original game model, but it is not designed to fit to the parts that I already printed. So it was a huge mess, to glue it together. I'm honestly still not happy, it does not look that much better than before, because now it stands out too much and the extra weight is dragging it down causing a weird angle:


I added a red LED for the chest plate. It is really just one led which I wired directly to a 2032 battery. I used this thing as on/off switch.

That's it for the moment. Not that much progress, because I am really busy atm, but I wanted to share it anyways :).
Weight of 3D printed parts has been on my mind lately, so I've been looking into light-weight PLA/ASA filaments. They're foaming filaments, and I've never tried printing with something like that before, but super heavy pieces like the chest, and shoulders will probably benefit from the weight reduction. Got a video on them here: Light Weight ASA.

I'm rooting for ya! The shoulder attachment seems tricky. I want you to get it all figured out before I get to that part of my suit :lol:
Weight of 3D printed parts has been on my mind lately, so I've been looking into light-weight PLA/ASA filaments. They're foaming filaments, and I've never tried printing with something like that before, but super heavy pieces like the chest, and shoulders will probably benefit from the weight reduction. Got a video on them here: Light Weight ASA.

I'm rooting for ya! The shoulder attachment seems tricky. I want you to get it all figured out before I get to that part of my suit :lol:
Wow that stuff sounds awesome, I wish you would have told me earlier about it :D However, it is very expensive it costs twice as much as I paid for my PLA and there only seems to be one seller (colorfabb). But I will keep it in mind in case I will do another cosplay in the future.

The attachment of the shoulders is quite easy unlike the rest of the arms. The right shoulder has (as from the original 3D model) 3 attachment points, so that is quite good. The left shoulder however does only have 1 attachment point, where a lot of weight is laying, so I'm gonna attach the left pauldron to the back as well. I hope it will hold even if I attach the arms pieces to it later on.

The Belt​

I finally got some free time again, so I started with the belt.
I tried to use the template which I bought, but it was really a waste of money. It is totally wrong scaled and has far too complicated cuts. So I did it freestyle again:

The belt buckle is from thingiverse and it is attached to the belt via velcro. Behind the printed buckle is a real buckle, which can be adjusted in the length (just in case I get fat :D).
IMG_20220114_184558538 (1).jpg

The Pockets​

The 3 pockets at the back are self made from EVA, but it took me way longer than I thought:

So for the other pockets I simple bough 2 of these little military style molle pockets:

This way I can actually store stuff in there if I ever go to a cosplay event, but to be honest I was just tired of working with EVA foam (I really do not like to work with this material). I just I hope nobody notice that there are actually 4 pockets, but I only bought 2 as they cost like $10 each :p.

Is it only me or does this thing looks like a speaker :unsure:?

Because I was thinking of using a JBL clip for this part. It has the correct shape and size. And of course I could be playing DOOM music on it :cool: (even tho the quality is probably not so good).
Note sure if I really do that, but I guess it would be funny. Used ones do not cost that much.

Reference vs my result​



I could have added more details, but as for now I'm happy. Details still can be added later on.

Next Up​

The next thing I am gonna do are some panties for the suit as my mannequin is basically still naked from the waist down and this does make me feel uncomfortable ^^'

Thanks for reading :)(y)
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Painting the elbows​

As you might remember the first elbow piece I printed was not very smooth, so I fixed it with some putty.


I did not paint the other piece completely, as I was out of paint again (I really underestimate how much paint is needed for such a suit). But the second elbow was much smoother anyway and it is already the correct color so no need to paint it. But It is still irritating that the other one is shiny, so might paint it later after I order some new paint.

Connection of the arms​

I finally decided to connect the arm pieces with some flexible band. The gaps might be too big, but it is better to have a bit more room for movement than to have it too tight together. I also repainted my biceps pieces as I tried to get rid of the cutting gaps with some more KwikSeal, they are still visible but much less than before.



The biceps pieces are quite chunky, they barley fit under the shoulder:


The DOOM diaper (codpiece ;))​



After I attached everything I was just baffled on how inhumane the proportions of the DOOM Slayer are. Like I do not even fit through a door when I put it on. I have to go sideways :lol:.

There are several reason why I did not connect the forearm to the elbow. First of all, I do not think it would look good on the mannequin as it has no arms and they wold just dangle down looking weird. Secondly it is not necessary as I filled the forearm with EVA foam to make them fit tight if I put them on. I guess binding it to the elbow just would irritate while moving the arms anyway.

Next Up​

I think I can start with the legs as the torso is pretty finish right now. :) I am slowly catching up with Argent, but I would never compare my suit with his :p There are still a lot of details missing especial on the back.
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Please, 80% of the "battle damage" on mine is to cover up all the goofs... yours looks so nice and clean. It will be interesting to see how 3D printing compares to foam work, I can see already that the shapes on yours are obviously much more accurate. That, and the heat probably won't be as much of a problem, although I think I'm going to start looking for cooling vests on alibaba anyway. Foam definitely has mobility going for it though. I guess there's a reason Legacy FX uses foam rubber casts of 3D prints, but then again they charge 5-6 figures per suit so I think we're doing OK.
Ya know how sometimes they call the Spartan cod piece the "space diaper", can we call that "the doom diaper"? Has a vaguely ominous but hilarious feel to it.
This is brilliant, I edited the heading right away :lol:

That, and the heat probably won't be as much of a problem, although I think I'm going to start looking for cooling vests on alibaba anyway. Foam definitely has mobility going for it though. I guess there's a reason Legacy FX uses foam rubber casts of 3D prints, but then again they charge 5-6 figures per suit so I think we're doing OK.
I never wore my suit for more than a few minutes, so I do not know how warm it can get. But my basis is EVA foam as well, maybe not as thick as yours, but I definitely should check that before I go to a cosplay event :D At the moment my major problem for an event would be that my helmet is fogging up real quick. I need to find a way to attach some fans inside, but that is hard as I do not want to modify the helmet in anyway.
I need to find a way to attach some fans inside, but that is hard as I do not want to modify the helmet in anyway.
Would you like a copy of the fan vent I made? It's not for the Eternal helmet specifically, but the geometry is pretty simple in that model I made, so you could probably pull a few vertices around to get it to fit.
Would you like a copy of the fan vent I made? It's not for the Eternal helmet specifically, but the geometry is pretty simple in that model I made, so you could probably pull a few vertices around to get it to fit.
Yeah that might be helpful, thanks for the offer :). Just PM me some sort of link, or I can give you my email.

I probably won't tackle it directly, but it's better to have something like that up my sleeve.

Some Live Action​

A friend of mine is a professional photographer, so I asked him if he could take some quick photos of my progress so far. It's been a really long time since I actually wore the whole armor. A few things broke when I put it on and I need to improve some attachments. But anyway here are photos and a video of me wearing the armor (had to scale the pictures down):
DSC08641 (Groß).jpg

DSC08645 (Groß).jpg
DSC08647 (Groß).jpg
DSC08639 (Groß).jpg

I definitely have to improve the attachments of the shoulders and the biceps pieces. They are just not hanging where they should.
Do not mind the Nerf gun which I am holding. I won't use use it for this cosplay. I will probably print the original super shot gun instead.
Mobility in the suit is okay, but I can't even take off my own helmet :lol:.
You have to know that I'm 6'5" and the mannequin I have is a bit shorter. So it's only now that I've noticed that the belt for the doom diaper doesn't sit low enough for me. Will have to adjust this as well.

The video (no sound):

Next Up​

I am currently working on the leg parts, there might be a new update from me in the following days, as I have a week off and enough free time to make some progress :)
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Thanks :) And no I was planning on doing a clean build, like straight from the factory.

I have never needed to see a factory more in my life than right now. What type of place is that?!? You see all these argent energy forges, demonic and angelic inspired cybernetics being made, and then there's the new hire Fred in the corner struggling to palletize a bunch of helmets :lol:

Your ab armor, are those separate plates, or is that a single piece?

Your build is looking amazing! Can't wait to see what you do with the legs!
I have never needed to see a factory more in my life than right now. What type of place is that?!? You see all these argent energy forges, demonic and angelic inspired cybernetics being made, and then there's the new hire Fred in the corner struggling to palletize a bunch of helmets :lol:
Haha :lol:. Sorry I of course meant the stone tomb in which the praetor suit was found:

Your ab armor, are those separate plates, or is that a single piece?
The abs are separated pieces glued to some EVA foam. I got the abs from this thing: DOOM Slayer Abdominal Armor by JohnnyDarling.

After realizing how tall I am I thought of printing an extra ab and sneaking it into the six pack making it an eight pack :D At least this way My belt could sit at the right place. But maybe I just should have scaled all pieces at the z-Axis ^^'.

Your build is looking amazing! Can't wait to see what you do with the legs!
Thanks :) I am currently printing them, spoiler alert it is not going well:
:love:That file is exactly what I need! I had another one that was all the plates in a single solid piece, and I was in blender for a minute trying to cut it apart. Thank you! This just saved me a few hours!

Oh no, that's a lot of spaghetti! Hope your printer gets it's act together for the next go.
No problem ;), you need to thank Brendan Lautissier on thingiverse as he uploaded pretty good files for free.

This time the spaghetti is my fault, I cheaped out on the support, because I wanted to save some material. This obviously did not work out that well, I wasted like 10 hours worth of material... Maybe I can print what is missing and glue the pieces together, but the best solution is to just print it all again. I just hope I will have enough material for that.

The Legs​

As usual, I checked if I could use my EVA template for this part as I still had hope that it was not a complete waste of money, but it keeps disappointing me. I mean just look at it:

This does not even looks remotely like it should (size and scale is also wrong).

So I decided to print the pieces. I could have tried to cut them out of foam myself, but I just didn't feel like it. I simply prefer to work with 3D prints. The only problem is that I did not have any 3D files for the legs. There are no free files for this on the internet and I won't spend a 100$ on 3D files from Etsy or whatever.
So I designed the files myself. I have 3D model of the game as a base, but it is still a lot of work to make printable parts. I would not consider myself an expert in blender, but I think the files turned out fine. They could have more details, but this way it they are easier to sand and paint.
legs render.JPG
Upper Leg Blender.JPG

Sanding and painting was a LOT of work. It is is the first time that I took myself the time to cover the whole thing in putty to make them super smooth. I had some trouble painting. But after more work than expected the parts turned out fine:

One of the green colors, is unfortunately very scratch-prone and during assembly there were already quite a lot of scratches in the paint (see the left picture). So these are the first parts of my cosplay that I applied clear coat to.
It somehow completely changes the shade of the green. Just compare the left with right photo. In the middle is my failed print which I used to test the clear coat on. It lays directly on the uncoated part and it is hard to believe the same color was used.

I am not sure if I like the resulting color. But I guess I had to add clear coat for durability anyway. I probably will have to add clear coat to the other parts as well, so they all look the same

When I bought the mannequin, I never thought I would get to the point where I would need legs :D. I bought a hanger for my torso. But the legs are too short to really attach the pieces. I will add some straps to the torso for the attachment.

At the moment I still have to hold the pieces up with my hands:

360° View:​

(Sorry for the low quality I wanted to make a GIF, but could not upload it)

This was probably the most time consuming part of my cosplay yet. It took me about a whole month to design, print and paint all 16 pieces, but I like how my skills and quality improve over the time. I learned a lot regarding 3D design in Blender (especially to save backups because Blender crashes a lot :confused:).
It also gives you a complete different feeling when you print parts that you designed yourself.

Next Up​

I am currently working on the rest of the leg aka the boots, but I do not have anything interesting to show yet, I basically only printed the knee pad.

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Attachment of the Thighs​

If you guys remember I have a military west as a base which I wear underneath my armor, so I simply added some straps to it which hold up the thighs.
IMG_20220411_204239464 (scaled).jpg
IMG_20220411_204136612 (scaled).jpg
IMG_20220411_170756689 (scaled).jpg

The Boots​

Just like with the thighs, there are no free 3D files for the boots on the internet. They consist of many small parts, which took me once again a LOT of time to design especially the calf and the foot. I spared some details again, but this time I will not paint the boots. First of all, the boots are in in a completely different shade of green than the rest of the armor, so I can not use the spray colors which I already got. Second of all I got some pretty nice military green PLA which has a beautiful mat finish (not like my shiny PETG). Unfortunately the color differs, depending on the batch I used. I reordered 2 Kg of the filament but it has a very different color than the first roll (you will see the difference in the photos).



Printed result​

IMG_20220430_210048818 (scaled).jpg
IMG_20220413_175436953~2 (scaled).jpg
IMG_20220419_112735058 (scaled).jpg
IMG_20220430_104549475 (scaled).jpg

To put things into perspective: The big calf part has a diameter of 8 inches and it took me about 33h to print. I believe this was my single most biggest print so far:
IMG_20220419_204800318 (scaled).jpg

Next Up​

I am currently still working on the foot design, I do not make much progress atm and I will probably be very busy the next 12 weeks, so I hope I will find time to finish the boot anytime soon:

Foot design.PNG
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