( You know you're a 405th member when...)

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well it was a warm night and I had spent more of the day getting the spoce done so I grabbed a bucket of bond doe and went to work, first time the cops stopped by because someone said I looked like I was going to kill someone with it and that was hours before trick or treating started, the next one was because I let someone's kid took a picture with it and they said I let a minor handle a high powered rifle but it was a prop, the next was funny someone was dressed up as an ailen and I knew the guy so I cased him around the block the cops then started casing me they gave me a warning but the last one was just rofl I guy I hated from high school brought his kid over thinking I had candy but what I did have was that rifle and the bolt does slid boy you should have seen his face he was like oh crap got to go I was like oh come on its not like where still in high school and I haven't forgot about what you did to my ex. well that when I picked it up and going inside to put it up but mr. tough guy though I was going to load the thing, cops showed up asked me if they could search my house and then found all my prop's in a storage room/ extra bed room. and said and I quote "this guy looks like he's ready to start a war in some third world cittie" well haft an hour when by before they figured out all the weapons where props, hell I even sold a few. by the end of the night I was happy

Lol Fox you have some of the best 405th stories I've ever heard
its the mortal didacta, the last book plus I wish they would make a book about this new guy claker.
on it takes place after Thursdays war and I should know my mind is like a halo bible if something new is made I try and read it. just don't ask me about the graphic novels haven't read them all.
on it takes place after Thursdays war and I should know my mind is like a halo bible if something new is made I try and read it. just don't ask me about the graphic novels haven't read them all.

I have most of the graphic novels, I'm missing the three newest issues thou. I guess I need to finish the books.
you do know those are the comic book ones right.

And a Graphic Novel is a collection of comic books... I fail to see your point. If your point is that the new series is still just in individual issues, that is only because the full series hasn't released yet, so they can't combine it into a graphic novel.
well I've getting both so I can read what's going on before the graphic novel is released, I just want to ask why kill black team and not a new squad of Spartans it would make more sense.
You know youre a 405th member when you want one of these...
You know your a 405th member when you highjack a forum thread to have a passionate debate over Halo topics.

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You know your a 405ther when you fantasize about taking over the UN, and causing the events leading up to the events in halo to happen, and in said fantasy you are wearing real Spartan armor.
You know your a 405ther when you know that in the US, there are three Catherine Halseys listed in the phone book.
You know your a 405ther when you dev unlock your phone for the sole purpose of getting Cortana on it.
You know your a 405ther, when before you had ever heard of the 405th, you had already started writing a script for a movie based in the halo universe, with out getting any permissions.
can I get a copy of said moive?

plus you know your a 405ther when you start sreaming yes after you get to see that the cut sence from halo 2 is in it.
you know you're a 405th member when you have a build in mind and just stare at your work space for 20 minutes thinking "ok ... so how am i gonna do this?"
you know you're a 405th member when you have a build in mind and just stare at your work space for 20 minutes thinking "ok ... so how am i gonna do this?"

Been there more times than I care to count. As with any project.
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